456 part B, What does the atmosphere of the eight Planet's in the Solar System tell us?
They tell us that size and the corresponding gravity, define each planet's atmosphere! With the one exception, The atmosphere of the Earth started by being almost identical to our sister planet Venus, but once carbon-based life began on Earth, the Symbiotic relationship that was created by life, The Sun, and carbon dioxide sequestration, over time allowed a vast ever-changing display of what Earth could support in terms of carbon-based life! Life does not just cause, carbon dioxide to be sequestrated out of the atmosphere, but as all life is directly affected by how much carbon is available it is this that makes life's need to constantly adapt, as a requirement for the continuation of life to be able to proceed.
Jupiter, by far the largest of the planets, has been able to retain most of the gases that first formed its atmosphere and as such should be considered as a baseline for all of the other planets' atmospheres, and the Planet Mars atmosphere, due to its size and therefore lower gravity should be considered at the other extreme of what can be expected. I have not put Mercury in this mix because of its proximity to the Sun, and the extra pressures of solar winds at such a close distance. In conjunction with its size, Mercury is a poor candidate for comparisons to the other planet's atmospheres.
While gravity is perhaps the most important factor in a planet's atmospheric make-up, distance from the sun, temperatures on the surface, planet rotation, and plate tectonics, all play some role in how a planet's atmosphere is comprised. But nothing changes the atmosphere of a planet as plant life does, over long periods of time! All else may play a role in a planet's atmosphere, but without life being present, we should be able to understand what the atmosphere of each planet in the universe should consist of! And when some planet's atmosphere ends up being different from what models of planets without life on it should consist of then those planets would be of more interest to us.
When life on a planet begins, it must have enough material to work with, and that can never be "just enough" it has to be so much more than "just enough"! The energy necessary needs to be more than "just enough" but too much energy will kill life just as too little will also prevent life from starting! Perhaps life did not start using the Sun's energy but instead used the internal heat of the planet. so that distance from that heat source could have been used as a way to prevent either too much or too little energy within the life cycle.
Energy from either the Sun or the internet heat of the planet, can be seen as a bottomless source of life's needs. If from the Sun, then we are talking about an unlimited supply, if from the internal heat of the planet then as that heat source slowly moves with the tectonic plates then life needs to move with that energy source! But life's need for carbon dioxide is based on a finite amount of carbon dioxide that is stored within the atmosphere of the planet from "day 1" for as life lives and dies just a tiny fraction of carbon will end up being sequestrated away from life yet you do that for 3.5 BILLION YEARS that adds up. While plate tectonics does replace carbon dioxide back into the planet's atmosphere, it is seldom as much as nature locks away on a yearly bases! There can really not be any argument on this, the proof is just how little carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere and how many gigatonnes of carbon-bearing rock are on the surface of the planet! When Earth's atmosphere is compared to the 6 other atmospheres of the remaining planets of the solar system, again there can be no argument! Even tiny Mars has many times more carbon dioxide in its atmosphere which is only around 1/00th of the Earth's atmosphere! That says a lot!
Those of you who really are interested in saving the planet from itself, and not from mankind's proposed actions, can reach me in the USA by phone at 402-890-7946, or by g-mail @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or to read 455 other posts go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you, Dan
There was once a game called something like the 7 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon (the movie actor) in it you would tie together all of the other living actors back to Kevin Bacon, by naming productions that had ties all the way back to something Mr. Bacon was either in or part of! So you would draw the name Cher "perhaps" and within 7 sequences you would tie the two actors together by way of productions that had someone that worked together. As you can see I would have been awful at this game. Yet perhaps some of you know someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, etc. so that, "Life cycle of a planet by Daniel James Kadavy", could be put together with that "someone" who can get the information inspected and start that all-important conversation on what the planet is genuinely facing, and how, only mankind can going forward, saving not just ourselves, but for all carbon-based life on the planet for as long as mankind can remain as a viable species on this beautiful planet!
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