467 Why do we try and say that every type of environment on the planet is necessary for the planet to exist? This is neither true nor unimportant.

    Scientific understanding of how a certain ecosystem works are not the same as being necessary for the planet's survival. I have never understood why so many people feel that deserts and semi-arid areas of the planet are somehow important to the planet unless it is because carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were so low that using greenhouse gasses for keeping temperatures high enough to prevent the next ice age was not enough without taking the carbon stored from these areas causing semi-arid and arid areas to exist in the first place! Or perhaps to decrease areas of cloud cover so that more of the sun's rays could now strike unprotected soils, both increasing heating of these areas and changing the sun's rays into the infrared zone which is the type of rays that causes greenhouse gasses to warm?

    Just about every religion on the planet believes that mankind is a designed species on Earth. Either designed in the likeness of their creator, or to have the right to free will and therefore may be judged, or to be able to create art and music, which is perhaps the start of all knowledge!

    I too believe that most species on the planet are in some way designed to fulfill a need. (I am not so sure that every species is important for the continuation of life on the planet, in many cases they only restrict life) What do we call this "being designed"? Is it a life force as depicted in "Star Wars" with both a Lightside and a Darkside? Or are the religious correct in a supreme being or beings that put everything here both for our benefit and so that we can all be judged by our actions? Or do restrictions that sequestration imposes on both life and the planet carry with it its own needed response? The only other option that I see is pure chance, that humanity came along at just the right time, that a thinking and acting species was needed! Each of the preceding choices carries within them difficulties. Why, who, when, where, and how, is not important, only what we do in the immediate future to safeguard Earth and all of its inhabitants must be our ongoing concern!  (No we do not need to save mosquitoes, ticks, and other such types) 

    As always, only you reading this can begin to make a difference by telling others, checking up on all of the information, and starting those all-important conversations. I can be reached 24-7 in the USA @ 402-890-7946, or by g-mail @  daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com   to read so much more please go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com    Thank you, Daniel James Kadavy


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