442 My last post talked about the planet as if it could design species to fulfill niches and needs on demand!
Sounds an awful lot like what a supreme being is supposed to be able to do? When Charles Darwin decided that our planet was constantly trying to evolve each species into higher and higher, states of being and placing Humans at the top of the pecking order, I believe that he meant that evolution was always striving so that each generation would be better than the one before! And the sexual decisions of the female of each species were always trying to pick the best male to be impregnated by, so that the resulting offspring would have the best chance of both survival and continuation of their gene pool! Yet mankind themselves did not always follow this course of action! So why am I talking about evolution and a" supreme being" giving direction to mankind's course of action, so that all carbon-based life on the planet will not fail due to carbon sequestration?
Let me first say that the definition of evolution that I "assume" was what Charles Darwin was talking about, is not how I see life on this planet striving for! Survival of the fittest, only works on a tiny scale in terms of mankind's development. There have been humans that had bigger brain capacities than "Modern man", stronger muscling, and more instinctual defense mechanisms, than modern man, yet many of those lines died out. Evolution, as earlier stated was not how mankind progressed forward, but the species that could adapt to every changing condition, are the ones advancing and multiplying! Nothing about life is ever non-changing no matter how many people will tell you differently, by its very definition life "means change" the only way not to change is death, you no longer breath in and out, eat food and expel waste, for when you were doing so, you change the environment in tiny ways! Maybe you were inhaling and expelling viruses that would later alter someone else's lives forever, or maintaining certain bacteria that used your body for part of its reproduction lifecycle. No one goes throughout life without affecting almost everything else on the planet in some way. It has been called the cycle-of-life for a reason, and that does not mean just who you are the child of and the children that you produced. We will never be able to understand everything that we change simply by living, eating, breathing, using, and producing energy. I am not talking just about on the microscopic level, but collectively we completely change the planet for all living species continually as they change it, in and every way every day along with us.
How close the Earth came to becoming a barren ball of ice spinning through space had the planet, or luck, or something else, not brought forth mankind at just the right time. But I hope everyone reading this understands that we are just beginning a neverending responsibility to safeguard the carbon-based life on the planet, what mankind needs to do is re-establish the planet's temperature-regulating ability, and that will allow the varying levels of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere to fluctuate without causing extreme weather and temperatures to keep bringing havoc and chaos to the planet environment, and mankind's infrastructure.
Theory is great, knowledge is better, but "action" will slowly repair the planet, but not following the "plan" will simply begin compounding the problem for each following generation. So to sum up this post, mankind is on the planet, at the most important time in the planet's 3.5 billion year history of having abundant carbon-based life, who, what, how, or why did we appear at the necessary time, "NO IDEA" that is for others to come to terms with, I am happy that we are here! Now we must begin the never-ending task of maintaining the carbon-based life, but as this gives meaning to everyone's life we can now answer the question of why we are here, without involving heaven and hell, good and evil! And the necessary work that we must now attend to, can provide so many people with food, water, a safe place to live, and best of all, purpose!
Yes I can still be reached by phone at 402-890-7946and I live in Nebraska, the USA, my E-mail is daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com Or to read a lot more, any and everyone can go to my website at https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com And please, please, tell others this is far too important to not share with everyone you know, knowledge is power, only if it is used! Thank you, Daniel James Kadavy
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