487, CDLXXXVII There has been a large increase in interest in this Blog site mainly coming from Singapore! I would be extremely interested in talking with some of those individuals!
Hopefully, by now those who are reading this blog site know both my Name, Daniel James Kadavy, and I live at, 1201 South 12th Street Cortland Nebraska in the United States of America. And can be reached by phone at 402-890-7946 anytime! This is the absolute most important topic that all of Humanity is facing! There truly is only ONE correct way to repair the planet's lost temperature regulating abilities because there was only one way that Earth lost so much of that ability. I have been posting this blog for 4 years with almost no outside people contacting me! I do not understand why that is when some of the most improbable beliefs are receiving countless responses! People are reading my posts, yet few are giving me any reaction at all! "Interesting" seems to be the most common comment. I am approaching my 67 birthday and have already lost two of my 10 brothers and sisters. While I am fairly sure that others in time will begin to understand why 3.5 billion years of carbon sequestration has caused almost every single extinction event in our planet's history, any further misunderstood reasoning in repairing the planet that puts all of the blame directly on mankind's presence on the planet, will result in a massive waste of time and money, that would be better spent elsewhere! Elsewhere being, of course, following "Life Cycle of a PLanet, by Daniel James Kadavy"
Call me, Text me, Tell others, Give me information on how I can contact you, Check out every fact that is on my blog site, But do something! Dan
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