501 DI: Let's look at Global Warming and Climate Change from a new perspective, going back to Around 1850s!

    I have a bad habit of classifying scientists and researchers as one and the same. I do not apologize for doing this or even believe that they're not truly one and the same! For doesn't science only consider using information gained by observations that can be repeatable, not just by the person or persons that made the first observation but by others as well?

    Let's start with, what the carbon dioxide level was estimated to be at, around the 1850s, 280 parts per million! Now in 2023, that number has risen to approximately 415 parts per million, for a change of around 135 parts per million or around a 33% increase in 173 years! These numbers are considered proof of mankind's negative influence on the rise of extreme weather around the planet, and many scenarios have been put forth in this regard! 

    But let's add a little information to those numbers. when carbon dioxide levels are in the low 400 parts per million that translates to around 800 gigatonnes of total carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere. So in the 1850s that would mean that around 2/3ths of 800 gigatonnes would be 800 divided by 3 then times by 2 would equal around 532 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere around 170 years ago. That means that humanity can be considered to have added around 266 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide over a 170-year period or if averaged out that would become less than 2 gigatonnes per year! Remember 1 gigatonne is one billion metric tons!

    Now let's see how much fossil fuel mankind has used over that same timeframe. Researchers have estimated that Mankind has used and put into the atmosphere around 2,500 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide over around 173 years, and before everyone starts to yell how is that possible if there has been only a 266 gigatonne increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over that same time frame? It is because even carbon-based life on Earth can not 100% recycle everything that life needs to continue. the proof of that statement can be seen almost everywhere we look, the mountains made of of marble, limestone, and a hundred other types of sedimentary rock that were once living breathing carbon-based life! While fossil fuels were also once carbon-based life scientists estimate that all of the reserves on the planet only equals around another 4,000 gigatonnes of them left and the largest stores are in shale and coal, not oil! Yet the amount of limestone alone is estimated to be between 60,000,000 and 100,000,000 gigatonnes! Normally limestone is created when sea life that has some type of hard skeleton either as a shell for crustation or simply cartilage or soft bones as fish have, then dies and falls to the bottom of the ocean where instead of being recycled they are just another part of thousand and thousand of other matter that is compressed over time into limestone! While on the land life is also only mostly recycled, erosion by water and wind, burial by mudslides, and soil carbon buried in the great deltas of the rivers are constantly removing what was once carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere into long-term stored carbon! So you say, it is not forever removed from the perfect carbon cycle, so what is the problem?

    Let's go back to the 1850s, with around 532 gigatonnes of available carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere, then over the following 170 years humanity returned over 2,500 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide almost a 500%  increase should be seen in today's atmosphere but that only worked out to around a 33% increase, WHY? because of the disproportional sequestration of carbon from the planet's atmosphere with the return of all types of stored carbon back into the atmosphere, be it short-term as in yearly life and death, mid-term as in soil carbon and tree life, and long-term as in sedentary rocks that can only be returned as carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere via Earth's active plate tectonics! Scientists have estimated that carbon sequestration removes around 10 gigatonnes of carbon each year, year in and year out, while plate tectonics only return on average around 3 gigatonnes of carbon each year for a net loss of around 7 gigatonnes each year, without mankind on the planet! So you take that estimated 2,500 gigatonnes of added carbon dioxide and remove from that total 170 years times 7 gigatonnes of loss each year for a total of about 1,190 gigatonnes, leaving an additional 1310 gigatonnes then remove the gain of around 266 gigatonnes that has been added to the atmosphere over that 170 years, means that around 1,044 gigatonnes are unaccounted for as of yet! However, we have failed to take into consideration the great waters of the planet, which house the vast majority of the planet's carbon dioxide that can also be considered as available! Again Scientist's, have estimated that the great waters of the planet house over 39,000 gigatonnes of available carbon so if we assume that as carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere a percentage of that material would be diffused into the oceans each year and over 170 years that would only need to be a little over 5 gigatonnes each year to make up the total of 2,500 gigatonnes to be somewhat accounted for! 

    Boy, talk about a lot of estimations, averages, and assumptions, I can only take the research that thousands of others have done! I build homes, and businesses, reroof damaged roofs, and take down old buildings for recycling of material, all to provide for myself and my family! Over the last 59 years of my life, I tried to come to understand why Earth is not around 3,500 years into the next ice age! This led me to what may seem far afield from my original question, but in reality, answers that question in a very straightforward manner! That happens to explain why Earth engineered such a different species than ever before in its attempt to keep carbon-based life on the planet!

     So where does that leave humanity's response to Global Warming and Climate Change? Well, that has all been covered on this blog site, reaching over one million words contained within almost 500 posts. To whoever is reading these posts, there are hundreds of opinions on how to repair the planet, but how can we expect to accomplish that if we do not even understand the cause? Call me, text me, write a long letter, but get involved! I can be reached by phone in the USA at 402-890-7946, I live in Cortland Nebraska, at 1201 South 12th Road zip code 68331. My Name is Daniel James Kadavy!


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