475 CDLXXV The life and times of our fictional Earth as recorded by mankind in the 21st century! Allowing many millionaires to become billionaires if the truth of the planet is not discovered in time!
Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only planet known to have life on it in our solar system. It is around 4.6 billion years old, and has had carbon-based life on it for around 3.5 billion years. Ever since life started it has slowly taken over the planet and all carbon-based life has always been in perfect balance with all other carbon-based life! Once the planet started with life that did not use the Sun, and carbon dioxide for direct growth (animal Life) this new form of life used the first life to provide it with energy, again always in perfect balance, if not enough plant life then the animal life would be also be reduced. All life needs to be kept in check so that any one form did not run wild, each form needs to somehow be kept within certain limits! Life then evolved to fill just about every niche and condition on the planet. With the only exception is plant, and insect life in places like the Antarctic. Then in the not to distance past, a new species evolved that suddenly started changing the natural balance that life on Earth has always had. Mankind had arrived, and with that arrival, everything started to change. Instead of living off of the land and finding a way to find their own niche they started to reproduce at levels that outgrew the existing food sources. Mankind suddenly saw every other species on the planet as a rival to their own needs, including other humans. Well, we all know what happened then, "Mankind raping the planet" and then forcing all life to live on their terms.
Animals were now raised solely for their meat, or working abilities, Plants were cultivated to grow only where planted and plants that did not supply food or at least looked pretty were destroyed. Trees were used for firewood, and shelters, or removed for agricultural uses. Overall Earth and Mankind were at opposing ends of a conflict for (DOMINANCE)! Now we see the results of this ignorance, polluted lands, oceans, and air. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and melting glaciers, all seemed to be reaching a tipping point where what we can do to repair at least some of the damage we have caused is fast running out of time! However, if we can give big corporations billions and even trillions of dollars that can prevent these terrible events from happening, perhaps there is a chance that we will survive, now understanding our proper place. But if this is not to be and all of our last-ditch efforts are futile and mankind is removed from the planet. The only saving grace is once mankind has been removed from the planet, Earth will over time heal herself and our reign will be nothing but a tiny blip in her history! A fictional explanation of The third planet from the Sun known as Earth as understood by 21st-century mankind!
Now, what carbon-based life is truly facing on our planet since it was formed around 4.6 billion years ago, using knowledge supplied by NASA, and several hundred years of scientistic research by thousands of individuals!
All 8 planets in the solar system started out with roughly the same composition of elements, hydrogen making up 3/4 of each planet then helium and only a few percentages of everything else. It was the resulting gravity of each planet that ended up being the defining factor and the distance from the Sun's solar winds which planet would retain the lightest two elements over time or slowly lose them. The four closest planets did lose both hydrogen and helium to where they are almost completely gone from each planet's atmosphere allowing carbon dioxide to make up around 96% of each planet's remaining atmosphere. But each planet's remaining atmosphere was still very dense compared to the atmosphere that the Earth enjoys now, at over 100 times as dense! Of the 4 inner planets, only Venus retains its atmosphere as closely as it was around 3.5 billion years ago. With enough gravity, it can hold on to elements as heavy as carbon dioxide yet still lose some over time to the solar winds of the Sun. Venus's atmosphere as measured by NASA is 92 times as thick as Earth's atmosphere and composed of 96% carbon dioxide and around 3.5% nitrogen.
Once Earth started supporting carbon-based life, everything needed to slowly change, from having a planet's atmosphere with over 200,000,000 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide available in it. And a very active plate tectonics, to 3.5 billion years later an atmosphere with only 800 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide in it and a less active plate tectonics due to both carbon sequestration and the radioactive decay of 99% of uranium 235 and around a 50% decay of uranium 238 that the planet had when it first formed!
What does this all mean? and how does it differ from the fictional events and even if it does how does that matter? Almost every extinction event that the planet has gone thru has been caused because of carbon-based plant life on the planet! Knowing that it is life that has caused all of these events with the exception of having an asteroid hit the planet 66 million years ago, it is of the utmost importance when looking at what Earth is facing now! Twice before the planet entered into ice-ages that went from having ice staged on the earth and then withdrawing for short periods of time to ever-increasing periods of glaciation until the whole planet became basically a giant ball of ice "snowball Earth" for over 100,000,000 years each time! Only through the movement of the great plates of the earth and bringing enough sequestrated carbon into contact with molten rock did the volcanoes of the earth, finally spew enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to warm up the planet and caused the giant sheets of ice to recede. The last time was around 500,000,000 years ago and the planet's core was hotter and much more active than it is today. Given all of this information, a case could be put forth that in another 100,000,000 years after the planet had once again entered into a snowball Earth scenario, the cooling of the inner core of the planet would have reduced plate tectonics to speeds that would no longer be enough to finally bring the necessary carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere to bring this once beautiful World back to life!
Of course, who would care either way, with mankind gone that 100,000,000 years? Knowing that it has almost always been that extinction events have been brought about by carbon-based life, and not ever caused by mankind, (we are talking about events that have completely changed the life on the planet, Not single point events such as the dodo birds extinction, yes mankind did cause such events to happen) So Earth"s "BANE" has been almost always caused by carbon-based life every so slowly changing the atmospheric gasses of the planet.
The question that then needs to be asked is what is mankind's purpose on the planet, did we simply follow an evolutionary path of our own design by choosing mates that gave us the best chance of improving ourselves? Or are we somehow the direct result of an adaption process to fill that all-important niche of fixing naturally occurring, never-stopping, carbon-sequestration, that no other species can do? While at the same time re-build the lost temperature-regulating-abilities of the planet! Mankind going from being the "Goat to the Hero" could be seen as "Lex Luther" turning out to be more important than "Superman" which has to be blasphemy of the highest order! And so very, very, hard to wrap our heads around.
Tina Turner; sang "We don't need another hero"! We need decent people to do what is right every time and stand up for those who need protection, even if it is the whole world or a turtle in the middle of the road!
Only snowball Earth, has the ability to reduce significantly carbon sequestration because basically, all plant life dies and whatever carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere remains, and with plate tectonics slowly releasing sequestered carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere continually, levels will naturally rise. But only if the breakdown of carbon dioxide by the Sun's rays is less than that returned via volcanic action.
There is an equation that scientists need to put together that is way out of my league. How much of the surface of the planet that is now arid or semi-arid and therefore allows the Sun's rays to strike unprotected soil causing both heat to be generated and infrared light to be produced heating up greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere do we need to re-plant, so that increasing cloud cover, and the rainfall that comes with plant respiration, to accomplish both reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and re-building enough of the planet's lost temperature-regulating-abilities, to stop extreme temperatures from causing extreme weather?
Then how much freshwater will it take to replant that many areas? Remembering that once quite a bit of area is replanted natural rainfall cycles will start to increase over these areas, allowing the available freshwater taken from all of the freshwater rivers of the planet to be moved farther into these areas?
Can we reduce this new understanding into a phrase that both covers the old, mistaken belief while showing the new purpose and need that the planet has for our species called humanity?
Only you who are reading my posts can cause the necessary changes necessary for preventing the greatest mistakes that fictional Earth has put forth. The reality that humanity is the planet's only possible savior is truly a good thing, I can be reached at 402-890-7946 in the USA, my g-mail is danielkadavy212@gmail.com my blog site is https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you, but do something my fingers are tired of all the typing for what really is a straight forward solution for our planet, Dan
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