
Showing posts from August, 2022

475 CDLXXV The life and times of our fictional Earth as recorded by mankind in the 21st century! Allowing many millionaires to become billionaires if the truth of the planet is not discovered in time!

       Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only planet known to have life on it in our solar system. It is around 4.6 billion years old, and has had carbon-based life on it for around 3.5 billion years. Ever since life started it has slowly taken over the planet and all carbon-based life has always been in perfect balance with all other carbon-based life! Once the planet started with life that did not use the Sun, and carbon dioxide for direct growth (animal Life) this new form of life used the first life to provide it with energy, again always in perfect balance, if not enough plant life then the animal life would be also be reduced. All life needs to be kept in check so that any one form did not run wild, each form needs to somehow be kept within certain limits! Life then evolved to fill just about every niche and condition on the planet. With the only exception is plant, and insect life in places like the Antarctic. Then in the not to distance past, a n...

474 How do we learn? When we are very young we believe our parents know everything, but once we get into some form of formal education "BAM"!

    We come to believe that what our parents understand is really very little and we start forming the opinion at a very young age, that  teachers are important for understanding knowledge. After all, they have a certificate proving their learned knowledge in their field of expertise! We have all seen the time when our children stop telling us what they did in school, part of that is for their own protection in trying to hold on to that feeling that our parents are all-knowing, yet we have seen our parents seem to struggle with concepts that children feel that they understand because they learned it from someone with authority. In today's modern world, very few average individuals understand how things work. From the cars they drive to the phones, everyone absolutely needs to survive. If something breaks we either send it out to be fixed or simply buy a new one. You add to this the unfairness of schools, that with so many kids to watch, teachers do not have the time to fi...

473 Why has it been so difficult for me to attract attention to what is so obvious concerning carbon sequestration for the 3.5 billion years of life?

    Every point that I  use to explain what the planet is facing is grounded in some of the simplest scientific truths. 1) Yes, there are many people each year that are swindled out of their hard-earned money by someone claiming to have made a perpetual motion machine. Yet this is one of science's earliest understandings that "PERPETUAL MOTION IS IMPOSSIBLE"! Yet even scientists seem to think that somehow Earth is immune to this scientific fact. They tell you that the Sun is continually supplying the planet with energy and that, is what allows perpetual motion to exist. Yet there are many things that life needs to exist, energy is just one of the requirements of life, water is another which does limit where on the planet there is abundant life, and then the real problem lies with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continuing to be removed from being available for life to use. Instead every day of the 3.5 billion years that carbon-based life has been on the planet, carbon se...

472 Humanity does have a responsibility to the planet, as the only species that can repair its lost temperature-regulating abilities, and maintain Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

    But that does not mean that everyone on the planet has that as a purpose for "why they are here"!   That can only serve as such a reason for those who wish to direct themselves in that direction while leading the need that many have for friendship, love, and perhaps children. What normally in times past gives people a "reason for being" has been based on a belief in powers greater than ourselves. This can come in many forms, and has led to countless atrocities, all in the name of destiny or divine purpose! Hopefully, with a new understanding of why the planet came to acknowledge that such a species as mankind was absolutely needed, we can put aside much of our old belief in, royal bloodlines, manifest destiny, being the chosen people, or any other reason we are taught that gives one group of people authority over others!      Having a purpose in life, and if that purpose can also support a family, leaving behind an even better life for any descendants g...

471 Quora again has not allowed me to post on their site most of my short posts. Declined-declined-declined, not sure what their reasoning is?

       It is always the guardians of knowledge who would direct what type of information is allowed for widespread dissemination. Knowledge has always given money and power to those who yield it, not necessarily discover it. How many of the discoveries of the past have been withheld from the population deemed unable to understand? Many times such discoveries have been brought to people's attention as funny anecdotes, not to be taken too seriously or with any importance. This has been done extensively concerning past civilizations and their wonderous ways of life that they held. Almost always being disenfranchised by saying that they rivaled in human sacrifice, and or cannibalism. The media does this almost daily by talking about how interesting someone is that is held in high regard and in the same breath saying "juicy gossip" about them.      The gaps between rich and poor, young and old, plain and beautiful, religious and those feigning religion, and...

470 There are so many people with beliefs that are based on 2 or 3 short sound-bites. The carbon-cycle is perfect it has worked for 3.5 billion years!

       Yet, do they verify that the planet has not had major extinction events because of a failing carbon-cycle? No, they have not, they're simply parroting what others have said.       Mankind is in some ways not built for new ideas, How many times have the same play, book, or movie, been based on an earlier version of the same idea? The "western" bad guy takes over money, ranch, river, town, or the girl, and in the beginning, gets his way because no one will stand up to them. Good guy comes into town, there is trouble, suspense, and finally, the bad guy is dead and the good guy wins, but many times at a great cost to the good guy. In the romantic comedy, two lonely people, that everyone in the audience knows would be perfect for each other, yet faces nothing but problems in their search for love, misunderstanding, jealousy, the ugly ducking into the beautiful swan, themes that have been done so many times that if the ending is not what we expec...

469 "Life cycle of a planet by Daniel James Kadavy" can be seen in two different lights! First using the "plan" as described, fixes the planet.

    And d oes exactly what scientists say needs to happen to stop Global Warming and Climate Change? And the second way to see the "plan" is to help save all carbon-based life on the planet by keeping the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere consistent with the needs of a planet with abundant life on it because right now the planet does not have abundant carbon-based life on it and has not had an abundance of life, for millions of years. There has not been enough carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere for a very long time, because of carbon sequestration, over the 3.5 billion years that carbon-based life has been on the planet!     Many will say that this fly's right in the face of what is causing Global Warming and Climate Change, simply too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! Simply put there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for the amount of plant life that the Earth now has on it. Once the planet had to increase its need for more carbon di...

468 Every generation believes that we now understand! Yet mankind is really still in its infancy on so many levels.

     When you look at sites on the internet that deal with questions and answers it is astounding just how different everyone seems to look at even simple questions and answers! It is like I believe what I believe and that's that. And this is not only concerning religious beliefs but politically based dogma, that has no bases for facts. How does one start a conversation with someone who already has decided what they believe on just about every subject, based on what sites they either look at on the internet or what news channel they watch? There are reasons that the military wants soldiers as young as possible, once someone decides on a direction, getting them to change is difficult!      Anytime there are new understanding's that challenge old belief, the walls that have to be broken down can take until the next generation. Yet there are many people who can sell financial schemes to just about everyone that has money using greed as the way to go around bui...

467 Why do we try and say that every type of environment on the planet is necessary for the planet to exist? This is neither true nor unimportant.

      Scientific understanding of how a certain ecosystem works are not the same as being necessary for the planet's survival. I have never understood why so many people feel that deserts and semi-arid areas of the planet are somehow important to the planet unless it is because carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were so low that using greenhouse gasses for keeping temperatures high enough to prevent the next ice age was not enough without taking the carbon stored from these areas causing semi-arid and arid areas to exist in the first place! Or perhaps to decrease areas of cloud cover so that more of the sun's rays could now strike unprotected soils, both increasing heating of these areas and changing the sun's rays into the infrared zone which is the type of rays that causes greenhouse gasses to warm?     Just about every religion on the planet believes that mankind is a designed species on Earth. Either designed in the likeness of their creator, or to have...