
Showing posts from February, 2021

7 How long will it take to completely repair the "Temperature -Regulating-Abilities" of the planet?

          While it takes many millions of years for our planet to slowly adapt to lower levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, because there are so many contributing factors to how plant life adapts, and it is "plant life" that over time that has always been the driving force behind remaking the atmosphere of the planet! Until (thankfully) Mankind's arrival in numbers high enough to cause change so much faster than nature can!                                                                                                                                                        ...

6 Potential and Kinetic Energy, every living thing on the planet has both! How mankind makes use of both of these is what defines us.

          This post is talking about, how with most of the world entering into a "cash society", has dramatically reduced mankind's ability to do multiple tasks, that other places around the planet consider normal knowledge. What happened in the "Great State of Texas" last week from the freezing weather, could have been much less of a problem if people had just some basic knowledge of how things work! Shut the water off at the point where it entered into their houses, and open up every tap in the house to drain the water from pipes that could freeze and do major damage once the broken frozen pipes unfroze, thereby flooding the homes, which insurance companies then try to refuse to cover the damages, if you do not carry flood insurance! A toilet that will not flush, a sink that continues to drip, an electrical outlet that shorted out, a wood floor that got a little water damage from overwatering a plant, a hole in drywall from someone hitting it with a piece...

5 If there ends up being a way to reach other planets that may have at one point contained some type of life, Those that still retain an atmosphere.

          Would be the perfect world's to colonize, Since all planet seems to be produced in the same way, as are stars, the main difference would not be the chemical make-up of either but simple the size of either, and whether or not they were in the "Goldilocks zone" for habitation. Doing a complete study of the existing fossils of the planet, (no reason to think that there would not be fossils if the planet had life at one time) would tell us much of what type of life had existed, and what caused the extinction of that life.                            What we would then have to do, would be to reverse engineer whatever material had been removed from that particular planet to allow mankind to reestablish what was removed. Granted, if the planet has problems that would be too big to overcome on a planet-wide scale then either underground or underdomes, would be the only option. Of c...

4 The "Fermi Paradox" "Life cycle of a planet by Daniel Kadavy" touches on this Paradox because it states that intelligent life has to develop in time!

          "Intelligent Life" What does that mean, and why is that important? As stated in the paper "Life cycle of a planet", perpetual motion even on a planetary scale is impossible! Something will start to run out given enough time, that whatever type of life a planet has developed will cause changes in that life. The only example that mankind has is our planet! But it has shown many examples of that reality, most mammals (which category mankind falls into) goes extinct after about 1 million years, yet some have lasted for up to 10 million years. Some "Sharks" are basically unchanged after 200 million years! However, 99.9% of all species ever on the planet are now extinct!                                                                                  ...

3 If you have been following my posts, you will remember that it is the extreme temperature variations that cause extreme weather both hot and cold!

          This does not just explain hurricanes, floods, and extreme hot weather events. But it also can explain winter extreme weather patterns, such as we are seeing in much of the country, now! While scientists that do not understand this cause and effect, need to design new explanations for deep cold weather, while maintaining that it is all caused by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere! When scientists need to keep adding to how increasing greenhouse gases can explain all of the different extremes of weather, give climate change deniers more reasons to be so! The axiom, that many are taught is to not "make a fact" fit into an "existing theory", but to find other explanations for the new facts! Dan

2 I have been worried that stopping all of the fresh water from entering the oceans would cause the salinity of the oceans to rise!

          But a recent study showed that what I saw as freshwater, really does have enough salts in it to make a difference! Any inland lake that does not have an outlet to a sea or ocean, does become saltier than the ocean's themselves. The Great Salt Lake in Utah, in the USA, the Dead Sea in Israel-Jordon-West Bank, Gaet'ale pond in Ethiopia, Lake Vanda in Senegal, and there are more, and they are "more than 10 times" saltier than the oceans. We do not see the "normal" sea life in these areas, but life does exist.                                       The study went on to say that, the Oceans do not become saltier because, the incoming salts that are estimated at 4 billion tons of dissolved salts per year from freshwater rivers, are balanced out by the salts that are deposited on the ocean floors. The study that I read did not explain this relatio...

1 Since I still have this website I will use it from time to time, but what I believed to be a way to reach the masses, did not turn out to be.

          But I dare not stop, for what is at stake, is simply everything! Mankind simply can not stop using fossil fuel on a time frame that will prevent many of the actions that scientists will say will happen if we do not. Since the only action that mankind can do in the necessary time frame is the "plan" which is the only one that is monetarily feasible, with-out bankrupting the planet! The use of 50,000,000 plus refugees and paying them with fully operational 20-acre farm sites. Increasing, the freshwater infrastructure, to the point that almost no freshwater enters into the seas and oceans of the planet. This has to be the long term goal of mankind.                                                                                        ...

CCCXXXV It has been a year and a half since I started this site!!! Only 8,333 hits over that time frame over 335 post's for an average of 25 hits!

This is not working, those of you that read my posts are not telling others. Perhaps only someone like "Elon Musk" will have the foresight to understand the long-term reality of what is happening, because those few who download my posts with-in minutes of me posting a new post do not seem to. Not one contact, not one phone call, not even anyone telling me that I do not have a clue! And seemingly no one passing on information about my posts as I have not seen any increase in many months. Hopefully, Mr. Musk works on colonizing Mars will bear fruit, because there does not seem to be anyone on Earth that can see farther down the road than their next paycheck, or where they will spend their next vacation, once the pandemic is over. 

CCCXXXIV Global Warming and Climate Change} The USA is very well situated for using the waters to replant the western part of the country

          The Eastern part of the USA is fairly well watered by natural rainfall, but once you get west of the Missouri River then naturally occurring rainfall amounts decrease going west and south. The canals and pipelines that would be needed to bring water to these areas, remind me of the trains that made the opening up of the west possible.                                                                                                                                                Many of the railroad easements of the past has long been abandoned, leaving many already surveyed trails, some of th...

333 Global Warming and Climate Change} The Nile in Egypt is one of the heaviest used great rivers of the planet!

            Which leaves only around 13 cubic kilometers of available water for use in a years time,  or converts to around 8.1 cubic miles in a normal year, while the rest of Europe drains around 308 cubic kilometers into the Mediterranean sea, on average each year or 192 cubic miles of freshwater each year. The trick is getting the freshwater from the north shore of the Mediterranean sea into the Sahara Desert. Underwater pipes, Supertankers, these could be the old single-hull tankers that are no longer allowed to be used as oil or fuel transports, Piping would be the best options because we would not even need pumping stations if the water on the northern end was collected high enough to allow gravity to move it across the sea. Once those pipes were installed the only pumping would be required once on the southern shores.                                   ...

CCCXXX Global Warming} When someone states that the planet carbon cycle would be in perfect harmony if only mankind was not on the planet!

           I have heard and read this many times, over the last 50-plus years! And I believed them until I realize that what they were saying was simply because they had heard the same thing as long as I have, and had no reason to question it. It went like this; Carbon can never be easily created or destroyed, so how much carbon was here when the planet first came together, is still here today. (this is true!) Then they say; therefore the planet is a perfect recycler of carbon, (this is false!) while the planet has no known way of destroying carbon that is not the same as recycling carbon. What they are implying is that carbon dioxide will eventually return back into carbon dioxide over time, whether that is in a quick carbon cycle, a mid-range carbon cycle, or a long-term carbon cycle, sooner or later it will be returned as carbon dioxide! Perhaps, when the planet was very young both the internal heat and the constant bombardment from space, would lead to ...

CCCXXXI Global Warming and Climate Change} Farming in area's that are either arid or semi-arid, require a continuing source of freshwater!

          Using underground reservoirs, to fulfill this need is never going to be a sustainable solution! But using freshwater before it enters oceans and seas will, not only are they relatively consistent, but the new water vapor that will be released into the atmosphere from the newly recreated plant life will also increase rainfall to help maintain the available water cycle!                                                                                                                    The true problem is getting the freshwater from sometimes hundreds of miles away, to where it is needed, In the USA east of the Missouri river they there is little need for additional w...

CCCXXXII I have so many post now that it may be becoming difficult for people to even understand what the blog site is about, so summarizing.

           My name is Dan Kadavy, I have been studying for over 50 years, why this beautiful planet entered into a cyclical, in nature, ice age, starting around 2.5 million years ago? What I discovered was that the cyclical part gave me direction to go into! What would cause ice being staged on the planet to go from constantly increasing to decreasing over time? A brilliant man named Milutin Milankovitch (an astronomer) put forth the fact that the relationship between how much energy the Earth receives from the Sun, changes over time! These cycles were later named after him as "Milankovitch oscillations". Many felt that this explained the cyclical nature of past ice-ages, however, he was not so sure. Later several studies were done in the 1970s that concluded that that "Milankovitch oscillations" only "paced the cycles" but did not "cause the cycles", something else did that!                       ...