479 I have been talking to an seemingly extremely religious individual, that says that what we are living is not real, but only once we leave our existence on the planet, then if we have proven ourselves worthy,
We will start our "real" existence in the afterlife! There are so many religions on the planet, and most of them claim that only one religion can be true, and it is theirs! So mathematically the vast majority of the planet's population is not going to go on to a better afterlife, and do not even think about those who were unfortunate enough to have lived prior to the time the "true God" was revealed! Does not seem that whatever "God" you are talking about is a "fair God" Well I am sure that I must be missing some critical point that is simply beyond my ability to comprehend.
Me, well I try and stay away from such profound mysteries that must be balanced upon unknowable details! Yet, here I am trying to convince everyone that we have enough knowledge about the Earth's past to understand what our planet is facing based on the atmospheres of the other 7 planet's in the solar system and the information that researchers have discovered of our own planet's past. Trying to put together 3.5 billion years of carbon-based life, plate tectonics, the Sun's ever so slowly increasing energy output, long-term mid-term and short-term carbon storage, and our own influences on the planet's atmosphere! Well, the problem is that if we do not get the right answers, how can we hope to repair the planet in the correct way? Life Cycle of a Planet by Daniel James Kadavy does not have to be a completely accurate answer to all of the planet's past history of dealing with adaptation, evolution, and mass extinction events, it just needs to deal correctly with what most scientists are telling us needs to be done in a cost-effective, sustainable, environmentally, and logical way. While I believe it does all of that and even more by solving so many of mankind's own problems.
Why is it so hard to convince people of anything? Is it because so many of us have been lied to about money, politics, and governments, that we have closed ourselves off from whatever does not concern us directly today? All of that is understandable, but it does not change the facts of what our planet and all carbon-based life are facing. If what I am saying about carbon sequestration is wrong, proving that it is wrong would be so easy many hundreds of thousands of people could do that after just a few days of study, but if I am right then no amount of research using facts and information gathered from countless sources could prove me wrong, unless it is the statement that the carbon-cycle is perfect because 3.5 billion years of carbon-based life proves that it, therefore, must be!
Call me, tell others, check my information, do something! Do not just say well that sounds different, I wonder what will come of this idea? In the USA my phone number is 402-890-7946, my g-mail is daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you, Dan
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