
Showing posts from May, 2021

390 Do we want to save the planet and all carbon-based life that lives on Earth? That answer must be "YES" The only way to do that is to recycle!

            And I mean everything, for the last 3 billion years that there has been life on this planet, the planet has created life and has also slowly locked a very small percentage of that life away! You who have been following my post would know that I have explained how carbon mainly in the form of carbon dioxide has slowly been sequestrated away from the very life that needs it to survive and the only reason that there is still so much carbon-based life on the planet is because of how much carbon was first available on this planet in the beginning! But carbon is not the only, material that is moved from one part of the lifecycle of a planet to somewhere that it becomes harder for life to use it. Mountains have been raised and weathered away, during periods shorter than an "eon" but now, everything is happening at a faster pace because mankind's is terraforming the planet in so many different ways, the vast majority is due to the need for agricult...

389 Mankind lacks direction, unless you call everyone simply trying to find a way to make money to survive, a direction?

           A few people are trying to make life better for others, which is their direction, yet even they have to either be independently wealthy or rely on others for the money that is required to improve lives. What is normally the first question asked when meeting someone, what do you do, and the answer may tell people a lot about how that person sees life.                                                                                                                             Religion has been one of the ways that many have found to find purpose in life, this is especially important for many of the downtrodden on the planet, who see lif...

388 I was talking about how to decide if a planet had or has life on it and using both the density of the atmosphere and amount of CO2 left in it?

            To come to those conclusions, I allow myself the latitudes to make such sweeping observations, for the very reason that I am NOT a scientist, but I would much rather be proven wrong about any of the ideas and observations that others have taken so long in documenting! For if the world needs to wait until all scientists come to the same conclusion, well let's just say that a certain very hot place will freeze over! Working within the restrictions that we can only move forward when there is a consensus from the powers that be, would doom this planet and all carbon-based life to a grim future. Nothing that I put forth in using the "plan" will hinder or not do what just about everyone who believes that mankind needs to readjust how we deal with Global Warming and Climate Change. Since the "plan" is by far the cheapest both in the beginning and long-term, and solves so many other aspects of what mankind ourselves are faced with in terms of the "...

387 posts, How can you tell if a planet has or had life on it? It all depends if scientists can estimate the two following things about a planet?

       First is the gravitational forces, of the planet. the strength of the gravity of a planet will tell them if the planet in question should have maintained its atmosphere since it was first formed. The second thing that scientists need to do is calculate the density and makeup of the planet's atmosphere. There is little reason to believe that how our own solar system was formed should be much different, than any solar system in the universe? I would even go so far as to speculate that because gravity is what causes matter to come together and form Stars, planets, asteroids, and meteoroids, and it is perhaps just chance on when and where material gathers on what is the end product. Yet, the resulting solar system will still end up with the star being at the center with all other material being guided by the massive gravity that the star has.                                  ...

Z is for Zero-in-on the only "plan" that will do everything, rebuild the planet's temperature regulating abilities, plus solving our refugee problem!

       The "plan" if done as I have laid out, will do all of the following. 1)  Go very far in cleaning our seas and oceans of the planet. 2) Rebuild much of the lost temperature-regulating ability of the planet. 3) Reduce, as much of the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet as possible. 4) Decrease and eliminate sea-level changes.  5) Re-build the amount of ice being staged on the planet. 6) Increase the food production of the planet by at least 25%. 7) increase sole property ownership of 20-acre farm sites by at least 100,000,000 spread out over the whole planet. 8) Help greatly in reducing freshwater needs both for drinking and farming around the planet. 9) There will no longer be "red tides" caused by nitrogen run-off. 10) Reduce temperature extremes around the planet and in doing so will decrease extreme weather. 11) Reduce both poverty and the ever-increasing gap between both rich and poor nations. 12) Improve the infrastructure of most of the plane...

Y is still for YOU, The two largest misconceptions, that the scientific world has fostered upon mankind is 1) that the carbon cycle is perfect!

      This should be so easy to see that this is not just wrong, but stops others from even looking at carbon sequestration as part of the problem! The simple fact that there are over 100,000,000 gigatonnes of carbon locked away from life's ability to use this carbon, that shows that perpetual motion is impossible even on a planetary scale! There will always be some small percentage of the whole that does not get recycled. Right now scientists estimate that number at 10 gigatonnes per year, with plate tectonics returning only 3 gigatonnes per year for a loss of around 7 gigatonnes per year. Right now in time, mankind has been both speeding up the existing carbon cycle and reintroducing carbon dioxide via the use of fossil fuels, and in doing so has caused temperature extremes to intensify a warming planet and worsening storms. But mankind has also (unintentionally) prevented the planet from entering into the next and never-ending ice age, which should have started around ...

Y is for You, For without You, the whole idea of how mankind needs to repair the planet by using the "plan" will simply fall into the "dust of time"!

     Yes, I can shout loud and long, on what the planet is facing, but without others listening, checking out the facts, and telling others, who will listen to a 64-year-old home-builder, with no credentials, just using other peoples information to understand what they themselves have not put together.                                                      When you want to build a top-secret machine, that you do not have the ability to do yourself, and still keep it secret, how do you do that? You break down the machine into hundreds of little parts and have a hundred different companies building just one small component and sending each one to you, where you can take these hundreds of parts and make your secret machine with no one else knowing that they had any part in what the end product was to become. This is somewhat how scientific disc...

X is for Xerothermic, this is our planet's number one enemy, HOT DRY CLIMATES they are what happens when carbon dioxide becomes minimal!

      This may seem to contradict what I have said caused the planet to enter into cyclical in-nature periods of ice ages, starting around 2.5 million years ago. However, it is just another example of how life can and has needed to adapt to changing atmospheric conditions. There are so many interconnections in how life, atmosphere, sun, humidity, ocean, and air currents, even plate tectonics play different roles, in how the planet adapts and life strives to exist! The "Plan" is designed to combat what has been transpiring as an end of "all carbon-based life on the planet", over 3 Billion years in the making!                                                            I can not stress enough, just how mathematically improbable is that mankind just happened to be on the scene at the right and necessary time in a timeline c...

W is also for weather! I have somewhat been hesitant to talk about how the "plan" will change the day-to-day climate of much of the planet.

          One of the reasons I have not talked about overall weather patterns changes is because of its timeframe, which will really be based on how fast or slow we decide to do the "plan". (We will need to do the "plan" if we wish for our planet to survive and as time goes on this will become obvious even if I do not live to see it, which would be a great shame or disappointment in many ways)                                                                               Let us take the best possible option, and say that with-in 10 years we have decided that the "plan" is to be the spearhead to repairing the planet, along with all of the other ways of decreasing our need for fossil fuel uses. At that point in time, there should be between 415- 425 parts per mill...

W is still for water, without sufficient rainfall plant life even over the oceans suffer. Rainfall and carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are linked!

           There is a very direct link between carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and rainfall totals both locally and worldwide. Yet mankind has no way to easily see that connection, because once a rainfall pattern and plantlife respiration are established, which can take many decades to do, we base our observation not on what caused the pattern to become established in the first place, but why they are varying with-in recent memory? This is part of the fallacy that mankind uses, to both say that what mankind does, has little or no overall effort on such a large planet, or that everything that mankind does has to be considered a negative on the planet eco-system! In both cases, mankind needs to go back no farther than our own appearance on the planet, for if we can not affect the planet because it is too large to do so, then what is happening must be a common cycle that the planet goes through over time and let's see how we can live with-in those cycl...

W is for water! When we think of water on this planet we think of life, yet many of the people of the planet has never even been on an ocean.

          Over 1/3 of the people on the planet live within 60 miles of an ocean or sea, but that leaves 2/3 who do not. I did not see an ocean until I was 22 years old so when I think of water, I do not think of saltwater but freshwater and plants that grow on land, yet 85% of plant life is in the oceans of the world, with mankind making use of, just a tiny fraction of that food or energy source! I talk always about sequestration as "why" this planet is running out of carbon, along with other necessary nutrients for life, yet there seems to be no end to available water on the planet "yes of course droughts occur regularly around the world, but that is a direct result of low carbon dioxide in the atmosphere limiting plant life and its following respiration that would have produced, cloud cover and the accompanying rainfall!"                                      ...

V+1 more facts verifying about how to tell if our planet is really running low on carbon dioxide in the atmosphere!

       Fact; Mars's atmosphere is less than 1% of Earth's atmosphere, yet still contains around 9 times as much carbon dioxide as there is in Earth's atmosphere. The reason that Mars has such a thin atmosphere is that its gravity is not strong enough to keep it from floating off into space. So again we see that the primordial atmosphere of another planet was in the same categories as the Planet Venus has now, but Mars lacked the ability to hold onto that atmosphere due to low gravity.                                                                                             Fact; Mars atmosphere gas make-up is very much in line percentile-wise to what, Venus's atmosphere at 96% carbon dioxide. The only difference is the density which i...

V is for verifying, those facts that tell whether or not, this planet is running out of available carbon in the form of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

     Facts; There are approximately 175,000,000 gigatonnes of carbon suspended in the atmosphere of the planet Venus, which is around .81% of the size of the Earth.                                                                                  Fact: There are now only around 800 gigatonnes of carbon suspended in the Earth's atmosphere and that includes around 300 gigatonnes of carbon that mankind has added in the last 100 years.                                       Fact; There are over 100,000,000 gigatonnes of carbon sequestrated in rocks and buried deep underground on this planet, removed from easily being used for new life! (I have a much larger number that...

U is for Unknowable, While nothing is unknowable if we strive to understand something, but in doing so we can misinterpret information gleamed!

          Throughout history, this has happened many times and has also taken years to realize when such mistakes have been made. Once something has been given credence in the general population, it becomes almost impossible to sway public opinion in another direction. One of the simplest examples of this, is the mistaken belief of how much iron is in the vegetable spinach, many decades ago a statistician moved the decimal point over one place and in doing so, made it appear that spinach had 10 times as much iron as most other vegetables. This one simple mistake, gave so many children that dislike the taste of spinach, nothing but fights between their parents, who now considered spinach as a wonder food that their children needed to eat! A cartoon was even made that gave the hero Popeye, almost superpowers in defeating Brutus, his arch-enemy and rival for the affections of Olive Oil, yet Popeye did not even like eating "his spinach"!      ...