445 This may seem like it is off the subject of repairing the planet, but it is not, just another way to stabilize!
If we could keep natural disasters from happening, like Global Warming, Climate Change, Extreme Weather, The end of all carbon-based life, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes! Then all we would have to worry about is man's inhumanity to man and the rest of the species on the planet, greed, power-hungry, and egotistical maniac rulers, so hey, everything we have seen since mankind first came down from the trees.
The "plan" goes a very long way in helping to maintain all carbon-based life's continuation on the planet as long as mankind can remain a viable species. Money, power, and greed, not so much! There are certain actions that with a "LOT of PLANNING" could reduce one natural type of disaster, that is the risk of volcanoes while still benefiting from the long-term carbon replenishment that a good carbon recycling plan requires. That is "mining" as many volcanoes as possible. What do I mean when I say "mining a volcano"? I mean that to drill into magma chambers allowing pressure to be relieved by the removal of magma and the accompanying gases that may prevent or reduce the power of any future eruption of those volcanoes. The superheated magma would begin flowing out of these chambers and we could turn this magma into many products that would be beneficial, from building materials to decorating material and many things that others could envision. the gases could become another source of energy depending on their make-up.
Some volcanoes are perfect for this type of mining, in Hawaii which was created by volcanic action, the active volcanoes there plus the fact that it is an island surrounded by cool water that could be used to help cool down the lava into usable shapes and materials, that could then be transported around the planet for use! Reinforcing of these materials could make the end product even more beneficial and longer-lasting. Whole new industries could be created using a naturally insulating rock for construction! This would also reduce the risk of future eruptions that may cause great damage. If done correctly this would become a business that would use the heat of the planet to create, while not generating waste that would need to be cleaned up. Many safety factors would need to be designed into such an endeavor, but that is one aspect of the drilling industry that has been well researched!
Many of the requirements for repairing the only place mankind can call home, while seeming to be a hodgepodge of needs, are very important so that every aspect of the repair benefits not just to the planet but also ends of creating jobs, homes, livelihoods, and financial benefits for all of mankind! As always I live in the hope that others will take notice of what our planet is facing and contact me! To do so would make my day, my phone number is 402-890-7946 in the USA, my E-mail is daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or to read about a million more words on this most important topic go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com
Thank you, Dan ( the very best thank you would be to tell others)
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