452 CDLII I am sure that people do not understand just how important cloud cover over the land surface of the planet is!

     This cloud cover must be caused somewhat by having abundant plant life and the accompanying plant respiration, meaning that the majority of the plants must come from C-3 plant life! Both C-4 and CAM plants are the planet's way of extending carbon-based life using fewer resources than previous high-demand carbon dioxide life, and therefore have lower respiration leading to much less cloud formation.

    Mankind now has several ways of increasing cloud cover, which in turn increases plant life downwind. Which then causes more clouds to be formed helping to establish a more natural state of rainfall and cloud cover. over much more of the planet. But nothing that mankind can do other than bringing freshwater into arid and semi-arid areas of the planet will bring abundant plant life to these regions! The most consistent way of doing this is of course using the freshwater of all of the rivers on the planet, big, small, some will need to be cleaned up, and many will not need much! Many things that would be considered pollution when it goes into seas and oceans suddenly become nutrients for land-based plant life.

     The sunlight reflecting abilities of both clouds, and ice and snow, are not very different from one another helping to keep sunlight from either hitting the ground and being absorbed as heat, or kept in the atmosphere long enough to excite carbon dioxide or methane in the atmosphere. And as we do not wish to enter into another ice age, cloud cover works much better in more moderate climates than snow and ice would.

    Abundant cloud cover has always been the first and most important way that the planet's temperature has been maintained locally within relatively small variation in any 24-hour period. Yet once the average temperature of the planet started dropping, due to low carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, then snow and the accompanying ice started to become normal on the planet, increasing the range of temperatures in any 24-hour period in many places around the world! Wind will always play a large part in weather, climate, and where rainfall and snowfall occur. Winds have many reasons for being, even the rotations of the planet and the resulting drag of the atmosphere can produce winds, but the largest and strongest winds are produced by high and low pressures normally produced by extreme temperature variations. Hot air will always rise to leave a low pressure behind, pulling cold denser air to fill the partial void. 

    For thousands of years, men sailing ships understood where winds of certain directions could normally be found, but most all did not like sailing within a few degrees of the equator, they called these areas "the doldrums" for the calm winds that could strand a sailing ship for weeks causing conditions onboard to run out of water, and even food. With no real variation in surface temperatures, winds would not be created thereby stranding sailing ships, many ship captains would run their ships near to shore prior to entering these areas so that very long tow lines and animals brought just for this purpose, could pull the ships until favorable winds could be reached. Many times for hundreds of miles. Yet the chances of running aground on shallow reefs and hidden rocks could pose a problem. The speeds that they were being pulled at prevented much damage to occur. Many captains would have a small boat rowing in front of the ships to prevent these occurrences from happening. 

    As the planet's atmosphere started cooling down, and causing greater temperature variations, winds started picking up from the battles being fought between these new high and low pressures systems, which had not been nearly as much of a problem when temperatures were much more consistent. More storms and extreme storms were consequences that the planet had rarely faced prior! Now as the planet starts to slightly warm-up, again temperature extremes, are caused by the planet's creation of so many arid and semi-arid areas on the planet that mankind's addition of around 150 parts per million of new carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has many scientists claiming the only path forward is to remove this new additional carbon dioxide to return to earlier days. 

    This does not repair the lost temperature regulating abilities of the planet, it only treats the symptoms, not the root cause of the problem, and in doing so we all are acting as doctors in the 1800s who could do nothing to cure cancer, but would give their patients, narcotics, normally opioids, to lessen the pain as their patients would die. But in this case death for the patient, means death for just about but not quite everything else on the planet, not today but not in the distant future either!

    You may notice that I do seem to use more exclamation points, and commas, than most people do when giving information on a subject. The reason for this, is that this subject, is the VERY MOST IMPORTANT SUBJECT that has ever been talked about! True if someone was talking about their own death then that would be the most important subject to them personally that could possibly be. The subject I am talking about is the slow end to what started over 3.5 billion years ago, CARBON-BASED LIFE on the only KNOWN PLANET that has such life on it! (yes I believe that some form of life has existed in many places in the universe, but every one of these places will either have already come face to face with some necessary requirement for life to continue, that was slowly running out of the ability to be used for that life. And either they had evolved or adapted enough to prevent it from happening and then overcame it, or if not then life slowly vanished from that planet!) I myself am not a religious person, everyone on the planet has to decide for themselves what they wish to believe in! And it is not just about which faith to follow or not follow, but why we are here both as a species and as individuals. Me, While I try and do the best that I can, many will tell you that I am an "ass" a mister know-it-all, always seeing others as people mainly out for themselves and their immediate family, and how to make more money. While this is not how I see myself, I can understand why they think so. But how mankind goes forward in the next stage of who we wish to become, may very well affect every single carbon-based species on this wonderful, beautiful, only place we all can call home, A Planet Called Earth!!!!

    Only, 13,900 hits in over 2 years of trying to get people to understand what our planet and all life on it is facing, seemingly no one is doing anything more than simply reading an unusual post about a possible new way of looking at how our planet has come to be where it is now! Not at all what I expected when I started this blog site in August of 2019. It seems that asking people to do just a little of their own research, is asking too much. To me, knowledge is always something to strive for. Unlike Hermione Granger who always had her hand up because she always knew the answer, I always had my hand up to ask another question! To me, Hermione Granger was much better at learning from others, while I like to challenge knowledge that many consider sacred. Surely there are enough of you out there who are willing to at least look at another possibility of what life is all about! We all know that even the Sun will run out of hydrogen far in the future yet she is already middle-aged, Doesn't it seem fair to say that a much smaller planet will do so in a shorter time frame? (yes I understand the sun actually destroys hydrogen and converts it to helium, while on earth carbon can not be destroyed or created, but it can and is always being sequestered away from life's ability to use it) Please, please, do more than simply read my posts, tell others, ask them to find the problem that, I can not seem to find why I am WRONG!!!

    I can be reached in the USA @ 402-890-7946 24/7, my G-mail account is daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or to read 451 other posts and the 12-page paper "Life cycle of a planet By Daniel James Kadavy go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com   Thank you, Dan 

    When I am trying to explain about using the "plan" and why it is the "only way" to repair the planet, friends have asked just what exactly am I trying to achieve? There is no one thing that the "plan" is trying to achieve, yes it is trying to increase cloud-cover to both reflect sunlight, and increase local and downwind rainfall. But it also prevents sunlight from hitting bare unprotected soils, keeping ground-heating to a minimum. And it increases food production, both for livestock and to prevent famine and hungry, yet one aspect of the "plan" is how it gives an untold number of people a way out of poverty, or an unjust situation. And goes so far as to heal many of the hurts that a sometimes uncaring government forces on them!

    There is simply too much unavoidable sorrow in the world, so that we all end up turning a blind eye to much of it, otherwise, it would become unbearable! Those that can walk among such sorrow without even looking at it are the ones that can create even more, yet putting the blame either on others or those who are suffering themselves as if they caused the problem perhaps simply by being born.






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