
Showing posts from December, 2019

Global Warming and Climate Change} question #4 how to go somewhat back?

We have looked at just a small window of the planet's past, with the last question. Realizing that the reason that the planet is reacting with so much change, in the strength of weather events, around the planet. Is because, of the very large increase in the formations of desert's and semi-arid area's that use to be filled with plant life, that helped in stabilizing the temperature of the planet! Instead these same area's now are increasing the the temperature extremes.                                                                                             Meaning that we need to help reduce those extremes, by moving water back into those areas and replanting as much and as quickly as we can. The only available water,'s are from the mighty river's of t...

Global Warming and Climate Change} question #3

Why, if the planet is running low on available carbon. are we having such extreme weather? Does this mean that before the planet entered into the glaciation cycle around 2,000,000 years ago, was the weather on the planet always extreme? And if so, do we look forward to that for the sake of the planet?          NO the planet utilized a much better way of maintaining, a more consistence planet wide temperature, than it does today. Let's go back even a little farther in time to let's say 5 million years ago. The ocean levels were quite a bit higher then they are now, because there was almost no ice anywhere on the planet. There was also very few desert's or semi-arid area's on the planet. These differences, from now, can be traced straight back to the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! Plant life over the whole planet was many times greater then it is now, which means's much more cloud cover over the planet, due to plant respiration of water vapor int...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Another question?

If we all agree, (like that will ever happen!) that all known life on this planet, needs three things to exist, water, energy, (mainly from the sun), and carbon (for most life on this planet, that would be in the form of carbon dioxide). And we can all agree that whatever your belief of how the planet came to be, really does not matter, because we are here now, with all of the problems that we have.  Some will say that perhaps the test we now face going forward, is why we are here! Then the next question after how life started, would be. Are we running out, of one of the three requirements of life? I would have to say that right now, almost everyone would say a resounding NO! (that would be for those who even think about such things.) The Sun seems to be only, middle-aged, the water on the planet, while could be cleaner, still cover most of the planet, which leaves carbon dioxide. And mankind has been increasing those levels by the use of fossil fuels, so much so, that problems hav...

Global Warming and Climate Change} lets ask these questions?

Let's ask ourselves, some very simple questions, concerning life on this planet. What is the best explanation for how life began? (If you believe that a God created life, this is fine, just because there is a God or not. He, She, Still would have made that life so that it's form could be copied and reproduced, far into the future. Mankind is quite able to be wrong, and right about every subject that has ever been talked about. And on many subjects there is no wrong or right, such as what is the pretties colors, smells, sound's, or style of clothing.) So back to how life started. We know that every living life needs certain element's, Some form of water, so that what ever it consumes for energy, sunlight, grass, meat, etc. that the body can both break down that energy into it's property's and move it around to where it is needed. Water is necessary for that process. Warmth, most of life can only survive within a certain temperature range. Some type of defence, st...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Where do we go from here?

As of today I have posted 28 post on Global Warming and Climate Change, and quite a few people have seemed to read some of them, but not one person has attempted to call me or contact me! Since I try not to read into people on what they think. I do not understand what this lack of contact means's? It seems that every time I post something, many of the same people look at the post, and that is all. So what does this mean? To me, this is the most important topic in the lifetime of mankind! In just a few century's life on this planet will simply fade away! No doomsday, but a simple quiet reduction stopping of life as we know it. But the solution is really, not a very difficult concept to both understand or make to come about. It does require a thinking and acting species on this planet to do it. Mankind is the only  possible answer. Which means's   that we can not afford to kill off the human race, If that was to happen then the whole planet would cease to have life except i...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Why is having 25% more cloud cover so important?

During the last 3,000,000 Years of the planet's life cycle, the change in planet's ability to self regulate it climate has been seriously undermined! Do to the plant life limitions, caused by lost of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This slow reduction in the availability of the most important of gases in the atmosphere. Was the first step, to the creation of semi-arid land around the planet, where ever rainfall was one of the contributing factors for plant stress. When stress of water shortage, was combined with the plant's need to increase the opening sizes of it stomata's, because of lowing level's of carbon dioxide in the air the plants used. Then plant life suffered, and slowly a drought cycle was started. Less plant life, meant less water in the surrounding atmosphere, which then lead's to less cloud cover. Meaning more direct sunlight hitting the surface of the planet, that no longer had enought plant life to convert the sun energy to growth, instead of ...

Global Warming and Climate Change} What would be needed for the start of moving water?

Global Warming and Climate Change} How would we start? Getting the governments all on the same page, on what needs to be done, to repair the planets weather extremes, would be the hardest part! This is where a good Public Relation's firm would come in? What! Yes you heard me right, we have been conditioned for advertising! If we would try and get one government or another to champion the case, for how to repair climate change, with just one front. Of moving as much of the planet's rivers, as we can into deserts and semi-arid places and explain how this Huge, but singular act, of replanting these areas, will in the shortest time, start to regulate the planet temperatures. All we would have done, is set one nation against another. Just the same as if we could get, one political party in a government, the opposing party in that nation would have to disagree on principle! But if a good Public Relation firm, could set up a campaign, to sway the people that this the very best way to ...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Part 3 of the condensed version of life cycle of a planet dan kadavy

Global Warming and Climate Change} Cliff notes of; life cycle of a planet dan kadavy  So we have explained how the planet has got to this point, in the planetary evolution. And why mankind addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, is both extremely important to, stopping the next and final ice age, and why it is also changing the weather extremes that we are facing. So how do we combat these two at odds to each other problems! The solution lies in slowly lowering the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by diverting all major and minor river systems into the deserts and semi-arid areas of the planet! Then planting these areas with ground cover to start with, and then crop's and trees, as quickly as can be done. We start with some of the largest labor forces that are now on the planet, and that is the men and women that are fleeing there own homeland due to wars, famine, religious persecution, and many just simply trying for a better life, then there own country can offer them! Righ...

Global warming and Climate change} Part 2 of a condensed version of life cycle of a planet dan kadavy

Cliff notes; part 2 of a condensed version of life cycle of a planet and 24 short posts. So here we are putting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere then, the planet can sequestration in a year, ( which is estimated at 10 Gt/c per ) This is the first time in the history of the planet, that something outside of volcanic action, that has been able to take carbon that the planet had stored away and released it back into the atmosphere! Had this happened 3 million years ago, when there was very few areas of deserts and semi-arid places that were not allowing so much of the sun's energy to reach the ground because there would have been much more cloud cover than we have today? Then we would not be experiencing so much temperature rise or so much extreme weather as we are now! However, there would also not be any ice on the planet, to worry about rising sea levels. Also goodbye sunny California, Instead there would be a lot more tropical rain forest, and only a small part of Florida w...

Global Warming and Climate Change} condensed 24 post's and one main paper

Cliff note's; of the 24 post's and main paper!  4.5 billion years ago there was no life on the newly formed planet, the atmosphere of the planet was almost all carbon dioxide, a small amount of nitrogen, a little hydrogen, and some sulfuric acid. the atmosphere was also much denser, how much that would be a guess, perhaps on the order of 10 times as much. Once some type of life began that used the carbon dioxide-sun-water to begin photosynthesis, then carbon sequestration also started.So from the first life on the planet to now, carbon has been removed from the cycle of life, on a much larger scale then has been returned by volcanic action. In this same time frame, the sun's energy has been increasing by around 1% every100 million years. this extra energy would have offset the lost of the green house gas carbon dioxide, along with the much larger cloud cover, then we now have, that would have helped regulate surface temperature's. Whenever carbon dioxide and other green...

000 The lifecycle of a planet, Or how cause and effect, may destroy a planet's life.

The Life Cycle of a Planet. Or how cause and effect, causes a planet to die billions of years before the Star giving life to it, would have caused the planet to be destroyed! All life has some type of intelligence, be it the simple need to survive by going where it needs to be to get the energy needed for its existence. Or the more complex need that predators have to surprise their prey. No life, just is! All life has both, some type of defense and offense that interacts with its surroundings Many live in the environment as they find it, but many find that their survival depends on changing their surroundings, to increase their chances and their offspring’s chances, Sometimes these needs, does change the environment, that others have to deal with. This could be as simple as pine trees causing the earth they live in to become more acidic so other plants can not survive in those soils. To certain rodents making such large burrows, that can cover 100’s of acres ...

Global Warming and Climate Change} There is so much information about man's role in these subjects!

Global Warming and Climate change} And the really funny part is, almost everything that is written has a lot of truth in it, but the truth is only part of the greater reality. Let's start with mankind's, need to know what started the glaciation cycle the planet has been in for over 2 million years. Milutin Milankovitch put forth a theory, that there are 3 different cycles that the planet goes though, that when you line them up with growing and shinking of glaciers on the face of the planet correlates fairly closely with the planet receiving more or less energy from the sun! Looking at this at face value, it would seem to be why glaciers grow and shrink at a somewhat consistent time frame. However you would need to ask yourself why is this happening just in the last 2 million years and not before, when the sun is very slowly gaining in strength over time not losing strenght. So a case should be made that Milankovitch did find part of the solution and not the main reason. In fact...

Global Warming and Climare Change} Why is moving water from rivers and preventing it from entering the oceans so improtant. ceans

Global Warming and Climate Change} Why is stopping moving water from entering the oceans so very important to slow and then stop Global warming? Because it does three very important things. 1) it stops all of the materials that mankind has introduced into these waters, be it nitrate's from farming, plastics from waste, sewage, heavy metals, ( most heavy metals really settle out long before it reaches the coast unless that is where it is introduced at ). 2) It helps in lowering the oceans level to counter ice melting.  3) perhaps the most important, it's use to transforms deserts into vegetation growing areas that produces enough ground cover and plant respiration, to reduce wattage from the sun by production of cloud cover and natural occurring rainfall. This was one of the most basic of way's that the planet was able to regulate temperature extremes, but was partially lost do to the rapid increase in deserts and semi-arid places caused by the reduction of carbon dioxide in...