
Showing posts from January, 2022

442 My last post talked about the planet as if it could design species to fulfill niches and needs on demand!

Sounds an awful lot like what a supreme being is supposed to be able to do? When Charles Darwin decided that our planet was constantly trying to evolve each species into higher and higher, states of being and placing Humans at the top of the pecking order, I believe that he meant that evolution was always striving so that each generation would be better than the one before! And the sexual decisions of the female of each species were always trying to pick the best male to be impregnated by, so that the resulting offspring would have the best chance of both survival and continuation of their gene pool! Yet mankind themselves did not always follow this course of action! So why am I talking about evolution and a" supreme being" giving direction to mankind's course of action, so that all carbon-based life on the planet will not fail due to carbon sequestration?      Let me first say that the definition of evolution that I "assume" was what Charles Darwin was talking ...

441 Once upon a time there was a planet that had abundant plant life on it. Yet it was all now threatened!

       The threat  did not come from outside, but like almost in every conflict the threat came from inside. There was no advancing asteroid, or supervolcanic event, that had in previous times proved most capable of destroying the majority of life on the planet. Nature was waging war on itself, yet the planet had quite a few tricks it could use in forestalling the inevitable, it could begin to limit life by decreasing areas where it could easily exist, it could create new types of life that required less material to survive, but all of these actions could only postpone the inevitable, it needed another plan, one that could reverse and delay and potentially stop the inevitable, but in creating this option, it was with the understanding that it would lose all control on what "this new species" would strive for! No longer would procreation and survival of its young, be enough to fulfill their destinies. Only by empowering this new attempt with less strength and no ...

440 About a year ago I started getting mad of my lack of action for the ten years of so that I let go by!

     Around the time I turned 50 years old, I had a very good idea of what really caused the glaciation on the planet that started around 2.5 million years ago, but I had not made the full correlation to what the planet was truly facing! The fact that there are only two actions that cause the start and stopping of an ice age on the planet is the amount of sunlight being converted to heat, and the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! That are the only two factors, (while many people still feel that Milutin Milankovic and his new understanding of how the planet receives more or less sunlight depended on a series of Earth's constantly changing positions in relation to the sun over very long time frames did provide a reason why the planet entered into the ice ages, they did not cause the ice ages! Had this been so, why, did they only start 2.5 million years ago, shouldn't they have been altering the amount of sunlight striking the planet since time began? What Milutin ...

439 My last post number 438 talked about how without "rocket science" the most complex puzzle our planet.

     Would become so much harder for someone to understand the complex nature of our planet's carbon cycle! (yes I referred to the Earth as our planet) for every living thing on Earth, from birth to death, for now, this is our only home! While everything needs to understand how carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the limiting factor that controls life, warmth, and the continuation of all carbon-based life, this knowledge is buried in so many places on the planet! The interpretation that has been put forth has always come from uncompleted information! Plus the fact that life has existed for billions of years why would any sane person think that it could stop in the near future?       Mankind as a whole, loves order, (while in truth it is the female of the species) drive down almost any street in a nice town on a sunny day in summer, trimmed lawns, nicely painted homes, newer cars, with sidewalks, and roadways. When someone doesn't mow their yard for jus...

438 I have said over and over, this information that I am putting forth is not Rocket Science but in a way it is!

      For without Rocket Science there simply would not be enough knowledge for me to have put all of the pieces together! For only by sending a probe to Mars and Venus which I assure you took a lot of Rocket Scientists working for the last 75 plus years to accomplish those feats. Would the last pieces of the puzzle come together for me! That was not only one counties doing, men and women from almost every nation on Earth worked countless hours, days, and lifetimes, to achieve those goals. Most will never receive the credit that we all owe them! Everyone that advances mankind's knowledge on how things work, how life interacts, how the planet's and solar system formed adds to the mystery that if we do not learn to understand will be the planet's doom.     What mankind is facing, the knowledge that we needed to learn, undoubtedly has occurred on many planets throughout the universe, hopefully successfully, but many times perhaps not! So many things have to happen ...

437 When I was 8-10 years old in a little one room schoolhouse that used a dividing wall to become two rooms.

      There was a teacher that had to be the smartest person in the world to an 8-10-year-old kid. Mrs. Florance Bone, she taught 5-8 grades and had taught for what seems like forever. She could answer any question I could think of except one, what caused the ice ages to start and stop. She herself wondered, but it seemed that no one knew for sure, either question, what started them and what caused them to stop! At the time they only talked about 5 ice ages, not the 22 that they talk about now. This was around 1964-66, during recesses and lunch we would play outside and every once in a while we would hear a "sonic boom" from the jets flying overhead either from Lincoln national guard or from "sac air force base" in Omaha I do not remember doing any air-raid drills, but we were living in the nuclear age where mankind was supposed to now be completely all-knowing about how our planet worked! In just a few short years there would be a man standing on the moon. Now the ...

436 The best way to convince scientist's that carbon dioxide sequestration is what is the underlying factor?

       Ask them the question of why the planet is not 3,500 years into the next ice age? What mitigating factors are there for the delay? We all know that fossil fuels use really only started less than 200 years ago, plus the population of people on the planet 3,500 years ago is estimated at only somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 million people give or take 10 million, with not a tractor or car to be seen for over the next 3,000 years.     While how long ice ages last, can vary from between 40,000 and 120,000 years, yet the time frame between ice ages has always been somewhat consistent at around 10,000 years, there is a very good reason for that!       The latest ice ages started around 2.5 million years ago, the first ones only lasted for 40,000 years or so because the carbon dioxide reservoirs in the great waters of the planet were quite high, and as these waters were being evaporated by the production of snow and ice on land once t...

435 Concerning the best communal size for a town with a diverse population both in language and religion?

      Let us do a little math on how many people will be in the towns, if they are spaced every 10 miles in a grid pattern, pretending that we are working with flat lands that have usable surface area for growing. There are 640 acres in one square mile, at 20 acres per farm that means that there will be 32 farms per square mile, I am using the number 5 for how many people will be supported on each farm (an example would-be mother. father, and 3 children,) 32 x 5 = 160 people working each square mile of farms times that by 100 (10 X 10 = 100) for a total 0f 16,000 people per town but then you have to add, doctors, nurses, teachers, dentist, entertainment personal, and all of the necessary support staff for such a community that is required working with numbers that the internet says 10% of a population would be needed for maintaining a good life experience! Hopefully, many of these people would actually come from the farms as not everyone wishes to work the land. Using the...