486 - CDLXXXVI I have been posting infrequently because I need to find a new way to get people's attention. but the way I have been using it does not remain online for long! The biggest obstacle seems to be that, Scientists have concluded that since some type of carbon-based life has existed on Earth for around 3.5 billion years, therefore because of energy coming from the Sun, that somehow negates that "Perpetual Motion is Impossible"! Or in other words that in the case of carbon-based life on Earth perpetual motion is indeed possible because Earth has a neverending energy source! This is of course absolutely UNTRUE!
There is one more belief that seems to consistently keep people from looking outside for another explanation of Global Warming and Climate Change than it being as simple as Mankind's use of fossil fuels because of the way that so many people see ourselves as ruthless, money-oriented, non-caring, bigoted, hateful people! While there are indeed many examples of this in actual reality, this is only ONE aspect of humanity, not the only aspect!
So, these two beliefs, are what is standing in the way of anyone taking a serious look at my scientific way of looking at both the cause and the way to repair what we are all seeing that the Planet is currently going through!
The funniest part of this is that the process that I am explaining on how to repair the planet's lost temperature-regulating-abilities is also completely compatible with what scientists are saying is necessary for us to do to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the planet! While also allowing a slower change-over to renewable resources. To me, I see this as a win-win for both sides of the Global Warming and Climate Change issue! But the "plan" goes even further than that, in that it also solves the refugee issue affecting almost every country on the planet by creating jobs that do not take existing work from others! Plus it dramatically increases food resources around the world that if done correctly, will not cause prices to fall for farmers, and their supporting workforce, as all of this new food resource will be directed at supporting both the population that is producing the food and creating a network of emergency food rations that will forever be needed as backup for use in such endeavors!
We then continue on with helping to prevent both "RED TIDES" and the ongoing pollution of the great waters of the planet, by diverting those freshwater sources back into the areas that need these waters so desperately!
Giving people a new way of looking at how to repair what we are being told is a significant problem. It will incur considerable expense, and should at least be looked at by the scientific community before we are too deep in the wrong direction! Dan
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