
Showing posts from September, 2020

248 Global Warming and Climate Change} Could we do testing on how much we could increase both rainfall and humidity over the west coast!

Humidity does play an important role in droughts and fire prevention in forests, not just increased rainfall! However, to test how to make a change in rainfall amounts should not be that difficult, by increasing the evaporation of the oceans over the Baha peninsula where normal rainfall amounts are in the 4 inches per year range, using a couple of acres of piping out into the ocean to spray ocean water up into the atmosphere and check how much, both the humidity and rainfall increases at different location down-wind of the test site.  Perhaps the most difficult part would be in the timing and the height of spray to make sure of the complete removal of any salts and the placement of any moisture where intended. The use of stationary weather balloons at different heights and sending wind speeds and direction along with temperatures would help in meeting some of the requirements necessary for such a project! As with any such project, how the winds blow would be of vital need in when s...

247 Global Warming and Climate Change} If what we do with water on this planet is so important, is that all we need to do?

No, it is not! Mankind has added around 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, those numbers are adequate to replant as much of the planet as we need to in the short term, meaning for the next 50 or so years. No matter how fast we try and limit our use of material that produces more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and other greenhouse gases, we will still be increasing carbon dioxide levels into the future, if we can maintain those levels so that any extreme weather is kept to a minimum until new plant respiration begins to offset and reduce extreme temperatures, then we will be golden. This does not mean that we can stop what we call extreme weather events, but what we do will greatly impact them, both in their number and strength of such events! This planet is so large and interconnected on all fronts, not just atmospheric movements, but also ocean-currents, planetary cycles around the sun, and solar system, even increased or decreased solar radiation out-put, ...

246 Global Warming and Climate Change} So what other things can we do to stop some of the immediate concerns that mankind has?

     There is almost no end to how we can mitigate the movement of water around the planet, all it takes is the visions to do so! Why am I mainly talking about the movement of water as the main requirement for mitigating Global Warming and Climate Change? Water in the form of vapor in the atmosphere makes cloud cover, water in the form of new plant growth, reduces how much of the sun's energy is either changed into heat or is changed into energy for photosynthesis, water in the form of ice replenishment for shrinking glaciers, increases the amount of sunlight reflected back into space, also known as the albedo effect! Water that is being better controlled by dams, river containment by directing flows, pumping away from potential areas of flooding, all decreases either the heating up of the planet, or problems associated with flood damage!       I do believe that if we are talking about massive amounts of the planet's sea and ocean water being converted...

245 Global Warming and Climate Change} Someone reading this post will become the 6,000th download of one of my posts for I am at 5995 now! Reach me at 402-890-7946 e-mail me at or read more about "Life cycle of a planet @

The only thing I know of the people that download anything is, from what country they are at. (plus some unknowns) There have been over 30 countries, NONE has contacted me at any time in the last 13 months I understand that 6000 downloads in that time frame and spread out over 240 posts, is not very much when compared to almost anyone else. However, to not receive even one comment must mean something, I just do not know what, is someone blocking that from happening, if so for what purpose! If someone out there would explain why this is, I would love to hear about that. With-in seconds of me placing a new post online I receive between 6 and 8 hits and by the time I write a new post I will have about 11 to 20 hits on average over the last 4 months. Yet I have no followers, I have written over 500,000 words according to "Grammarly" on the subject of my short 12-page paper titled "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" When I first started this most important subject (be...

244 Global Warming and Climate Change} If the majority of mankind needs to believe that their are people who were born to be the leader of others!

     How can we believe in the right to vote, the right to self-determination, even the right to choose our partners, and if these same people believe that there are better individuals, then there must be many levels of not better people! Born that way, not because of anything, but who they were born to! Are we willing to say that the "old caste system in India" has been right all along? Even slavery was a "just system"!      Everyone must be willing to say "NO" not just out loud but deep in their hearts, yet much of the world does play by these rules, why? Money, power, and or sex! The three things in the world that are at the core of the separation of the classes. Lenin told, what turned out to be one of the biggest lies in history, he said that "communism would make everyone equal" (maybe true communism would make everyone equal but that we will never know because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.) Everyone on this planet ...

243 Global Warming and Climate Change} Why do we not repair this planet when the evidence is overwhelming that we could do so on many fronts?

It's because of the "Status Quo," change is always the very hardest thing to do. How many sayings are there that relate directly to maintaining this "Status Quo?" I will let you think about that, we pretend that we change, but we are only fooling ourselves. We pretend that we treat everyone, no matter of color, or sex, age, or beauty, the same. If someone is treated differently it's either their own fault, or perhaps others are prejudice but not them. We read about politicians, in the past that were terrible people, but kept being re-elected over and over, and then 40 years pass their deeds are written about, and what happens we elect their children for the same office! There are two possibilities, first is just name recognition perhaps their parents talked about them when this generation was young. the second is more problematic they understand the type of people that they are voting for, and isn't it better to have someone in office who wants to stay i...

242 Global Warming and Climate Change} I have talked about not allowing corporations to be allowed to do any of the work of repairing the planet!

Corporations, are there to make money, and they will tell you that they are designed to make as much money at the least cost because they own that to there shareholders! This means that they will sell everything for the most dollars they can get, but the whole idea of replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet is about plant coverage to increase plant respiration to dramatically increase moisture in the atmosphere, which in turn increases cloud cover so as to increase the sun's rays reflection back into outer space so as to maintain a more uniform temperature in the surrounding areas. this is how in the past, the planet's temperature range was kept in check! So a corporation would not first plant a cover crop such as alfalfa, and then plant nut trees into that field because the extra water requirements would reduce the profits and yield of the nut crop. but it is the cover crop that the planet needs, not the production and profit of the nut trees! But the farmers who...

241 Global Warming and Climate Change} Mankind has had the ability to change this planet for the better for years, but other then pollution laws!

They have not done much, I really should not be saying "they" because we are all "they"! It has been easy to see how to get rid of "RED TIDES" for 20 years ever since it was discovered that nitrogen runoff of farms was the cuprite. This nitrogen fertilizer made life in the gulfs explode using up what little oxygen was in the water, which is much less than the 21% that is in the atmosphere, once the oxygen was depleted, life in that part of the ocean or sea died, (if it could not move away) and red tides were what was made. Only the movement of the waters allowed the oxygen to be slowly returned and the red tides were washed away. So how does mankind repair this problem, without causing unintended consequences? We cannot stop run-off from farmers' fields (yes we can reduce the run-off and farmers have done much towards that end, but stop it no) so there are two ways to fix this problem! My first choice is explained in "Life cycle of a planet daniel...

240 Global Warming and Climate Change} Yesterday we were talking about increasing the water content above the Pacific Ocean, leading to more rain

 Let's explore that scenario, in how it could be accomplished! The "power source" would be the first objective! Using the rise and fall of large ships, especially those tied down to the ocean floor by cables would be able to make the very most of the movement of the oceans, both tidal and wave, there are thousands of single hull ships that would be available for very little cost to act as the piston of a compressor or electric motor to convert the rise and fall of many ton ships into air or electric power. Or the push and pull of waves could be converted in the same way. excess energy production could be sent to shore for use on land whenever there would be no need to increase water vapor, into the atmosphere, Each "Ship" area would have no need to store gasoline or diesel, but would need backup battery power, either recharged by the movement of the ship, or solar or wind-generated d.c power. There would need to have a connection to other "Ships" via c...

239 Global Warming and Climate Change} Mankind does have the ability to change rainfall pattern's in Califoria because it is border by an ocean!

Basically, what would need to be done is to create miles and miles of ocean spray that would catch the prevailing winds, which would increase the evaporation of ocean water that in turn would create more clouds and therefore more rainfall! When a center-pivot irrigation system in a place like Nebraska is working during daylight hours almost 50% of the water does not reach the ground but evaporates into the atmosphere, and this is when the water is only sprayed up 15 to 20 feet, that is why these systems are much more efficient when run at night. Yes, a lot of thought would have to be put into such an undertaking, trial and error would need to be done over a long period of time! The benefits to the rainfall patterns of the whole west coast would decrease the drought conditions caused by normal weather patterns and also the changes caused by Global Warming! We are not talking about a small amount of spray, but an immense amount of options of when to turn on some and not others, only a co...

238 Global Warming and Climate Change} Even if I can not get people to understand how the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has dropped!

From being over a thousand times more available, when life first started on this planet, over 3 billion years ago, to being just, .041% now, has made life on this planet learn how to change and adapt, to the ever slowly reduction of the availability of one of the three most important needs that life has. Energy, normally supplied by the sun, water both fresh and salt, and carbon in a form that life can use, normally as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. So if for some reason (as I have already given on different occasions ) scientist still will not sign off on why having only, .028% of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was not enough to maintain the planet's plant population over the whole planet, prior to mankind's entering onto the scene. Then the plan to use the great rivers of the planet and the 80,000,000 refugees as the labor force needed to replant the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet that will remove the "EXTRA" carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, will sti...

237 Global Warming and Climate Change} 80 million people that are causing every government on the planet, to wring there hands, sorry no room!

Well, there is lots of room, if you want to be your own boss, work hard, learn what you need to know, and be willing to put that knowledge to good use in some hard places. You and your children will be part of making this planet a place where all life can continue, ( if we can prevent mosquitos at the same time, well all the better! Yes, they too are life, but trimming away some of the most lethal elements on the planet would be as well-received as the polio vaccine was last century!) What these 80 million can accomplish, without needing to pay for their labor, because they will be earning money by the food they will be produced in just a few short years, and then building and teaching each new person who will want in on the chance of a lifetime! Advertising is one way to produce more income for each and every one of these "towns" whatever is produced by each of them will have just a slightly more appeal because of all of the publicity that would surround them, in there quest...

236 Global Warming and Climate Change} Very seldom in history has mankind embraced new knowledge willingly!

It has almost always the scientists who are the hardest to convince! Their knowledge is their power, it sets them above the rabble. For them to say that something written down in books that had to be peer-reviewed is wrong, mistaken, or not quite right, is the same as that their children did not make the cut! Many times such knowledge is only received years later when many of the interested parties are no longer around. Why does it take years for new ideas to win acclaim, and only after there has been undeniable evidence to support it! If the world of technology would have the same requirements, then we would just now have the first cell phone come to market. 80 million people on this planet are seeking a better life then what has been available to them back home, people do not choose with-out reason to leave almost everything behind and go somewhere they know does not want them, without having almost no other option for survival! 80 million people if all together would be the 20't...

235 Global Warming and Climate Change} What equipment will be needed to move all of the great rivers of the planet into arid and semi-arid places?

 As with any large construction project, and we could consider what needs to be done over the whole planet, the largest, and just like any great city, a never-ending project. And like any very large city, any cost will be recovered many times over in production, and quality of life that a city can instill in its citizens. We are talking about creating out of arid and semi-arid areas, a truly free sociality that will be fully sustainable, in all of its actions and needs. Making people, the most important equipment that there will ever be. Almost anyone can be taught how to run cranes, bulldozers, trucks, produce cement with only the movement of a few buttons, but what to do with all of that power at a person's fingertip, is what makes the difference! Do we simply push a hill out of the way, or do we contour around the hill, so that we can use the existing sides of the hill for the purpose, that the planet had already designed? If you ever looked at a mountainside you would notice th...

234 Global Warming and Climate Change} What is the most improtant aspect of climate change that we are worried about?

     There are several to choose from, is it the "Extreme Weather" that increases flooding, droughts, hurricanes, or are we more worried about rising sea levels due to melting ice, or perhaps the overall raising temperature of the planet? Or the oceans becoming more acidic. At the time of the "Dinosaurs", there was either no ice on the planet at all or very little, so the planet has seen that, only mankind has not! At that same time, the oceans contained much more carbon dioxide than we could ever introduce now, so again the planet has seen that, only mankind has not! That leaves extreme weather, which is caused by extreme temperature highs, and temperature lows meeting. Even back 70 million years ago this would not have happened, the range of temperature would have been much less than the planet sees now so that there would have been a much more tropical rain forest type condition around the whole planet! It would have perhaps rained for days at a time, but not gul...

233 Global Warming and Climate Change} Are you afraid? Do you think that people will laugh? Or are you trying to make money out of it?

Most people, are all of the above, they worry about what other people think, if they fall down the first thing is, who saw them! Or they want to make as much money as they can but with the least chance of failure, money is a funny thing, what is enough? Each and every one of us has fallen down, missed a fly ball, walk into things that no one wants on their shoes, and went into a job because it is a safe way of getting money! Life should not be so hard, that we have to settle for security. Willing to work for little or no thank-you, at a job that does little to engage us or make us proud. Me I build homes, for people that are clueless about what a home should be! I have removed real wood cabinets because, they are not in style, and replaced with white boxes! Does that mean that I am better than others? No, it just means that I have to have a reason for replacing things, not just because, it is not in style at the moment. True friends that come to your home, should not be there to say wh...


If we would wait and respond only after all of the T's have been crossed and all of the i's dotted what then? Will we be sure that what we have decided will work, or will we have waited so long that everything has simply become much harder, and there will still be unknowable? There is simply no way to understand how complex and interdependent carbon-based life on this planet is, and how would we even begin to understand life in the Oceans, and seas.                                                                                                                                         ...

232 Global Warming and Climate Change} What words do we not truly understand there meaning, when it comes to our planet!

     We start with "Evolution" Most people feel that this word explains improvement, as in evolution improves upon prior life forms, and each improvement creates a more advanced, species. Well, this is not what evolution truly means, what it is telling us that for a species to be able to continue it must be able to change with changing conditions. Our planet is not a static place to live on, normally changes can be measured in thousands of years, but there have been many instances where changes have occurred very quickly, when this happens we can get extinction events! But we can also get rapid changes to both plant and animal life.        Another group of words, is about the unknown past and future, an "Educated Guess" or being a "Conjecture", or "Guesstimate". If these words are used by someone who we believe is in authority, or have been educated above others, then we give them more importance, then simply another person's guess. but even ...

231 Global Warming and Climate Change} We can not find if we do not seek, science has not yet wondered enough about the planet's "carbon cycle"!

In relationship to its carbon sequestration cycle! The planet's carbon sequestration cycle is not really a cycle no matter how many years you put it into. Some carbon once trapped will never, ever, be returned as carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere, and this is where our planet's long term carbon-based life is beginning to suffer from lack of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere going back at least to the start of the current ice-age that the planet is in. Global Warming and Climate Change is a very serious "symptom" of the planet's long term shortage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere shortage. When people take the necessary time to read and re-read "Life cycle of a planet by Daniel Kadavy" (by the way this is the most important read of anyone life who thinks that they understand our planet and mankind's relationship to it) they should be able to begin to understand why treating a serious symptom is not the same thing as curing the disease! (in thi...

230 Global Warming and Climate Change} What does it all mean for humanity?

It means that without mankind this planet will slowly continue to be starved for adequate carbon dioxide for there to be abundant plant life on the whole planet. Right now there is around 25% of the land surface of the planet faces, plant loss, due to this restriction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which first showed up around two and a half million years ago in the form of massive amounts of ice being stored on the planet that only receded as the lowering of the oceans by hundreds of feet, releasing its store of carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere slowly warming up the planet! These periods of when more ice is being stored on the planet are called Ice-ages and are anywhere from 50,000 years long to 120,000 years long, but the period in between Ice-ages are much shorter periods of time normally only lasting 10,000 years before the sequestration of carbon reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere low enough to again allow the planet to cool enough, for the next Ic...

229 Global Warming and Climate Change} For over one year now I have been trying to get everyone's attention on the true cause of Global Warming!

 I have sent my paper to lots of institutions, individuals, organizations, and the only response I get in return is either silence, or that it is not my areas of expertise. Guys, we are talking about such a shift in the understanding of the most profound cause of life on this planet, for no one to be willing to refute, or ask for more information on the idea in question ( if there have not been any true responses, than there can not truly be any "idea in question" ) is truly mind-boggling. "The Doomsday Clock" was started because of America's introduction of atomic weapons in 1945. Mankind does not believe that killing all of mankind would also kill all of the planet's life, for the planet had already seen worst catastrophes, many times in the history of the planet! But I am now saying that if mankind, would no longer be a viable lifeform on this planet, then, in time all carbon-based life will cease to exist as we understand life to be! Only a thinking and ...