459, CDLIX Scientist's have gone to great lengths, to try and figure out what causes, Ice Ages and what stops them!

    When Milutin Milankovitch put forth the three different ways that the Earth both went around the Sun, but also how the Planet's angle in relationship to the Sun's rays would change over very long periods of time, made many scientists of the time, believe he had found the reason why the planet had been going thought cyclical in nature "ice ages", for the last 2.5 million years! Yes, the answer was found ho-ray, yet Milankovitch himself was never sure that this was the complete answer. New studies done in the 1970s, concluded that Milankovitch cycles, as they came to be known, did not in themselves cause ice ages to start and stop, but only seem to "paced" the coming and going of ice ages! Whoever used the term "paced" to explain the contribution of Milankovitch cycles to the starting and ending of each "ice age" was brilliant. It took nothing away from just how good of a mathematician, Milankovitch was, but it opened the doors to finding the much more complex reason for starting and stopping the "ice ages"!

    Yet, that really never happened, the end of the last ice age was over 13,500 years ago,(and a normal length of an interglacial period is only around 10,000 years), and with carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere slowly rising, even though technically the planet is still in an interglacial period, it has become obvious that mankind's presence on the planet has delayed the planet from entering into the next ice age! So with this information now available, there was no longer any great need to understand the comings and goings of something that no longer could be considered an imminent threat to mankind! One can easily understand the threat that another "ice age start-up" would pose to mankind, no matter how slow it would happen. 

    Putting forward any explanation of what caused ice ages to start and stop, was now not so important. Instead, the focus changed to just the opposite, "Global Warming and Climate Change" thinking that just as mankind had reduced the chance of the planet entering into another ice age, it had instead caused the ever-increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to over-power the temperature regulating system of the planet, leading to greater and greater temperature extremes, causing extreme weather all over the planet. Sometimes this meant extreme droughts, causing famines and starvation for anyone and everything living there! Many times this leads to more massive storms, flooding, wind damage, and loss of buildings and life!

    Had we maintained our interest in understanding, what caused the starting and stopping of ice ages, and agreed that "Milankovitch cycles" only helped us in the understanding of how ice ages were paced, based both on greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and the amount of energy the planet was receiving from the Sun! Once we understood these two most important parameters, then we could begin to understand the true problem that the Earth, was and still is facing. "3.5 billion years of carbon-sequestration" brought about from the life and death of all carbon-based life on the planet both on land and even more importantly in the great waters of the Planet! Not just carbon, but also many other important nutrients (iron being high on the list of nutrients) that plant life needed to continue, yet now were being found in short supply!

    Instead, everyone started focusing on "Mankind" as being the evil empire living on Earth, polluting pristine oceans, killing not just ourselves but every species on the planet! Therefore it all must be our fault! They found the culprit without even needing to look! Literally, talk about finding the perpetrator's holding the smoking gun, however in this case it was the smoking cars, trains, factories, and anything else that mankind's "evil genius" could come up with! No need for a Sherlock Holmes here right?

    When the reality is something completely different. But yes we are a selfish species, wars, poverty, slavery, and so many others things besides pollution can be brought to lay at our feet, and rightfully so! Yet the good that mankind can claim is also part of who we are, art, music. family, love, and the constant need to better ourselves both intellectually, and for the betterment of not just mankind but also our planet! Two sides to the same coin, where one cannot exist without the other, yin and yan! Now "Perhaps" we do need a Sherlock Holmes, seeing connections that others simply walk by, questioning why scientists are only looking at times frames that only include when mankind has been on the planet? Why limit the list of suspects to only us? Is Earth the only planet in the solar system that can sustain abundant life, and if it is, why? And perhaps most importantly what are the consequences of having that ability, surly every action has some sort of reaction? Actions never can occur in a vacuum, otherwise, it is not a true vacuum. Thinking that life on a planet can defy the laws that state that perpetual motion is impossible even on a planetary scale with an outside energy source such as the Sun, something always is lost that life needs for its existence, on Earth it seems to be carbon availability as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but also micro-nutrients such as iron! While I am no Sherlock Holmes even I can follow a chain of events that are as wide as railroad tracks, even if there are a few weeds in the way, such as active plate tectonics on the planet that basically re-builds the surface of the planet every billion years or so, right now scientists are telling us that every 200,000,000 million years the oceans floor have completely been replaced by the actions of plate tectonic's! (Boy I use a lot of Exclamatory Points)! However the easiest way forward in seeing just how the atmosphere of our planet has changed is to look at a planet that still has its primordial atmosphere minus the lightest gases of hydrogen and helium, we can not use Mars's atmosphere because it is almost non-existent due to it much lighter gravity. (even with only 1/100 of the atmosphere of Earth's atmosphere, there is still more carbon dioxide in its atmosphere because it is made up of 96% carbon dioxide instead of the Earth's atmosphere at only .0415%). 

    And we can not use any of the 4 largest planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune, because they are all large enough to still have an atmosphere comprised of mainly hydrogen and helium. they also contain all of the heavier gases, such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, methane, and other gases, but as the temperatures on those 4 outer worlds are so cold those gases would actually be frozen or perhaps as liquids if the surface of these planets is somewhat warmed from the internal heat of the planets and formed at the very bottom of the atmosphere. Mercury too can not be used, too small and too close to the Sun, leaving just one planet that would fit the bill of having a primordial atmosphere, with basically none of the lightest gases that would have been on each planet in the beginning, what is that planet you are wondering? Venus, what many people refer to as our "sister" planet, and in the earliest years Venus truly was very much like The Earth, too small to hold on to the lightest gasses, but large enough to retain carbon dioxide, methane, a very little bit of nitrogen, but no free oxygen and its atmosphere was much the same as the Earth's in that it was somewhere around 100 times as thick as the Earth's Atmosphere is today and comprised of 96% carbon dioxide. The atmosphere on our planet, the Earth, at that same time around 3.5 billion years ago was also around 100 times as thick as it is today, and it too was comprised of around 96% carbon dioxide. So what happened, why the massive difference to what the Earth enjoys today? That can be summed up in one word "LIFE" Venus with a rotation of only once every 243 Earth days, and almost no magnetic field to protect Venus's atmosphere from the "Deadly Ray's of the Sun" Life could not start under those conditions and be abundant! As our Planet has done fantastically during the same time frame, Yes there were many setbacks along the way, Asteroid hits, Volcanoes eruptions that lasted for 100,000 years or more, and an ever-changing atmosphere that caused all life to either adapt or go extinct! That has led the atmosphere on our planet to be what it is now! So dreadfully low on carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that ice ages are started and then once enough of the great waters of the planet has been evaporated the carbon dioxide that had been stored in those waters starts the long slow process of warming the planet enough to make a short interglacial period, normally lasting only around 10,000 years before the cycle is repeated over and over, and in the process creating greater and greater areas of the planet having very limited plant life so that the carbon that was once stored in those fertile soils could now be used for plant life elsewhere! These relatively new arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, have a two-fold negative aspect on global warming and climate change, first by the loss of cloud cover that goes hand and hand with plant life, normally allowing a larger portion of the Sun's rays to be reflexed back into space. And no longer prevents those same rays from hitting unprotected soils and being converted into heat, instead of being used as energy for plant life. 

    Once we stop and think about the impossibility of perpetual motion without a way of replacing sequestrated material back into the cycle of life. We can then begin planning how to do just that, and the only species on the planet with that type of ability is mankind! While we did prevent the start of the next ice age completely inadvertently by changing from hunter-gatherers into an agricultural-based society, so as to be able to both feed an ever-growing population and protect that population with permanent settlements, to more easily be defended, from both predators and other settlements of people. This new activity did two very important actions that prevented the planet from entering into the next-last and never-ending ice age. First, it increases the speed of the short-term carbon cycle that planting and harvesting does by its very nature, but it also required very large areas of land to be cleared of trees so that farming practices could be allowed, and this, in turn, took a lot of mid-term carbon storage and moved this carbon into short-term use. These actions alone only postponed the planet from entering the next glaciation period, and lengthen the period of the interglacial period, mankind's use of fossil fuels starting around the middle of the 19th century is what started replacing enough carbon dioxide back into the carbon cycle so as to completely prevent our planet from doing so. 
    Now we must start convincing enough people to pause and take a good look at what our planet and all carbon-based life on it is facing! How do we do that, I have tried for almost three years to start the necessary conversation, and only 15,000 hits later not one question, or reply from those downloading and reading my now 459 posts! and over a million words, explaining myself and how the "plan" is the only way forward. Contacting primarily those that recognize that something is wrong. But to no avail, I hesitate to talk to big business and those who use fossil fuels in their livelihood, for fear that they will not understand the need for repairing the planet by using the plan, but will use my observations of the thousands of scientific papers as another way of denial on the need for repairing the planet at all! But as one side seems to have no use for my observations, perhaps the "other side" will. Knowledge must be shared, it can not end up in only a handful of people who can then use it for benefitting only themselves and not the whole planet! No one side has the right to determine who will win and who should lose. Both sides have been guilty of using misleading soundbites to foster their claims of what is either happening or why nothing is really happening at all!
    Yet, the "30-second sound bite", explaining how things work, makes the need for true understanding, unnecessary, even counter-productive, because it makes people's eyes glaze over when anyone goes into greater depth when a 30-second period monolog. Many politicians now are coached in using 9-second sound bites, in getting their points across, "How Is That Even Possible" what concept can ever be explained in 9 seconds? Yet we constantly see, what is causing Global Warming and Climate Change, being put forth as "Rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, by mankind's use of fossil fuels"! Or, "Without mankind on the planet, the Earth would be perfect again"! Or, "Mankind has been proven repeatedly to be the cause for all of the Planet's problems" Or, "Only by removing the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can we hope to save the Planet". All of these sound bites are 9 seconds or less in length, yet everyone is absolutely wrong! 
    As always I can be reached by phone in the USA @ 402-890-7946 or contact via g-mail I can be reached at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com  to continue reading 459 posts and around a million words you can do so @    https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot .com     Thank you, but looking at other options like contacting fossil fuel producing companies, may become a route that could prove fruitful, many now wish to at least appear to be interested in finding a middle ground on Global Warming and Climate Change! Dan
    I also respond to people on the internet, who state poorly thought-out rhetoric, One individual said that if we replant the Sahara desert, we would be killing much of the tropical rainforest in South America, because the winds that erode iron from the Sahara desert and take it all the way to South America, replenishing the sequestrated iron, would no longer have as much iron available as necessary for there to be abundant life! Not only does this prove that many people do understand sequestration and how it can lead to inadequate levels of materials needed for life to be abundant's, but it shows that mankind help in fertilizing areas that need a little help now and again, in not even considered, and should not be because isn't life perfectly able to work without mankind help? The answer to that is a resounding "NO" 25% of the land surface is arid or semi-arid, causing excess heat during the daylight hours and transferring that heat to the neighboring areas as that heat rises and then is moved by winds onward. These areas also lose the ability to create cloud cover that abundant plants naturally produce by respiration. Yet life plant life on Earth cannot cause carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere to increase without sacrificing their own lives in massive numbers wherever inadequate rainfall exists! Only mankind has the ability to bring water to arid and semi-arid areas. (okay beavers can also do this within certain limits, but only if mankind would stop killing every beaver it finds, it is not like we need beaver fur to keep us warm in this day and age)!
    So many times I will try to engage a website on this topic, and both my lack of accreditation and the fact that I am going against both sides of the issue of whether or not mankind is causing Global Warming and Climate Change, no site will allow me to be read! We say so very loudly that free speech is a fundamental right, yet not on our website. Several sites have told me that I am just trying to confuse a simple fact, that either mankind is all to blame, or that mankind does not have the ability to cause Global Climate Change! 
    Dan, 402-890-7946


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