462 CDLXII, There are two ways that I see "the Earth" One) the planet that started life! or Two) the Earth today!

These are not just two "Earths" there were many, but separated by a million different things that had to happen for mankind to be able to both, be here, and survive on this Earth that we are just coming to understand a small part of! Extinction events have been quite common on this planet, Many times wiping out 80% of what was on the planet. Sometimes affecting the whole planet, sometimes just what's on the land. The Great Oxygenation Event, took perhaps 300,000,000 years to truly change over 90% of the life on the planet. Can we consider that an extinction event or an adaptation event? Right now I am talking to several people via the internet, that are so positive that the planet has reached a point that we can not come back from. Yet tell me I do not understand anything. That we and the planet are either doomed or facing massive living changes in the near future, and nothing that I explain to them could possibly be right, yet they respond so quickly to me emailing them that they could not have even taken the time to read my lengthy post before responding? First words are normally something about the scientific process and if we can not repeat observable knowledge, we can never know if it is right! But we can see smokestacks and car exhaust, so they must be the answer! First life on the planet is not something that we now have the ability to repeat, there have been experiments using old knowledge, and lightning but nothing like what the atmosphere was like 3.5 billion years ago. How do we start reconstructing an atmosphere 100 times as thick as now with 96% of it made up of carbon dioxide, and the remaining 4% of what we can only guess at using knowledge from probes in Venus's atmosphere that only survive minutes? With no knowledge of temperatures on land, or water if life started deep under the oceans using the planet's internal heat? Just so many unknowable, but does that mean we therefore must use completely unrelated scientific test's just so that we can repeat these tests over and over a million times on what is happening now? Of course not! Yet that is exactly what scientists have been doing for the last couple of decades telling us just how much damage to the planet mankind has created by using fossil fuels! Instead of finding ourselves in the middle of the "next great extinction event" that has been 3.5 billion years in the making. Carbon Sequestration and all other materials that have also been removed from what life needs to continue! Plus, a 35% stronger Sun, plus much less active plate tectonics, Pus the creation of so many extra arid and semi-arid areas of the planet greatly reducing the temperature-regulating-abilities of the planet. And how many other reasons that I have failed to understand, yet perhaps others have quantified without putting it into the context of the need to be included in this extinction event, that we are simply too "close" to be able to recognize! Daniel James Kadavy and the author of a 12-page paper that explains what our planet is facing in terms of the planet's last extinction event, "Life cycle of a planet"


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