447 It seems like the biggest challenge when I talk about how different the Earth's atmosphere was both 4.5 billion and 3.5 billion years ago!
Yet there is so much proof, NO not on this planet, but on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune the composition of their atmosphere is directly related to the amount of gravity that each planet has, and therefore how much of the lightest elements from when they first formed around 4.5 billion years ago they could retain!!!
Perhaps, the planet Mercury, being so close to the giant gravitational pull of the sun would not have had as many of the lightest elements even in its beginning as those may never have been available in the surrounding space when the planet was forming! (scientists very seldom like to use the terms perhaps, possibly, to the best of our knowledge, so until they are sure, which they really never can be, so they call everything a theory or theorem this is perhaps why so many people refused to both either believe in COVID 19 or how to protect themselves because no scientists would say, Wear a mask in public, get the vaccine as quickly as you can and you will not get sick and or die! And as America has almost 400,000,000 people and only around 1,000,000 did die that is only 1 in 400 with the majority being sick or elderly (which made the average person unlikely to see the threat needing to totally change the way they went about their lives but it will never be known how many people were saved because of the precautions that were put in place!) RAMBLING This is of course is based on no further deadly new variant coming forth in the future!
So if there is no reason to believe that the make-up of the planets should not have been all the same at the beginning, then we must account for the difference we see in the 8 planets' atmospheres as they are now. For all but the Earth which is the only planet that has supported abundant carbon-based life for much of its existence then the strength of the gravity of each planet seems to be the main driving factor of its atmosphere! I.E. on the largest planet, Jupiter 75% hydrogen, followed by helium. The four smaller inner planets lost those two elements that were in the original atmosphere, probably within the first billion years.
Mar's atmosphere lost not just the lightest elements but also lost the majority of its atmosphere due to its size a long-long time ago as did Mercury before that! That left just Venus and the Earth's atmosphere to begin to understand the vast differences in them. Venus is slightly smaller than the Earth so while the percentages should be the same the total amount will differ. It is believed that Venus has 4 major differences from Earth. 1) very little planet rotation where one day on Venus is equal to around 224 days on Earth, No magnetic field, which on Earth protects the planet from many of the harmful rays of the Sun. 3) no active plate tectonics which on Earth both helps in re-using buried materials over very long time frames but also causes earthquakes and volcanic action to occur with many devasting changes to life. 4) An atmosphere that is both very hot around 900 degrees Fahrenheit but much more important 92 times as thick as our planet and made up of 96% carbon dioxide!
As of right now, that means that there are around 178,000,000 gigatons of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere and there are only around 800 gigatonnes in the Earth's atmosphere which is a whopping 297,500 times different amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the planets between the two planets.
When a planet is formed, it is the gravitational attraction of material that brings it together with the heaviest materials being forced down to the center of the mass, while the lightest are left on the surface (this is somewhat of an over-simplification of the process, as many chemical attractions can bind together lighter and heavy material together. This leaves the gasses on the surface of a planet that at first is an extremely hot environment both internally and in the atmosphere.
So, the question remains, why are the atmospheres of Earth and Venus so different? There is only one answer "LIFE" and more importantly "CARBON-BASED LIFE"! For 3.5 BILLION YEARS Earth has had abundant carbon-based life on it, first believed to have started in the warm waters of the planet and over time covered the lands with a carpet of carbon-based life! Yet the life on the planet had to ever-so-slowly adapt to every changing conditions, caused by that very life. There can never be either perfect recycling of materials or perpetual motion, every with an outside energy source as the Earth has with the Sun! For billions of years, life would take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, and a tiny percentage of that carbon would be converted into something that life could no longer use either because it was buried or converted into some type of rock, Had the planet not have active plate tectonics that helped replace some of the sequestrated carbon, Earth would have long ago run out of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and the planet would simply be a giant frozen rock spinning through space!
Only a thinking and active species can prevent this from happening to our planet just as any planet with life on it in the universe will at some point in time require the same participation to prevent whatever would be limiting life there! PERFECT RECYCLING and, or PERPETUAL MOTION is always IMPOSSIBLE!
On our planet, Earth, replacing the lost carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not enough! Had Mankind been at this level of abilities 4 or maybe 5 million years ago, before limited carbon dioxide in the atmosphere started reducing how much plant life the planet could carry, which created deserts and semi-arid areas around the planet, and before starting the cycle of ice-ages so that the oceans could inject the needed carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere to offset the carbon sequestration. Then maybe mankind's addition of once sequestrated carbon would have been enough. However, with the planet's creation of so many deserts and semi-arid areas, the loss of so much plant respiration and the accompanying cloud-cover removed so much of how the planet had regulated the temperature extremes, which in turn prevented extreme weather!
It is not nearly enough for me to tell those few who read my outlandish way of seeing what others do not see! Only by both talking to others, checking out the facts that I have presented you with, and getting this information out to the whole planet can a serious discussion start to take place, otherwise, I will just be another oddball, with no need to even check up on any of his facts, as he is so far out there as to be laughable. While I do not mind laughing at myself when I do something foolish. Saving all carbon-based life on the planet is far from foolish. Knowledge if not shared is nothing! Are you all so sure that you understand what the planet is facing, that you will not even look at another possibility? There is simply too much information that NASA has discovered about the makeup of our neighboring planet's atmosphere not to take the time necessary to see what it all means! Quora, when I try and answer questions about Global Warming and Climate Change says that they will not let my answers appear on their site, because they consider me "SPAM"! I must toe the line, that it is all mankind's fault, and if I know ways that can make us carbon-neutral, then I can do so and they will let me on!
Call Me, Call Anyone, communicate, but please do not just sit back and feel that others would be able to do the right thing, money and power will always win, but there is simply too much at stake! Reach me at 402-890-7946 in the USA (I live by Cortland, Nebraska, where?) To E-mail me go to daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com to read about a million more words on how to repair the planet in a timely manner, and make the Earth a better place for all life even Mankind you can go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you, Daniel Kadavy
The plan is in many ways exactly what scientists want us to do to get back to the carbon dioxide levels that were present in the early 1900s, for by replanting vast amounts of arid and semi-arid areas of the planet by diverting as much of the freshwater of the planet as feasible into these areas the new plant growth and its accompanying increase in soil carbon will remove as much carbon dioxide as needed to return to the levels of 100 years ago. while at the same time giving many millions of people a completely new outlook on life by becoming self-employed farmers and all of the necessary support personnel needed to move the products to market!
So for those of you who greatly dislike the possible backlash that science could face with such a major realignment necessary in looking at what our planet truly is facing and now needing to see mankind's presents on the planet as completely necessary and not as the maker of "all of the planet's woes". I myself do not see the possible backlash as something to worry about, going back thousands of years mankind has had to re-evaluate how we see scientific beliefs, both right and wrong, not one person on the planet thinks that we now understand how everything works, but back around a hundred years ago, an official of the united states patents office did say that "he felt" that there would no longer need to be a patent office in the future as we were very close to running out of inventions that needed patenting! Enough said on that! Dan
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