458 There are several ways of telling people everywhere, what is my reason for explaining what Earth is facing because of 3.5 billion years of life!

     The most important reason is that without mankind's intervention in the right direction, our planet's carbon-based life forms are doomed. (Of course, this does include us) Will that happen? That is a hard question to answer, for sooner or later others will start to understand what I am trying to tell everyone now. But how far will we have gone in the completely wrong direction before this happens? And if we have spent trillions of dollars already in removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, who will believe that we now understand what needs to be done and where will we go to rebuild the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to allow the replanting of most of the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet. Once we do achieve the replanting of these areas, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere must still be around 300 parts per million or more to prevent stresses of the C-3 plantlife due to the need for their stomas to open wide enough to allow enough carbon dioxide and yet not so wide as to lose to much water! Remembering, that the respiration rate of C-4 and cam plantlife will not increase the rate of cloud cover production allowing for the restoration of the planet's temperature-regulating abilities! I believe that the adaption of plant life over the total history of life on the earth has had to go through so many adaptions, as life simply cannot be stopped whether or not those adaptations end up benefitting the rest of life. Yet stops can and have occurred many times in the history of the planet, Yet there was always enough carbon dioxide either in the atmosphere or later brought up into the atmosphere via the actions of a still very warm interior. Earth's interior is slowly cooling down, as radioactive materials decay, leaving less internal heating to facilitate enough "plate tectonic movement" for long-term carbon storage conversion into atmospheric carbon dioxide, via volcanic action. 

    How can mankind believe that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at only .0280% or only 280 parts per MILLION would allow for abundant plant life on the planet? The "RARE" gas Argon is 21 times more common in the atmosphere than the most important gas of all "carbon dioxide"! Not even Oxygen depletion would stop plant life which all other life is dependent on! Yet the great cry is for the simplest answer to be correct, "IT IS ALL MANKIND'S FAULT" here we are listening to the 14th-century monk, Occam's razor, concerning, how plant life on the planet for 3.5 billion years should fall under the idea that the simplest solution should be considered as the correct solution! I believe using that idea ended up with the Earth at the center of everything, flat, and the Sun revolving around us! Oh yes and being held up by a giant turtle, not too sure how that would be considered simple, what would the turtle eat and what would it be standing on? 

    Can I see why people would blame everything on mankind, of course, our history is filled with war, hate slavery, pollution, greed, and so many other injustices, but none of this changes the fact that mankind's population growth, thousands of years ago demanded that we changed from a hunter-gather society, into an agricultural-based society thereby increasing the speed of mid and short term carbon-cycle storage allowing more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, thereby stopping the planet from entering into the next-last-and-neverending ice age that should have started around 3,500 years ago! This was long before we started using long-term carbon storage of fossil fuels to increase the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from around 280 parts per million, to what there is now of around 415 parts per million over just the last 150 years or so!

    Right now "Mankind" is at the threshold of many things, and all happening at the same time, War is in so many places even in Europe, which has overshadowed other wars because of it being in Europe! COVID is far from being over yet, now treatable for many, yet has mankind learned enough from the last two years to benefit from listening to the medical community? No, it was not perfect in its ability to inform people about the best way to protect themselves. Still, so much of that came from incompetent politicians or those that saw advantages in misleading others for their own benefit! Then we have, the breakdown of the common man's trust in science, and technology, and on top of everything else Climate Change and Global Warming, with two completely different points of view, and neither one is correct!!! For almost 3 years now I have been contacting so many people who are supposed to be dealing with how to repair Global Warming and Climate Change, yet no one has responded in any way back to me. Yet I have seen a few places on the internet that complain about me putting out a new point of view with no peer review behind it! Sorry guys I am simply now, a 65-year-old builder who is not in any way tied to science, yet has been studying why our planet entered into a series of ice ages starting around 2.5 million years ago, and more importantly why we are not around 3,500 years into another ice age. Doing this research since I was 8 years old I have read so many articles that have ranged over many different subjects, topics, and timeframes. It is the timeframes that almost every scientist that studies Climate Change and Global Warming concerned me with the most, no scientist that I have read ever goes back in history farther than either the time that mankind shows up in fossil records or the length of time that ice-coring can go back. Neither one is even remotely important when talking about carbon sequestration since the beginning of life on the planet! This shows a bias in any research that is being undertaken, 

    Why only go 1/1400 of the length of time that life has been on the planet? Why not just say that mankind is completely at fault and only study the last 150 years, meaning since mankind started using fossil fuels. But by going back a couple of million years, It makes others believe that serious study is being brought forth at considerable expense, time, and energy. Yet all it really did was remove any chance of "not blaming mankind," making it, therefore, completely necessary for mankind to fix what they themselves broke!

    When I finally put all of the pieces of the puzzle together, when I was around 53 years old, two main things struck me, 1) That there was now so much information out there, from NASA's discovery of the atmospheres of the other 7 planets in the solar system. To scientists on Earth calculating just how much carbon was being sequestrated each year by erosion and the production of limestone, and other rocks that were once living, even the fairly small amount of fossil fuels that were created by the death and buried of past life, and then, just how much of this lost material were actually being brought back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide by the actions of this great planets plate techtonics. ( 10 gigatonnes sequestrated, 3 gigatonnes released back into the Earth's atmosphere, for a net loss of around 7 gigatonnes, not counting any actions by mankind) With so much information out there, many other people must have started looking for another explanation! 2) Would it be so bad if we simply allowed carbon dioxide to keep increasing in the atmosphere and over the next few hundred years nature would start to balance out plant life and start regaining the increasing cloud cover, so that little by little some of the temperature-regulating abilities of the planet will be restored and thereby preventing the extreme temperature of the planet to allow so much extreme weather? Yes, sea levels would rise but that would only end up as a giant money-making opportunity for many around the world, from building giant sea walls to moving 1/5 of the population inland over the next 50-100 years. Everyone alive now would be blamed, but also dead, so does it matter? 

    But once you have opened up the book called knowledge, you can never go back, no matter how many people still believe that the world is flat, or that NASA faked the moon landing, or that COVID was produced so that everyone would demand getting a vaccine that really had a tiny chip in it so that the government would know where everyone is at all time, (too late for that, they just have to ping our cellphones). But the point is, Knowledge once understood, must be both taught and used for the betterment of all mankind, the old belief that only certain people should be allowed to learn (yes even women in certain Muslim countries) has to go the way of all things that limit who we are, or who we can be! 

    I saw the movie "Saving Private Ryan" when it first came out, and I had read much about D-day over the years, but seeing the true account of what happened that day, brought the horrors of war, not as a glorified account but the senseless loss of so much potential knowledge lost, futures failed, so much waste! While I am glad that I saw that movie, I will never see it again! And that was not the worst battle that mankind has brought forth over the centuries, yet the written word can never convey both the horrors of life and its joys. 

    I remember the first time, that I read about sending the young and the old out in front of a battle as "cannon fodder"  so that the better troops would not have to face the ammunition that was used up on, killing the weak! We and the governments still use the old, the poor, and the illiterate, as our cannon fodder, for giving the rest of us a better life, with less toil, or exposure to harsh environments, yet we justified this in our own minds as only those born in such a place or condition must deserve it, either because of being born in poverty, or to privilege! Religion gives most people hope, for the poor it gives them hope in gaining a better afterlife, and this life is the trial that they must endure. For many of the rest, their religion sets them above those who believe in a false god, many gods, or no god at all, which may allow them to deal poorly with others, and in their minds justifiably so!   

    I am amazed at how many ways I can find to seemingly stray off subject, yet in my mind, there is so much interconnectedness, in how life works, that many things that on the surface seem not to be germane to the issue at hand, really can be! (at least in my mind, for whatever that is worth)

    458 posts well over a million words (I think), and so little to show for it, if I was just writing a novel, many people would be in the same boat, years of writing with no one seeming interested. But "Life cycle of a planet" deals not just with our planet, (though to us living on this planet it must be our greatest concern and challenge) but it explains what every habitable planet in the universe has or will have to face in the future for there own planet's continuation to support life! So no I am not writing the next great American novel! What I am doing is trying to explain that whatever our differences are, we must put aside those differences and come together! For there truly is only one planet in this solar system that for the last 3.5 billion years has supported life as we know it. For most of that 3.5 billion years, mankind could not have survived on the planet's surface! Will, we ever know what the planet was like for all those years, I doubt it, plate tectonics has redone the surface of the planet many times, destroying most of what life would have been like, even fossilized in stone. The best we can hope for is tiny glimpses here and there, and the farther back we look the less likely it will be both to find anything and even if we do to understand what we have found. Dan

    I can be reached, by phone in the USA, @ 402-890-7946, or by G-mail @   daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or to read some of those 458 posts    https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com    Only together can we move forward with doing what needs to be done! I appreciate those of you who do download my posts and read them, however since not one of you (except an ex-bother-in-law) has responded back to me, There is no way to know what any of you is thinking, good, bad, and why are they still down-loading my posts if they have completely come to the conclusion that I am as crazy as a fruitcake! A little feedback would be appreciated! Dan


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