468 Every generation believes that we now understand! Yet mankind is really still in its infancy on so many levels.

    When you look at sites on the internet that deal with questions and answers it is astounding just how different everyone seems to look at even simple questions and answers! It is like I believe what I believe and that's that. And this is not only concerning religious beliefs but politically based dogma, that has no bases for facts. How does one start a conversation with someone who already has decided what they believe on just about every subject, based on what sites they either look at on the internet or what news channel they watch? There are reasons that the military wants soldiers as young as possible, once someone decides on a direction, getting them to change is difficult! 

    Anytime there are new understanding's that challenge old belief, the walls that have to be broken down can take until the next generation. Yet there are many people who can sell financial schemes to just about everyone that has money using greed as the way to go around built-in resistance to giving money to others. 

    I hope that everyone reading this post is familiar with the "plan" That does not just stop Global Warming and Climate Change, but also rebuild enough of the planet's lost "temperature-regulating-abilities" to allow greater swings in greenhouse gasses without causing extreme weather to follow. But that it gives 80,000,000 refugees a new lease on life regarding their futures and their children's futures, also increases food production around the planet, keeps pollution out of the oceans, rebuilds the amount of ice that the planet stages, and increases the global net worth. This last one, increasing the planet's global net worth, may go a long way towards getting people on board instead of telling everyone that solving Global Warming is going to cost in "Trillions of dollars for many years"! And only giant corporations will benefit. Instead, within just a few years income from the water, farm product, and seafood will start! Moving water always pays for itself, and the increased incomes pay taxes, support schools, and build communities that better whole lives for many millions of people.

    I have alfalfa hay to haul in so until next time, please tell everyone that you can about that crazy guy in Cortland Nebraska that has the solution that repairs Global Warming and Climate Change, in a timely manner while improving the planet and all carbon-based life on it! 402-890-7946,  daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com    https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com     Thank you, Dan


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