
Showing posts from January, 2021

CCCXXIX Global Warming and Climate Change} Last post we talked about why mankind would be resistant to being the saviors of the planet.

          I am going to throw out a few ideas that may be employed to repair the planet, but would really be about putting 50,000,000 people to work being their own bosses as 20 acres truck farming families, that would produce goods that the planet needs! The United Nations would be in charge of the foundation that would oversee "Project Self-Reliant" (or some other name that conveys that ideal). Since this is such a huge project, the oversite foundation would need to be made up of elected members that can only serve 1, 4-year term and every year 25% of them would be term-limited out, this would keep some balance, on greed by opportunity, but other oversite would be needed continuously, those in charge are not the only ones to find a way to profit. Since the overall need of replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet is to keep carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere from putting too much strain on the temperature-regulating ability of the planet,...

CCCXXVIII Global Warming and Climate Change} Why do so many people dislike the idea that mankind is the planet's last chance?

          I relate this to people's need for religion, and their need for a strong government, that there is something bigger than they are. We all start out as children with someone else in charge, teaching us, showing us how things work, and what is our place in the grand scheme of things. Those of us that are looking for power and control of others, seldom do it because of trying to improve others' lives but feel that they deserve to lead others, and the perks that they receive are truly deserved. Those that are willing to follow, somehow feel that those in power truly are different from the masses, we see this throughout history. Kings and Queens, Emperors, and Pharaohs, Dictators. Even in America, where the whole idea of that type of royalty, is only a myth, we still elect many on the basis of their names and affiliations, and the fact that the elder politician was found to be guilty of misusing the trust of their constituents, had no adverse effect on...

CCCXXVII Global Warming and Climate Change} Making more snow and ice to be staged around the planet!

          Many people will say that we can not have our replanted deserts, and maintain ice and snow in the quantities that mankind is used to! This is simply too large of a job without producing enough income to justify the cost. If we tried to maintain every glacier on the planet they may, be correct. But The Antarctic is a very large continent, and is very well positioned to be able to stage a lot more ice than mankind would need to stage to keep the balance of warm and cold. This will only be true because we would be removing much of the "hot" once the "plan" has become operational! The equator works as a boundary for both ocean currents and winds, without this boundary, much of the stable climate of the planet would become even more complicated than it is! The continents completely control the ocean currents' east-west movements. We really are at just the starting point of understanding how our planet work's, many are saying that our livestock is creat...

CCCXXVI Global Warming and Climate Change} Can we actually decrease the temperature of the Atlantic Ocean off of the coast of North Africa?

If we could, then we could decrease some of the formations of tropical storms that develop over those warm waters. The change of liquid water to water vapor takes energy, this energy lost from the warm Atlantic Ocean even in microscopic amounts can add up to being the difference of whether or not first, a tropical depression forms and then into a tropical storm, and then into a hurricane! How much water would be needed to be vaporized into the atmosphere, to make a difference could be substantial but would also benefit cloud cover and rainfall, both would lead to cooler temperatures in the surrounding area, again reducing heat generation! Warm waters are the power source, for storm development, reducing the ability of the sun to heat those waters, by creating much more water vapor in the atmosphere, leading to sunlight reflective cloud cover, which will create that needed domino effect that helps in temperature-regulation of the planet. While the ocean water temperature is very importa...

CCCXXV Global Warming and Climate Change} How much can we expand rainfall levels by simply increasing water vapor content over water?

While that is an excellent question, that is also the "rub", how do we start such an ambitious project with so little history behind it. If we were simply moving water from one area to another, that mankind has been doing for thousands of years, and while many people have claimed to be able to make rain for the right price, we now know, what causes rain to fall, and we need access to moisture, to increase moisture in the atmosphere. With over 70% of the planet covered by water and much of that water is not far from arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, this does give us a starting point. The majority of North and South America's west coasts are bounded by arid and semi-arid areas, producing water vapor in the atmosphere above these sites would not be difficult, but getting the increased water vapor to turn into rainfall at the proper time! That would take a lot of past knowledge, that the weather service has been collecting for many years. Granted probably no one had en...

CCCXXIV Global Warming and Climate Change} Where is "Lisbeth Salander" when you need a good hacker to send "Life cycle of a planet" to everyone

 She could even have prevented everyone from just hitting delete until the paper had been scroll down as if it had been read! The old saying "you can lead a horse to water but you can not make it drink" would apply here. What dreams are made of, but I have a tough time e-mailing people, let alone getting attention for my posts and papers. That is where, anyone who does read my posts and papers comes in. Just because you have found them, do not think that others will pass them along, it seems that no one else is doing so! My best guess is that less than 30 people have come across my site, by looking at the numbers that download any one post, The highest number for that has been 27 hits over a 24 hour period. But my normal average is more like 15 hits over a 24 hour period. Even if this was showing a slow but steady increase I would interpret that as good news, which is not the case. Guys, the data is all there, easy to verify, simple to download, People tell me that to send th...

CCCXXIII Global Warming and Climate Change} Proof is a very difficult thing to find in science, even after hundreds of years,we have only theorems!

          And that is in mathematics, one of the purest of the sciences. Climate science has so many variables and inter-dependent systems, that to try and look into the future and predict with any certainty what outcome can be expected with changing inputs, would at first glance seem ridiculous at the best of times. Thankfully that is "not" what we are striving to do!                                                                                                                                What the "plan" does is recreate the past, many will say that is what today's scientists are also striving to do, recreate the past climate th...

CCCXXII Global Warming and Climate Change} The last post, put all the pieces together to teach us how our planet has reached this place in time!

The loss of much of the "Planet's Temperature Regulation Abilities" due to the creation of so many arid and semi-arid areas of the planet over the last "same" 2.5 million years, due to the same low levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! Was not much of a jump of imagination when I considered why mankind's addition of only 150 parts per million of new carbon dioxide into the atmosphere should create such a large responds in forming extreme weather cycles, all over the planet! The answers all flow from temperature extremes, over large areas in a single day. This can only happen over arid and semi-arid areas that has little or no ability to maintain minimal ranges of temperature over short periods of time. We need to strive to recreate the weather patterns of millions of years ago, this will take many years to do so, but everything that will be accomplished will decrease the chances of extreme weather events, the longer that we work towards that goal. Incr...

CCCXXI Global Warming and Climate Chance} Scientists, are the first ones who will tell you that perpetual motion can not exist!

When "An Inconvenient Truth with ex-Vice President Al Gore", came out in 2006. I went and saw it while in Florida at the time. This was just a few years before I had come to understand what "Our Planet" was facing, but already by then I had come to understand how important the extremely low levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere had played a major role in the causing and stopping of the individual ice ages over the last 2.5 million years! But it was not until I started looking up information about our sister planet Venus, that everything that I had pieced together about our planet's history, started to fall into place. One planet with quite a bit of life, and the atmosphere that we now enjoy, and one planet with no known recognizable life, and what could only be described as a primordial atmosphere, unchanged by life. I now had many of the pieces that were needed to tie together the complete picture. The only thing left, was "where the needed carbon dio...

CCCXX Global Warming and Climate Change} Good morning, Denmark looks like someone there was interested in at least looking at some posts!

In many ways, the "plan" is very simplistic. It is all about stopping freshwater from mixing with seawater and moving it to areas that need it mainly for plant growth! In doing so, we prevent sea-level rise, manmade pollution from entering the oceans, increase food production by a substantial amount, reducing poverty, increasing the world's economical welfare. Reduce and then maintain the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, even with mankind still using "some" fossil fuels. Mankind has a lot of experience moving water, granted never to this extent, and we love using gravity in doing so, but that may become part of the problem in that how much movement will be by gravity and how much will need to be pumped will depend on the politicians and how good they are! Unfortunately, there are two very important aspects of the "plan" that I will have perhaps have no control over at all, the first is where we can collect the water from so that people downs...

CCCXIX Global Warming and Cimate Change} We have shown how to repair the planet, at little or no long term cost associated with doing so.

     Hopefully, it has also been shown that whether or not you agree with the planet running out of available carbon, the solutions posted here will also do everything that climate scientists have stated needs to be accomplished for reversing "Global Warming and Climate Change" in a reasonable timeframe! As time goes by, the newly planted soils of the planet will start to increase soil carbon, keeping in check any newly increased manmade carbon dioxide. For every ton of carbon being held in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, twice as much can easily be held by soils, much more if the correct farming practices are used which also can produce much higher yields.                                                                                          ...

CCCXVIII Global Warming and Climate Change} Will glacier replenishment, return investment as quickly as moving water to places of need?

       In a perfect world yes, it is easy to see that taking unuseable arid and semi-arid land and making it into farmland increases that property's ability to produce monies, and support families, what is harder to see is maintaining glaciers, so that water will still be available in later years, as those glaciers would have disappeared. Or by building many water catchment dams, would also help in reducing downstream flooding both by slowly letting snowmelt water downstream, and later in the season, there would still be water available for downstream use! Again all of these new dams could be used for recreational uses, but these would not be considered a money-making venture in itself. It is hard to charge for benefits that while we could try and explain that something that they have always had since their grandfathers were alive, would no longer be there without the new works! Fish production would be a profit maker, however slower growth because of lower temperatu...

CCCXVII Global Warming and Climate Change} It is wonderful that so many people are trying to tackle global warming with small fixes here and there!

Electric cars and trucks, but they have to be weighed against the resources that need to be used in their production, the cost not just to build, but the sustainability as a future long term solution, which will be all about the batteries, and charging stations! The hope is to advance both of these entities where true sustainabilities can be reached. Then we have both small and large commercial type sun-powered ovens, again a nice step forward in reducing mankind's use of diminishing fossil fuels! Great, but not always available, whenever needed but even this problem of when the sun isn't shining can be compensated by making super-insulated heat storage units that can be buried deep enough to last for days without needing the sun, or pumping water up high and generating electricity when needed. Many excellent plans, all will help in some way, but none will reset the planet's temperature-regulating ability, which has been lost over the last 2.5 to 3 million years. Only the ...

CCCXVI Global Warming and Climate Change} Has moving water from no need to need, ever loss money NO!

     Such an operation always generates more long-term money, and is a very safe bet! Whether that is producing more agricultural lands, or supplying drinking water, or preventing flooding, moving water is always a sure bet! As long as you do not simply deposit it in the ocean, then you just wasted topsoil, fertilizers, and the ability to give people a chance at a better life! Plus you just added to the ocean's pollution problems!                                                                                                                                                             ...

CCCXV Global Warming and Climate Change} The United Nations, may be the only organization that may have the necessary contacts needed!

The United Nations is about the most global organization on the planet, many of its points of contact with nations have to do with much of what the "plan" strives to improve. Once the "plan" is implemented the following benefits should be expected. Much less manmade and nature-made pollution will enter into the seas and oceans of the planet, temperature regulation of the planet will reduce extreme weather events, millions upon millions of people and working families will find new ways of supporting themselves, in a safe and profitable environment, raising ocean levels will be a thing of the past, as will the storm surges that come with that, world hunger will be greatly reduced by the massive increase in food production especially food that is easily transported and can be kept for extended periods of time. Farm-raised fish will help the oceans recover from overfishing and the unintended killing of those caught in netting. The "plan" has the ability of red...

CCCIV Global Warming and Climate Change} Mankind has alway treated nature as something to be overpowered and organized!

     This was the only way that mankind could prosper. But there many times that this "us versus the planet mentality" backfired! The increased size of the Sahara desert over the last 6,000 years can be somewhat laid at mankind's feet. The dust bowl of middle America, and the deforestation of South America, can all be laid at mankind's feet! Some of mankind's mistake was based on ignorance, but what we are doing to the rain forest's in South America is simply greed and temporary profit, that will cost the planet much more to repair than was ever made! We now have a perfect way forward that will not only start the slow but steady repairing of the planet, but will also produce food, shelter, and a steady income, for many millions of people!      Nature does not treat mankind any better, nor should it, life is what everything on the planet strives for. From the smallest microbe, to the largest mammal"s in the oceans! Whatever works is how adaption, evolves, ...

CCCXIII Global Warming and Climate Change} It has been around 12 years that I first flushed out what caused Ice-ages, and the inter-glacier periods!

For the next 10 years, I waited for some scientific journal to come out with the same results, with all of the interest in stopping Global Warming, I felt that it was only a matter of time. I have my own guesses on why no one else connected carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and the starting and stopping of ice-ages! I was not being paid to find the answer, my livelihood was not based on any research I was doing, I simply wanted to understand something that no one else had ever brought forth the reason why! Around 2 years ago, I started to seriously study the "how-to" repair the planet, this is not unlike how I decide to build a home. I look at where I am, what do I need to do to get where I need to be, what resources do I have access to! I started with what I knew, 1) there are almost no available reserves of, carbon left on the planet, in a form that life can use! Yes, the internal heat of the planet does return around 3 gigatonnes of carbon back each year, but erosion...

CCCXII Global Warming and Climate Change} I simply have been unable to get anyone to engage me on this most important topic!

Why is that, am I not as interesting as a sporting event, or do I not excite anyone with such a boring topic? Saving all carbon-based life on the planet is not worthy of discussion? Is the internet, not the place to start, while I am not in any way "at home on the internet", what I have heard is that almost anything and everything ends up on the internet, was I not listening in the right way? Is the internet, now just a place for conspiracy theorists, and radical indoctrination, and a giant store where you can buy or sell anything? (we can not forget about cute puppies and kittens, or showing how funny it can be to watch people fail) But not a place for real discussions, or the exchange of ideas? Is the fact that I am freely giving my knowledge to the world so that we can start to repair the world, in the right way and for the right reason, is proof that my knowledge must be worthless? Think, how I would feel if on my deathbed I died knowing that I kept the secret that all li...

CCCXI Global warming and climate change} One of the problems that has occured that makes recycling so difficult is mankind's need for choice.

Go to almost any grocery store and count how many types of milk and milk-like products are available! Many are from different manufacturers, in different towns, and states. This is the same for almost every product out there, at least in America. This would seem to be almost an insurmountable problem in recycling glass containers. However, as long as everyone is okay using the same types of containers, with different labeling that can be attached and removed easily and efficiently. Then transportation of bunk sizes would still be a viable option. Scanners are extremely valuable for identifying what the grocery stores are receiving. without the need for using huge printed labels that would become cumbersome in the removal and replacement of different labels on the recycled glass bottles. Advertisers, would not have liked this option just a few years ago, but with everyone having a smartphone that would show in glorious color all of the benefits of buying their products simply by scannin...

CCCX Global Warming and Climate Change} Very difficult to break, easy to reuse "Glass"

Difficult to break, easy to reuse "Glass" One of the biggest problems mankind has fostered upon ourselves, is the waste of packaging, 50 years ago many people got their milk, beer, pop almost any liquid could to found in recyclable glass containers. I do not have to expound on the problems that changing over to plastics has caused! The advances that glassmaking companies, have made over that same time frame have been quite remarkable. It has always been the recycling and the manpower needed that limited glass as the go-to product. The reason was the distance between manufacturer and retail buyers! Local milk producers were custom-made for using and reusing, glass containers. The "towns" that the "plan" needs to be a success, with rail service to all other towns will be ideal for using glass for just about everything that they produce with the exception of fresh produce, even dehydrated foods can be kept easily in glass for long periods of time. Even if you...

CCCIX Global Warming and Climate Change} Mankind loves stability, we see it everywhere from the stars in the skies, to the mountains, and oceans!

 But that type of stability is not what matters at this point in time! Life is anything but stable, we try our hardest to make it seem like it is, but our 60-80 year lifespans can not show anyone much! Even when we go back home, if we had left for any period on time, we see change everywhere! But in the back of our minds, we feel secure in the world around us as being our link to everyone else on the planet, a share point of reference, our DNA proves that consistent connection to all other animal life on the planet, not just other humans. We are all truly interconnected, and yet we all strive for our own individuality, many times to the detriment of others and even ourselves. Look at how many ways we find to divide ourselves, first by sex, then by race, age, orientation, state, county, continents, language, belief systems, from religion to the type of governments that we either live under or want to live under, the foods we eat, the clothes we wear, our hairstyles, beards, tattoos,...