423 I saw a short item yesterday about a lake of water underneath 2 miles of ice that Russians and Americans drilled down into.
And for some reason, it seems to come as a shock that the carbon dioxide levels in the water were over 20 times higher than anywhere else on the planet. How could that come as a shock, this water was what water all over the planet was like prior to there being any ice on the planet, just over 3,000,000 years ago. This water is simply a time capsule of what the planet was like prior to the planet cooling enough to start snow and ice to develop. It is no different than amber acting as a time capsule of the atmosphere when the resin first seeped from the tree. Is there, no one out there who understands how limestone is made, 100 million gigatonnes of it on the planet that was once life, and it just magically appeared fully formed without coming from somewhere? NO, it was all stored in the atmosphere and waters of this great planet since the planet was formed from the cosmic dust that was once other stars that exploded many billions of years ago. Not ro...