434 There has been many extinction events in our planet's history, but none come close to running out of CO2
Perpetual motion theory says that life can never continue forever without interference, many feel that the sun's energy is the necessary interference. No, it is simply energy, only one very important part of life. The greenhouse gasses that exist on this planet are another very important part, necessary for most life, without with all water on the surface of the planet would be frozen, and the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide is very, very important for life to use as one of the major building blocks of that life. Water is also essential for life, then we come to other nutrients that are needed but in smaller amounts but without, are again essential for life. These include many trace minerals such as, iron, copper, manganese, chlorine, zinc, boron, nickel, molybdenum, and perhaps others that are so rarely in short supply that we do not know about them. All past extinction events can not be put into groups or categories without the complete understan...