
Showing posts from May, 2020

Global Warming and Climate Change} I am looking for someone to help me put in book form, 163 posts!

As you who have been following my blog may have noticed, a writer I am not! My writings ramble, they do not stay on point, sometimes I try and get in too much information on seemly unrelated subjects ( but to me they are related, I simply may not have made that relationship clear.) How to go about such an endeavor, I do not know. To date, I have written over 340,000 words on this most important subject many ideas have been repeated, over and over, just in different venues. You could ask me today what exactly I wrote a day ago and the only way I would be able to tell you is by going back and rereading my own post. But if there are people who would like to help with such a project I would be very appreciative. My own work keeps me away from a computer for several days at a time, and I do not own a smartphone but have a flip phone instead. My computer skills are minimal, And the computer that I do have (Samsung chrome is the slowest one in my home, and will not let me index paragraphs) as...

Global Warming and Climate Change} For as many hits as I have had on this Blogsite, you would think?

That with such an important subject, there would be more comments. I am afraid that most people have no idea how to even respond to what I am trying so hard to get across! Asking the questions, seems to be the hardest part of a conversation nowadays. No one wants to look uninformed but unless people have been taught about a subject how can we not be uninformed? When we look at the history of mankind or any past happening, there is normally one accepted point of view, but that does not mean that is what really happened, many times it is written down to make what happened, palatable to those that were most affected by it! A perfect example of this is the American civil war of the 1860s, ask almost anyone in the USA, what the civil war was about, and they will say slavery, and that the northern states wanted there to be no slavery allowed and the southern states said that it should be allowed. This was not what the civil war was about, yes slavery was one of the issues, but only one small...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Then how do we get people to understand what is really happening?

     This really is the hard part because almost everyone has already made up their mind on which side of this issue they are on! If you believe that mankind has caused, by increasing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, Global Warming, and Climate Change! Then you should love my plan because it is designed to remove that very carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, stops most of the man-made pollution of the oceans, by preventing those waters from entering the oceans, removes most of the causes of red tides from around the planet, maintains ocean levels, and rebuilds glaciers so people downstream will have access to those water for the foreseeable future! And for those who would like to be part of the solution, it supplies them with many places to do just that! However, if you do not believe that mankind is responsible for melting glaciers, increasing extreme weather, or that we should all open our borders to people that could not make it in their own country, and ...

Global Warming and Climate Change } I keep talking about the fact the planet is running out of carbon dioxide and yet,

Everyone else is saying that mankind has put too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and that is why mankind is causing the changing of the climate of the planet. The real problem that the planet is facing, is not the last 100 years of mankind increasing the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere by around 100 to 150 parts per million, but the fact that prior to mankind entering onto the scene, and around 2.5 million years ago the planet had finally entered the stage of there not being enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to maintain the planet's temperature above what keeps the planet mainly free of ice. And in the years that followed, this lack of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the sequestration of carbon by both erosion and death of ocean life had increased the amount of arid and semi-arid areas around the planet to the point where the planet has lost enough of its temperature regulation ability. Mankind then entered into this point of using carbon-containing fuels...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Can perpetual motion on a plantary scale exist?

Hopefully, we all know that a true perpetual motion machine can not exist, one that actually produces more energy than it uses to operate! Even if we use a nuclear reactor inside the machine, as in our own solar system. Right now we receive energy from this reactor, but only the tiniest amount is received by our planet, the vast majority hits nothing but empty space. Following the laws of thermodynamics, in time it is brought down to its lowest form of energy. Back on our planet, the energy that it received is converted into different types of other energy, but in time it is all radiated back into space in some form, otherwise, our planet would simply keep heating up. Some of the suns energy is retained and stored but not as heat but only as potential energy sources, this can be as simple as sugars, that most life on this planet needs in some form to continue that life, or can be transformed by time and pressure into such things as fossil fuels! This energy cycle is only one part of th...

Global Warming and Climate Change} There are govermental bodies that are made to connect nations.

The United Nation, North Atlantic treaty Organization, European Union, World Trade Organization, Group of 20, plus 300 or so smaller organization that have both connections and interest between countries, all of these would not simply, have a response to such a large undertaking as I have stated, but many would need to be closely aligned with the interest of this large of a project! Many such as the Red Cross, the Red Sickel, and the many organization associated with immigration and policy, could make a huge difference in getting through some of the red tape that would follow such an undertaking. Having a "new" organization that would not be in charge of such an enterprise, but would gather all of the information that would have to be worked through from all of the interested party, and undertake the difficult negotiations that would arise because of so many differing points of view and needs. The reason that I have stated that the "new" organization would not be in...

Global Warming and Climate Change} We need to stop letting other people tell us how to think!!!

Bullying is not just a bigger kid picking on a little kid, it can come in the guise of peer pressure or the running down of someone who simply does not think that the masses should be followed, or even the yelling of someone so that others will not be able to hear another's point of view. Or using past beliefs to justify the norm, or maintaining of the status quo. Being seen as wrong, or even being wrong should not stop you from saying something, we should be able to learn from our mistakes, and not laughed at because we were wrong or have an opinion that others do not want to hear about. We learn much more when we find out what we think is not right if we are allowed to be wrong, without laughter or ridicule but simply understanding that every single person on this planet has been where we may be right now!   And I do mean everyone, that is how we not only learn, but we can except that no one knows anything close to everything. Just because we or someone else holds an unchall...

Global Warming and Climate Change } Why can't things just stay the same, will life not just use the extra CO2?

If only that was true, but the planet has lost that ability to simply produce more rain in the places that needs it, for plant life to be re-established, even with there being enough Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere now, for plant life to be in abundant though-out the warmer parts of the planet. For it is that very plant life that allows cooler temperatures and more rainfall caused both by plant respiration, and cooler temperatures caused by the ground cover that the plants provide. Without both of these, and in large enough areas so that cloud cover is actually enhanced can we start to help the planet to rebuild its temperature regulating abilities! The main problems with just planting trees to suck up the extra carbon dioxide that mankind has brought back into the atmosphere of the planet, is really three-fold, 1st. trees take a very long time to grow and are not real good at total ground cover. 2nd. The energy and time necessary to protect the number of trees that would be required ...

Global Warming and Climate Change } People are telling me, my plans are simply too ambitious?

Ambitious, perhaps I have not explained myself well enough! What I have stated, on how to repair our planet, is not ambitious, but simply necessary. Only Mankinds Intervention, can maintain our planet for the seeable future! Only time will tell if we start what needs to be done now, or we let money and personal gain, stop us for now. But sooner or later what I am saying will be done, or the planet will cease to be able to support carbon-based life. The only way that can happen on this planet, is if mankind would no longer be a viable species! I am not a pessimist, I am an optimist on that score, as a species, we have done both terrible, and wonderful things. While we are truly the only species on the planet that can save the planet, we do not completely control our own fate, but compared to the rest of life on this planet, we are more capable of that control than anything else is. If we start what needs to be done, in the near future even in a modest way, the benefits will start to sho...

Global Warming and Climate Change} It is all about "Carbon Sequestration" thoughtout the ages of life on the planet!

Mankind has been "a real work", Wars, hate, backstabbing, pollution, using manifest destiny to find a reason to justify what they do, and many times using God as their cause! But mankind is also love, hope, friendship, family, and using God for their cause! Mankind is also rules to live by, infrastructure, making life many times better than just a hundred years ago. But what mankind is not, is responsible for the loss of the planet's ability to regulate its temperature by using plant life and cloud cover to do that! No, the planet is not a thinking organism, but it has evolved by everything needing to find its own niche and filling all of those niches. But as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere started to limit that life by not being in plentiful enough amounts, around 2.5 million years ago, many of those niches were lost to that very life and holes started to appear in the planet eco-systems! We see the growth of arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, but those are simply ...

Global Warming and Climate Change} So we can learn nothing from the planet Venus about our planet? Yes we can, but to try and compare the two planets as if:

With the knowledge that mankind has @ this point in time, we are a symptom-driven society, not a causal driven one. We see this in how we treat the homeless, without understanding the cause of why a certain person is homeless, we cannot understand how to help them. There are many reasons for homelessness, poverty, single motherhood, mental problems, addictions, past experiences, medical cost, and many that are caused by others, such as parents throwing out children that do not live up to the standards that they feel are important, and sexual predation! I know so little on this subject, mainly because I am have been very fortunate not to have had such problems. (Of course, there may be some people that would disagree with that statement) Many of us live a sheltered life, we know on some level that there are many serious problems on this planet, but we have the ability to go about our lives with minimum interaction with most of these events. Even when we go to a doctor, many times the fi...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Lets talk a little more about the planet Venus ( many have called Venus "Earth sister planet"!)

Let's look at how Venus and the Earth are different! There are three major differences between these two planets, the first one is how Venus rotates. If you could stand on the surface of the planet you would see the sun, rise in the west and set in the east (without a magnetic north or south how could you find out which way would be considered north?) but it would take around 117 earth days for this to happen while it takes 243 earth days to rotate once on its axis but only 225 days to go around the sun. What this means is that what we consider a year on earth, equals 365 days, while a year on Venus (225 earth days) is a shorter time than a full day an night on Venus. The second major difference is the lack of any water on the planet Venus, which boiled off and then the hydrogen was separated from the oxygen and disappeared into space. The third major difference is that the surface pressure is 92 times that of the Earth and is made up of 96.5% carbon dioxide. With these major diffe...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Ocean temperature on the East and West coast of the USA?

We see Temperature Regulation, in some parts of the planet and not as much in others, why? Sometimes it is because of the uniformity of surface sunlight absorption and reflection! The oceans cover around 71% of the surface of the planet, and this leads to a very consistent and uniform absorption and reflection of sunlight over this water. Tropical rainforests are another place that has a very consistent and uniform absorption and reflection of sunlight. But where the planet is poor on this need to keep the temperature in relatively small swings from day to night, is in arid and semi-arid areas on the planet, these are the areas of the planet that reduces plant respiration, so cloud cover is minimized, and sunlight changes to heat as it hits the bare earth, there it rises up and creates thermals that move this increased heat hundreds of miles. But during the night the lack of cloud cover allows the heat of the day to radiate back into space causing the temperature swings from very hot t...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Why do I consider that the planet is facing a final life exiction event?

In some ways, I do not, but that is based on mankind's ability to remain viable on this planet! Right now we are in the middle of a pandemic, which we call the coronavirus or COVID-19, weather it was man-made and accidentally released, or just another virus no one seems to know? Will it become more dangerous or less as it changes with time, no one seems to know, will it become another flu-like illness that reoccurs every year, no one seems to know. There is simply not enough information out there yet for scientists to understand how this virus will change over time as all viruses are known to do. We all want answers, but they simply do not know and may not know for quite some time, finding a vaccine, seem's to be our best chance for getting life back to normal. However, it seems that no one even knows if getting the disease, gives you immunity from getting it again? Way too many unknowns, at this point in time, thankfully most people and children have little or no serious compl...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Mankind has caused many changes to the planet!

Mankind has caused many changes to the planet, but much less than life itself has! But mankind has and can continue to learn, which nature can not do. Nature, ( life ) can only respond to conditions, that it finds itself in. Only by looking back in time, going all the way to the first signs of life on this planet, and then going forward slowly looking at how both plant life and the make-up of the atmosphere that the plant's respiration has partially produced, are inter-connected. What we will see, is a very slow change to both atmospheric gases and their concentrations, and the plant life, that can adapt and continue to evolve. Though-out the long history of life on this planet, change has been the one constant, not the change mankind thinks about that we see in our lifetime, but the usual, unbelievably slow pace of life, that can take 100,000 years as in an ice age, to million's of years, as in plate tectonics. Mankind thinks of evolution as a very slow process that takes thou...