470 There are so many people with beliefs that are based on 2 or 3 short sound-bites. The carbon-cycle is perfect it has worked for 3.5 billion years!

     Yet, do they verify that the planet has not had major extinction events because of a failing carbon-cycle? No, they have not, they're simply parroting what others have said. 

    Mankind is in some ways not built for new ideas, How many times have the same play, book, or movie, been based on an earlier version of the same idea? The "western" bad guy takes over money, ranch, river, town, or the girl, and in the beginning, gets his way because no one will stand up to them. Good guy comes into town, there is trouble, suspense, and finally, the bad guy is dead and the good guy wins, but many times at a great cost to the good guy. In the romantic comedy, two lonely people, that everyone in the audience knows would be perfect for each other, yet faces nothing but problems in their search for love, misunderstanding, jealousy, the ugly ducking into the beautiful swan, themes that have been done so many times that if the ending is not what we expect we are disappointed. Science fiction, the western set in space with some alien for the bad guy with some great special efforts thrown in, replacing the chase scenes on horseback. How many ways have we done "Shakespear", "Homer", And the truly sad way that the victors write history! 

    We are not taught to be original thinkers, or to see things in another light, we love saying "to think outside the box" but it turns out simply to be just a little bigger box. Have we advanced? In so many ways yes we have, yet in so many ways it is still the "Status Quo". Who we love, help, talk with, and inspire, all are based on past experiences, perhaps not individually but as a society yes! Women are still second-class citizens in every culture, people that do not look like us, can never be as good as us! Many times those that are able to advance into unexpected areas do so because they can mimic those in power. The ball-busting female executive, the ultra-conservative African American, and the ones that own the playground get to say who can play on it, but only in certain parts of it! 

    Carbon sequestration is not a new concept in the scientific community, but the concept that the planet is not perfect for the continuation of all life on it is completely an unbelievable notion. If you are religious everyone knows that whatever God you believe in, had to of made a perfect planet for us mortals to live on. The very idea that God would put us on a planet that needed our help so that life can continue must be considered blasphemous. And the earthquakes, volcanoes, plagues, droughts, floods, and poisonous life-forms, are just another way to test our beliefs. If you see yourself as a logical thinking individual, then mathematically what are the odds of mankind raising to the necessary level of knowledge and understanding at just the last minute that the planet needed such a species to evolve when talking about the planet surviving 3.5 billion years of carbon-based life prior to mankind's evolution? Easily forgetting about all of the other extinction events that have occurred over that time frame! Going with the flow of life on the planet has proven that if anything is seriously wrong with the Earth, then mankind "MUST" be at the heart of the problem, just like the criminal court system in America, three felony strikes and you are no longer considered part of society and therefore must be permanently removed from that society. And everyone knows that mankind has not three strikes against both humanity and the planet but hundreds of strikes proving without a doubt we must be to blame!!! If that does not prove "Occam's razor" nothing will! (Yes that 14th-century monk that lived in Occam and used that belief that the simplest solution is the correct solution for putting so many strong-willed women to death saying that such women must therefore be witches, and if you can believe it, a few warlocks were also killed, pesky little things they were)! Whether you believe in any of the drawn-in stone ideas that can not remove mankind as the one and only problem causing Global Warming and Climate Change or can see a tiny crack in that assumption based on something that I have written about, is it not right to start a new conversation in the hope of at least eliminating any doubt? 

    I can be reached in the USA @ 402-890-7946, or by G-mail @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com,  the blog site address is   https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com    The best thanks you can give me is to tell others so the most important conversation that mankind must start, will start, right now there is only silence! Dan


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