454 or CDLIV Why me, how can I be the only one on the planet, that understands what carbon sequestration has done concerning continuing life?
I am not Edison, Einstein, Tesla, Galileo, or Da Vinci. not even close. But I also did not fall into the category that says that mankind is inherently evil, and we were placed here on Earth to prove to "A God" that we can overcome our baser instincts to be worthy of heaven when we die! We see countless evidence of mankind's greed for power and dominance, which seems to many, to show that mankind can indeed be inherently evil! While I see that as an exception, not as proof, and those that choose to follow such people as simply allowing themselves to be used and manipulated by playing on fears and hope that somehow their rulers are being guided by a higher power!
What I see is that mankind has had to overcome so much lack of knowledge and understanding, and yet making tremendous advances that still leave us, just at the beginning of true knowledge! Since I see mankind as a species much like every other species on the planet, living the best that we can, under conditions that we have little control over.
Mankind can not be put in a box that states that "Beware, in this box is a dangerous species that everything they do is to be considered detrimental to all other life on the planet" (and even themselves)! Yet that is exactly how many people consider mankind as a whole! So whenever problems arise, which they constantly do, many people's first response is, what is mankind guilty of now?
Yet the truth is so much different, not only is there love of others, nature, family, and the dream of living together in a perfect world, where disease, hungry, hate, and war, are only in our past! These hopes and beliefs are what the majority of mankind wants, yet very few believe that such hopes will ever come to fruition! So we are forced to come to terms with the reality that we see around us, where money and power become the go-to for so many, and our childhood perceptions slowly fade away, to only become a somewhat forgotten dream!
So is it any wonder, that seeing mankind having already extended our planet's life by simply being on the planet is "completely unrealistic" yet that is exactly what has occurred. When mankind's population increased high enough so that being "hunter-gatherers" could no longer meet the needs of an ever-increasing population, and turned into an agricultural-based society where a massive amount of mid-length carbon storage mainly trees and soil carbon, was forced into becoming short-term carbon-storage increasing the overall amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere where it kept the planets overall temperature high enough to postpone from happening, the next-last-and never-ending ice age! Yet once mankind started using long-term carbon storage i.e. fossil fuels, we went beyond maintaining average temperatures high enough to offset the start of the next ice age but we started adding to the increased heat caused by the planet's creation of so many arid and semi-arid areas around the planet. `
Is it then any wonder that no one else can see what they are not looking for? I did not start looking for what was causing Global Warming and climate change, not many people were doing that in 1964. I was trying to figure out not only what caused our planet to enter into ice ages and non-ice ages over and over, for the last 2.5 million years, but my biggest question was why the planet was not deep into another ice age that was 3,500 years overdue. (This alone should put to rest that mankind can, does, and has the ability to affect the planet long before we ever thought to be able to do!) What took 45 or more years to understand, was not because I gathered the necessary information but because thousands of other people, taking many years to do so, DID!
Since August of 2019, I have been trying to bring attention to what carbon sequestration and 3.5 billion years of our planet having abundant plant life on it have done to the amount of "AVAILABLE" carbon left for all life to use! While I have e-mailed many people who are supposed to be studying Global Warming and Climate Change, with hundreds of posts, even sending journalists these same posts. Not one of these individuals, or institutions, has responded in any manner, except to thank you for your interest and would I like to contribute money to their worthy cause, which is somewhat disheartening. Yet I must endeavor to persevere, while not declaring war.
As always, I can be reached in Nebraska, USA by phone @ 402-890-7946, or if talking is too personal my G-mail is daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com I have written over 450 posts that talk extensively about the steps necessary for implementing the "plan" and repairing the planet so that all carbon-based life can survive for as long mankind can remain as a viable species on the planet! Those post can be seen at my site https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogsite.com Thank you, but the best Thank You is for everyone to tell others about that crazy guy in Nebraska that understand what the planet is truly facing. Dan
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