
Showing posts from November, 2019

Global Warming and Climate Change} We have got to get the fix right! Or else we will be hurting ourselves!

        Global Warming and Climate Change}What do I mean, hurting ourselves! One way would be to start sequestrating carbon so that it can not be easily retrieved at a later date. For example, one plan would be to inject the carbon in several different forms, deep into old wells or newly dug wells where it will bind with natural salts, and not be able to be brought back up. A much better type of sequestration would be, to plant more forests so that later on we could harvest the mature trees and keep a more natural cycle of carbon alive. or even better would be to plant trees that also produce fruit or nuts, This is a very important difference, then the main street thinking that say's, however you can take co2 out of the atmosphere is good. I have stated that the planet is running very low on available carbon that life can draw upon, and we should not be removing any more carbon from the cycle of life that would require the burning of fossil fuels to replace it when t...

Global Warming and Climate Change} what if we decide to not try and remove any carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

Global Warming and Climate Change} What if the planet governments decide that yes having extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a good thing because it helps increase crop yields in almost ever plant species out there, some have a more profound yield increase than others, but it makes feeding the world easier! And the work that would need to be done to minimize damage from rising oceans and seas, would be an economic boom to job creation around the world! The need to prevent flooding damage due to extreme climate events would create massive companies around the world that would have the job of building floodproofing infrastructure for every city in the world! And since there would be no reason now, to reduce deserts and semi-arid places which would have helped, regulate cloud cover and worldwide temperatures, the need for air conditioning in all public spaces around the globe, would have to create more massive companies to use the economics of size, to deliver this massive a.c. unit...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Cloud regulation of temperture

Global Warming and Climate Change} We talk of the temperature extremes on the planet Venus due to its massive atmosphere of 92 times that of our planet and 95% carbon dioxide and its super long days so that heat builds up to almost 900 degree Fahrenheit. Making it the hottest planet in the solar system. So very much different than our planet, but it does have one thing that hints as a temperature self-regulating feature that earth has, and that is cloud cover that radiates around 60% of the sun's energy back into space plus keeping in the heat that has been generated at a more consistent level. Back on our planet when the levels of carbon dioxide were many times higher then they are now, there would have been much more cloud cover then there is now, along with more rainfall, making the planet warmer but also much more consistent with fewer highs and lows meaning a more stable weather pattern overall. This should, in theory, reduce extremes in storms and tornados, but would generate...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Do we really see whats going on, or is the search for our wrong doing

     Do we really see what is going on with the planet, or is our need to see mankind as nothing but a parasite on the planet, overshadowing our outlook of what life on this planet really is? When we look at a view of the planet from space, with no cloud cover, do we see that a very large part of the planet is already inhospitable to life! 25% of the land surface is desert or semi-arid, the whole landmass of the Antarctic is covered by a few million years of ice. 71% of the planet is covered with oceans, that only have life in abundance in the top 10% of its depth. Dig down 10 feet into the surface of the planet and life almost disappears. And yet you can uncover soils that have had ice covering them for thousands of years and the life that was there in terms of some mosses will act as if it had just come out of a long sleep! There really is so much life on this planet that simply will not be denied, even in the face of overwhelming odds. But so much of life is also very ...

Global Warming and Climate Change and production of methane by life

Much has been made of the global warming caused by methane in the atmosphere caused by life itself. Has something changed in the amount of life on this planet that produces methane? probable not because of man's removal of native life such as termites, ants, wildlife around the whole planet is less due to their loss of habitat, so mankind could use that land for himself, there is less production of methane then before man started to influence the balance of gases in the atmosphere. Therefore if nature as a whole is producing less methane then before mankind, has the use of livestock tipped the balance upward from times past? Again probably not, the amount of land taken out of use by grazing animals is so many millions of acres that even the large cattle herds does not come close to measuring up to the grazing animal of past times. So if the production of methane can not equal past productions prior to man's arrival. then we should be able to discount the production of methane t...

Third month since I started this blog! Global warming climate change and why scientist and I disagree about available carbon on the planet

Global warming and Climate change}Why do I disagree with the scientific world about how much carbon is available for the world's plant life to have access to? In some way this is a really easy question to answer, all you have to do is add up all of the carbon that can be easily converted back into carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, around 800 Gt/C, 39,000 Gt/C in the oceans, 560 Gt/C in living plants and animal life, 1,500 Gt/C in the planet soil, and approximately 4,000 Gt/C as fossil fuel mainly in the form of coal, not oil. This equals 45,860 Gt/C on the whole planet that could relatively easily be converted by nature, back into carbon dioxide, the only form that plant life can use. ( the 4000 Gt/C of fossil fuel could really only be used by man-made use of those fuels, not by a natural decaying process ) Then you take the number that the scientific world says that is sequestered each and every year by soil erosion and production of limestone by the death of sea life, which is ar...

Global Warming and Climate Change} living in a crazy time

Global warming and Climate change} living in a crazy time! Almost every action that happens in today's world is centered around money. Will I make money on this deal, or how much will it cost to do this, how can I get the most for the least, I have money and how do I get more, who do I have to cheat to be richer. These are the attitudes that got us into every recession and depression that the world has seen in the last 140 years! The people that causes it are not the ones to suffer, the farmers are kicked off of their paid for land, because they can not pay there taxes because their crops are now worth nothing! The the banks sell these farms to the rich for penny's on the dollar! And the refugee crisis will be no different, in that we will take these people in, when we can find a way to get them to be cheap labor, Doctors will become laborers, teachers will not be allowed to teach because they were not educated here. Knowing that these people have no options but their children ...

Global warming and climate change Is there a hidden source of carbon that the plant life can use?

Global warming and climate change} life cycle of a planet dan kadavy    What if the planet did have a unknown reserve of carbon that plant life could drawn on whenever co2 levels dropped to 180 parts per million and mankind did not have to be responsible for maintaining levels of co2 at all, they only had to drop the levels back to preindustrial levels so that climate change could be mitigated back to what it was in the early 1900's. How should they proceed to do just that? Well guess what I am going to say? The same as if the planet did have need for mankind to intervene on keeping co2 level stable. Stop water from going into the oceans and sea's, decrease the sizes of all semi-arid and desert areas, and keep enough water as ice in high elevations to help with times of drought! And use refugee's as the labor force to do all of this, so that country's around the world would not be saddled with the expense of having a over saturated labor force, both dropping labor rates...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Life cycle of a planet dan kadavy and carbon sequestration

Global warming and climate change} Life cycle of a planet Dan kadavy  explains the true long term nature of what the planet is going through with or without mankind on the planet! Sequestration of carbon, what does this term mean? It means taking carbon out of the normal cycle, of use and reuse by nature, either by design of man, to reduce available carbon to prevent global warming, or the sequestration of carbon by nature in the production of limestone or other types of rock made by the death of sea life, or any other natural causes of lost of carbon i.e. soil erosion and then deep burial in river delta's. It also includes the loss of carbon by the formation of what we refer to as, fossil fuels! The best estimates of how much carbon the planet sequesters each and every year is around 10 billion tons of carbon though out the whole planet. ( the oceans are the largest cause of this ) Since every year carbon is being sequestrated and the only way that this carbon is brought back into...

Global Warming and Climate Change} What are some of the causes of desert formation?

Global warming and climate change!   What are some of the reasons for desert formation?                      Deserts and semi-arid areas of the planet are somewhat new products of the climate of this planet. Prior to 2,000,000 years ago or thereabout, was when deserts and semi-arid places were starting to be formed around the world, this was just at the time that atmospheric carbon dioxide was becoming dangerously low for the requirement of healthy plant life to prosper. There are many requirements for plant life, but the big 3 are sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. But water requirement and carbon dioxide are tied together in a certain way when co2 is high, then less water is required for plant growth. When co2 is low, then more water is needed, because the plants need to open up their stoma more, allowing greater loss due to the plant's respiration process. This goes hand and hand with the formation of semi-arid and de...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Life cycle of a planet dan kadavy Refugees and moving water!

Global Warming! Climate Change! Refugees from the Middle East, Africa, South, and Latin American!   How are these issues related? Easy, all are problems that need to addressed and all are interrelated by the fact that without the available manpower none can be solved alone!                                                                   What does each issue bring to the table? The refugees from the middle east and Africa are trying to escape from religions and ideologically differences, war, famine, from basically one set of people telling other sets of people how to live, love, and pray. (simplified of course). The men, women, and children are leaving Latin and South American, for economic reasons and the fear of gang violence related to the massive drug trade, caused by corrupt governments and police!...

Global Warming and Climate Change} only doom and gloom are we too late NO!

Climate change doom and gloom! Global warming Are we too late?                                                                                                  ABSOLUTELY NOT! But it is true that the longer that we wait for the correct fix to be started, then the more compounding will be the need, for a mixture of fixes that while does not correct the problems, but will serve to help local needs. Example, the need to build higher sea walls, instead of keeping the world waters from entering the oceans in the first place!                        Since we are talking about, the planet slowly changing over 4.5 billion years. We must understand that how life on this planet has changed over tho...

Global Warming and Climate Change} what if we had a satellite view going back 500 million years?

Would it not be great if we could have a satellite view of the whole planet going back 500 million years at 50 thousand year intervals. That would be 10 thousand images of the planet covering the age of the dinosaurs up to the present. But what could we see that would affect how we look at our planet? A lot with the technology that we now have, we would see (this is my point of view based on carbon dioxide levels that I believe were in effect during this time frame) what gases made up the atmosphere, and how almost the whole planet was green with plant life even the Antarctic and until the last 40 to 45 frames or so there was no ice staged anywhere on the whole planet almost no deserts anywhere on the planet as I like to think the planet was running amok with life! Would we like to live on this planet? Probably not. we would have been a good food source for everything from the dinosaurs to the insects sucking our blood. It may seem funny but our ability to compete on this planet is par...

Global Warming and Climate Change} what is carbon sequestration?

Climate change cause and effect? What is carbon sequestration, and why is it miss understood?               The causes of carbon sequestration, are mainly from two sources. The first source is the one most people can readily see, erosion by the movement of water! We have all seen roads that have been covered by landslides from hills that gave way when after heavy rains, the ground would become so saturated with water that if there was not enough roots or other property's to hold the hill together and down she would come. This happens every time that it rains and water flow downward towards a stream and then into a river, only in much smaller amounts then it takes a landslide to happen. Is all of this soil, carbon, no but almost all of this soil has organic life in it, that is made up of carbon. As it flows downstream much of the soils will come to rest at a bend in the river where the water slow down enough to settle out some of the sediment and n...

Global Warming and Climate Change} what part of the planet would give the quickest response?

Climate change/ Global warming! and what area of the planet would have the quickest response to man's attempts to regulate some of the extreme weather events?                                                                       These questions can not be answered, without knowing how much effort mankind was willing to put forth. But in an ideal situation, if mankind could reduce the size of the Sahara Desert by 10% in a 20 year period this would be around 355,000 square miles, or the same as planting the size of 4 and 1/2 States of Nebraska (my home state and during the depression in the 1930's much of that state and others larger then Nebraska were terraced and had million's of acres of trees planted to help stop and end the dust bowl, yes this is like comparing apples and oranges but much of the food that A...