446 The Mayan civilization in South America, was based on agricultural, not hunter-gatherer's.

Recent innovations in aerial photography have found much larger areas of both population and farmland than was previously believed. New estimates have now put 10,000,000 people as how many people lived in the area, of course, this can only be the best guess. There are now people trying to say that one of the reasons for their demise was climate change brought on by the release of excess carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, because of the farming practices that so many individuals used, thereby causing droughts in the area! Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is NEVER kept locally! Winds, air pressure, and temperatures always mix gasses thought-out the planet within days of any such occurrence! Look at the volcanic events that take place around the planet, while the ash and heavier elements settle locally, everything else is distributed worldwide within short periods of time.

    The only reason the planet is not 3,500 years into the next, last, and never-ending ice age is due to mankind's need to change from hunter-gatherers into an agricultural-based society to be able to feed an ever-increasing population! This most important change did not increase the amount of available carbon that was on the planet, what it did was increase the speed of the carbon cycle by taking some of the mid-term storage carbon (that was both in trees and soil carbon) and causing it to be placed in the short term carbon cycle, of annual plant growth and decay, which lead to more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than would otherwise have been available. Thereby keeping the planet warm enough to prevent the next ice age from occurring!

    This idea that seems to be spreading faster than gossip, is that without mankind on the planet, the carbon-based life on the planet will go on indefinitely, is not just wrong, but it shows a complete lack of understanding how perpetual motion is always impossible, even on a planetary scale with an outside energy source available! This is science at its most basic understanding. So then the question becomes not "will" the planet need an outside species to keep replacing that which is becoming short but "when"? Only mankind can supply the "what" that needs replacing just as farmers need to add fertilizer to continue growing crops with enough yields to feed the world population the planet needs enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to both, keep the planet warm enough to prevent another ice age, but also to keep carbon-based life in abundance to help the temperature regulating ability to prevent both extreme weather and enough rainfall to produce that life and resulting cloud-cover!

    But to start blaming the Mayan Civilization for starting global warming hundreds and hundreds of years ago is not just "crazy" but also not following the science of carbon sequestration! 

    Hoping for someone to start the very necessary conversation on saving the planet carbon-based life, other than some Joe-Blow in Nebraska, I can be reached by phone @ 402-890-7946 or to contact me by E-mail @   daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com   Or to read much more, on the most important long-term subject on the planet go to    https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com     Thank you, please tell others, if you think that I am wrong, explain why but do not say "that it just can not be, that the planet could possibly need mankind to save all carbon-based life for as long as we can remain a viable species on the planet" Dan


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