473 Why has it been so difficult for me to attract attention to what is so obvious concerning carbon sequestration for the 3.5 billion years of life?

    Every point that I use to explain what the planet is facing is grounded in some of the simplest scientific truths. 1) Yes, there are many people each year that are swindled out of their hard-earned money by someone claiming to have made a perpetual motion machine. Yet this is one of science's earliest understandings that "PERPETUAL MOTION IS IMPOSSIBLE"! Yet even scientists seem to think that somehow Earth is immune to this scientific fact. They tell you that the Sun is continually supplying the planet with energy and that, is what allows perpetual motion to exist. Yet there are many things that life needs to exist, energy is just one of the requirements of life, water is another which does limit where on the planet there is abundant life, and then the real problem lies with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continuing to be removed from being available for life to use. Instead every day of the 3.5 billion years that carbon-based life has been on the planet, carbon sequestration has been turning just an infinitesimally small percentage of that carbon into carbon-bearing rocks such as limestone, marble, and many other types of sedimentary material. Plus just a tiny fraction has been converted into some type of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas.

    2) The Carbon cycle has been broken down into three separate cycles. The short-term is what is constantly being used and re-cycles if not on a yearly basis as in plant growth but is constantly being renewed by bacterial break-down. Mid-term carbon storage is carbon that is stored in much longer living sources almost all consisting of trees, and soil carbon, but animals also are in this cycle. Then everything else is placed in long-term carbon storage, this is where over 99.9% of the carbon that has slowly been removed by carbon sequestration is stored, yet is seen as being continually brought back into the carbon cycle mainly by plate tectonics, this action of the great plates of the planet slowly moving and bringing this long-term stored carbon into areas of great pressure and heat that does return a small amount of this carbon back into the short-term carbon cycle as it melts and then is ejected by volcanism back into the atmosphere. 

    The speed of plate tectonics has always been based on both the rotation of the planet and the internal heat generated by pressure and the radioactive decay of certain elements. As these elements decay, large amounts of heat are given off, but each time an element is converted to a lower state, less heat is produced and the planet's core slowly cools down, slowing plate tectonics in the process. This slowing of the movements of the plates decreases how much carbon is being brought back from long-term carbon storage over time! Radioactive decay of Uranium 238 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years meaning that around half of what was on the planet 4.6 billion years ago when it first came together is still here. While Uranium 235 has a half-life of 700,000,000 years, so there is only around .7% of what was here when Earth first came together. Uranium 235 is a much more radioactive element increasing the core's heat more than any other element. As uranium 235 has become depleted by over 99% of what was there 4.5 billion years ago, plate tectonics has slowed proportionately as sequestered long-term carbon being returned back into the atmosphere slowed.

    Then we must talk about how the planet was able to regulate its temperature when there were hundreds and if truth be told thousands of times more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than there is at present. (We could actually go all the way back to when life first started and there was around 4,000 times more carbon dioxide available on the planet than at present. (Available as in a usable source, limestone or other carbon-bearing rocks do not count, and neither do fossil fuels!)  The three biggest ways that the temperature on the planet was regulated were 1) cloud cover and the corresponding rainfall which both reflected sunlight back into space and allowed truly abundant plant life to convert sunlight into energy instead of heat! 2) 3.5 billion years ago the Sun was putting out around 35% less energy. 3) Greenhouse gasses only warm up when normal sunlight is changed to infrared light after being reflected upon hitting the ground! Lowering levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere prevents all three of these temperature-regulating-abilities of the planet from fully existing. And thereby become compromised, allowing much greater temperature extremes in any 24-hour period, leading to much more extreme weather, a planet that is now around 25% arid and semi-arid on the land surface, with even deserts in ocean areas due to the lack of necessary minerals that life needs.

    These simple truths, are sadly not being recognized as what Earth is facing, instead, all blame falls at mankind's feet. Instead, we should be rejoicing in what stupid luck on our part, Has prevented the planet from entering into the next-last-and neverending Ice-Age around 3,500 years ago. (maybe the planet was exactly right in the way she engineered mankind so that it was not all luck, designing a species that was fast growing, and could not feed so many as hunter-gatherers and could learn quickly, and even more importantly, pass that knowledge to their offspring) 

    I have tried many ways to engage those who read my post to contact me, or at least pass on the knowledge to others, seemingly with very little success on either front! Korea has joined the limited number who seem to be following my post, thank you. 402-890-7946 is my cell phone in the USA. my g-mail is danielkadavy212@gmail.com     to read more than 1 million words on this most boring topic, yet the most crucial topic that we can ever need to talk about, go to  https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com    Thank you, Dan


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