Global Warming and Climate Change} I am looking for someone to help me put in book form, 163 posts!
As you who have been following my blog may have noticed, a writer I am not! My writings ramble, they do not stay on point, sometimes I try and get in too much information on seemly unrelated subjects ( but to me they are related, I simply may not have made that relationship clear.) How to go about such an endeavor, I do not know. To date, I have written over 340,000 words on this most important subject many ideas have been repeated, over and over, just in different venues. You could ask me today what exactly I wrote a day ago and the only way I would be able to tell you is by going back and rereading my own post. But if there are people who would like to help with such a project I would be very appreciative. My own work keeps me away from a computer for several days at a time, and I do not own a smartphone but have a flip phone instead. My computer skills are minimal, And the computer that I do have (Samsung chrome is the slowest one in my home, and will not let me index paragraphs) as...