
Showing posts from August, 2020

228 Global Warming and Climate Change} America has never been able to vote in social change, it has always been defeated at the polls!

During the American Civil War, President Lincoln had to bring forth the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, nearly three years after the start of the war. President Johnson did the voting right act on August 6, 1965, As a factor for change, the silent majority is always happy with the status quo, they hide their prejudices, behind trying to not allow any unknown changes, to enter into their worldview. No one ever sees themselves as they really are, myself included, we all see ourselves as good guys. Unfortunately, the United States of America has one of the worst track records in dealing with non-European immigration of any country in the world. And yet we keep telling the whole world how we stand for freedom, (I guess that is only if you are not, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, or any other non-Euopeanian race) Freedom is not for some if it is not for all! Either we are all American's trying to make that really mean something, or we are just another country wher...

227 Global Warming and Climate Change} "The Placebo Effect"

I think of the "Placebo Effect" as when a person in a white coat gives a sugar pill to someone telling them that this pill is an improved version of some super medication! And for about 30% of the population of the planet, it seems to work, for pain, anxiety, depression, and it can even help with substance abuse problems. For me, it means that how we perceive something can or may make a large difference in an outcome. Can a Placebo work, yes and no, it is in itself, only an acceptable perception of an outside power that your own body has the ability to either overcome or repair itself. If you take the medical aspect out of the "Placebo Effect" it can explain much of how our own perceptions can be influenced by the "sales pitch" of whatever is being put forth. You start with the idea of whether or not you trust the salesman, if so then the conviction that they put forth can influence your own conviction and once you have invested part of your own belief in ...

226 Global Warming and Climate Change} When replacing ice loss from a glacier, do we only add at the very coldest part of the glacier?

Every Glacier replenishment ice project, will need to be adapted to each circumstance! Sometimes the best place for replenishment will be as high up as possible so that the ice will be maintained for the longest possible time, this would work well when the glacier calves into an ocean or sea, but when the glacier melt is used for freshwater, then ice placement would need to be where enough melting would happen each year to maintain the downstream flow capacity, but not so much that dams downstream would simply being used to capture the excess glacier melt to be returned the next winter. Knowing that to try and estimate just how much of any glaciers ice will melt each year is at best, just a guess. Dams downstream intended for capture of excess glacier melt would need to be large enough, and often enough, to play an important role in maintaining downstream flow! Over time, glacier replenishment would almost become a science in itself, and as mankind's efforts to re-establish much of...

225 Global Warming and Climate Change} There are many sides to mathematics, The side that deals with known numbers Is the one I like!

A squared + B squared = C squared, I can get behind that! The side that deals with probabilities, not so much, what are the chances that something will happen or not happen? That is what gambling is all about, and I do not like what I can not control. There are times that science needs to and does use probabilities, but this is when extra care has to come into action and then spelled out to the readers that it is only a probability study not, in fact, a fact. But sometimes scientists will take such a probability study and start to talk in such a way that it seems that it is a fact. In medicine, this is used quite often, a nurse will take down as much information about a person's lifestyle, history, and related history of families and the doctor will then enter this information into known causes and chances of such and such a disease. Even before someone sees a doctor, certain expectations will be deduced by this information, and for and overall occurrence of certain diseases this i...

224 Global Warming and Climate Change} When I put "Lifecycle of a planet" up on the internet a year ago, I was very afaid that the timing was very bad!

I felt this for several reasons, the main one was that I felt that I was several years too late! By the time that I had posted " Life cycle of a planet Daniel Kadavy" Global Warming had already become a very volatile issue with there being two very entrenched sides, and neither side had any true understanding of what the planet was really going through. One side, felt that all of the symptoms were caused by mankind's addition of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and the only recourse is to stop all burning of fossil fuels, in an effort to restore the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to levels below 300 parts per million. The next side, felt that mankind's addition of only 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere could not be the cause of the more volatile weather that the planet has been experiencing, but simply a normal cycle of weather, and mankind has not been recording weather patterns for a long enough time to prove otherwise! ...

223 Global Warming and Climate Change} Has science put all of its eggs in one basket when it comes to Global Warming?

The "opposition party" would like you to think so, for them it is all or nothing if you get one aspect of the problem wrong then all of your beliefs must be suspect! Science is a never-ending quest for knowledge. Knowledge is not something that comes without hard work, trial and error, and a lot of experimentation. Look at how far mankind has come in only one hundred years, how many lives have been saved, and a few losses in that search. But there will always be those that ridicule something that they feel will upend how they perceive life. Science is not something that continually gains knowledge, there are setbacks and many different points of view on most subjects. When knowledge is gained then many people may be helped, if not all of mankind, Understanding how the planet and all of its different lifeform interact is not the same as building a new source of energy that has fixed parameters, or a faster jet engine. You must also understand how life has changed over billions...

222 Global Warming and Climate Change} If mankind is removed from this planet, could life find a way to continue?

In time I do believe it could. perhaps an unknown species of bacterial would begin eating limestone, and in that process begin releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. or silicon could replace carbon as a building block of life, but how could it be made into a gas, or would all life be only developed in the oceans? Life is very hard to stamp out completely. But in any case, mankind would not be here to see what would be the next step in the evolution of life on this planet! I would strongly suggest that we make whatever changes we need, to repair this planet's temperature regulation system in a timely manner. And surprise, surprise, I have already designed those changes in my 12-page paper "Life cycle of a planet Daniel Kadavy" and for those of you who do not like to read such a long paper at one sitting, I have written 220 2 minutes read posts, that break down what mankind needs to do to prevent this planet from starving itself to death, and ...

221 Global Warming and Climate Change} What is an Expert?

We have been taught that experts are the only people to listen to. What makes an expert, is it because they have the ability to memorize statistics, or is it because they read everything, in their field of study? Is it because they have become wealthy because of their knowledge, be it an invention, or buying stocks at the right time? Have they written books that others in their field either agree with, or shows how, to look at something in a new but acceptable way? Or is it because they can maintain the "status quo" which makes others rich? Is it because we need "someone" to be an expert? Many times experts seem to be someone that has lived through very tough times and by prevailing in doing so, is now considered an expert! Or is it that they have simply lived long enough, or outlasted their opponents. Was Stalin an expert on communism or simply knew how to keep power? (I know what I think about that, but it definitely makes no difference to anyone else) So by any d...

220 Global Warming and Climate Change} How lucky are we to be alive at this point in human history? I am 63 years old, born in 1956.

Think of all of the progress that has happened in those few years! 60 years ago mankind could not have started the replanting of the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, there was at that time, not enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for the whole planet to have abundant plant life. Plus our crop yields would have suffered, and at that time that may have meant more famines. China was already in the middle of some of the worst famines they had ever seen. If all mankind does is lock carbon dioxide away in non-edible trees, we may end up being responsible for greater loss of life, by the lack of available food. Almost all wars are caused by the suffering of the masses or the cause of civil wars. In 1916 Russia great leap into communism, in the 1930s Germany's build-up into a war footing, all were predicated by social unrest, which came about by hard-living conditions and, or unjust governmental oversite. Now in many places such as America, as in the "Black Lives Matter...

219 Global Warming and Climate Change} We only talk about greenhouse gases changing sunlight to heat and as the only source of global warming, why?

One of the greatest causes of sunlight being converted into heat is the bare soils of arid and semi-arid areas of this planet! The heating of these soils is not the only problem that deserts poses. The rapid lost of much of this heat at night creates large temperature extremes in the atmosphere, that produces more chances of severe weather far away from the original source, for as the heated air of the daylight hours rises into the atmosphere, it comes into contact with the prevailing winds, that in a 12-hour span can move this heated air hundreds of miles! The cooler, heavier air of night will also cause, higher warm air, to cool off and sink, causing downdrafts that may play another role in high and low pressures being formed, thereby increasing winds in several different elevations traveling even in different directions! These wind directional changes are one of the factors of why so many storms start over the warm waters just off of the west coast of northern Africa, leading to the...

218 Global Warming and Climate Change} Back in the late 70s or the early 80s there was plans by Saudi Arabia to tow icebergs, to that desert country!

 One thing that I remember from that time, was a plan to inject air bubbles underneath the "front" of the iceberg so that is would require less energy to tow the giant iceberg, the air bubbles would "thin" the water much like what they use for high platform diving. I see that they are still talking about this 40 and 50 years later but with-out mentioning the air bubbles, almost all of these desert countries have installed giant desalination plants, that takes seawater and by several different types of processes, producing drinkable water! This type of arrangement works well but both increase the cost of water, and in many cases, problems relating to the thick brine left behind are generated. Why am I talking about icebergs? For several reasons, first, to show people that just because there are good ideas out there, they do not aways workout, for many reasons. Second, to say that thinking outside the box, may help in getting many other ideas into the pipeline of thou...

217 Global Warming and Climate Change} How about people who believe in climate change, that are just as big of deniers as the ones who do not!

What do I mean, that people that believe that global warming and climate change are real, can be, just as bad as those who feel that it is just a hoax? As long as mankind has been on this planet with the ability to change their environment we have tried to understand that environment with many asking the question of why we are here? Most have always been happy with others giving them answers to those questions, these became both leaders and, or their spiritual advisors! Every sociality that I have ever heard of has had some form of a belief in gods, deities, something to explain why! Perhaps only now in the last 100 years has their been a few nations that have denounced that such a deity has ever existed! With no better results in decreasing friction between their people than other nations have, for many people have to feel that something must make them better than others. Be that National pride, Religious superiority, Ethic superiority, or many other possibilities such as taller, smar...

216 Global Warming and Climate Change} The other day I was told by a web site that my submissions-

Which had been pending for 7 months, that because this was a site dedicated to serious climate change discussions only, they were not going to okay my paper "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" to be seen on this site because it may cause confusion? Well, I was hoping to cause a conversation, not confusion, but isn't that how you end the confusion, is by conversation. Knowledge can only be spread by conversation, if an idea can not stand up to the light of science then we will have at least allowed that information a chance of being out there so that it could be discussed, and either proven wrong or more study would be needed! This site that has declined to post my papers would be considered to be on the doom and gloom side of global warming, in that they seem to believe that no matter what mankind does going forth, will be too little, too late! Then what is the point? You would think that they would love an idea on how to repair the planet in a timely fashion, if it co...