
Showing posts from December, 2020

CCCVIII Global Warming and Climate Change} Talking about how to convince people that 3 billion years of carbon sequestration is what matters!

     It took mankind quite a long time to come to the conclusion that if we do not want to deal with more and more extreme weather, rising sea levels, and everything that comes with Climate Change, then something has to be done about "it"! Yes, there are many people who still think that what the planet is going through, is nothing but, normal climate variations, but if this was only that, then we would already be 2,500 years into yet another ice age! I am fairly certain that most people would agree, that is not the case. This alone is convincing proof that mankind can and does affect the planet's atmosphere! Long before mankind started using fossil fuels, The simple act of mankind changing from a nomadic way of life and following a changing place for food sources, to an agricultural and much more consistent and sustainable food supply.       This act caused a quicker carbon turn-around cycle, instead of tree growth that could lock carbon away from the ...

CCCVII Global Warming and Climate Change} Why are we so reticent, when it comes to pushing forward with new ideas and plans?

I have never been one that cared very much about money. As long as I paid my bills, could help people with their own homes by building nice homes very cheap, by doing everything, drawn the plans, get the permits, put in the footers, and foundations, frame it, side and roof it, run the plumbing, and electrical, install the heating and air condition, hang the drywall, (yes I would have others tape and texture and paint it) then put in the flooring, doors, and windows, pour the driveway, plant the grass or sod, and install the mailbox! In doing so I would sometimes need to be the owner/builder, other times there was no need for permits when I was younger, and many places did not require them! Working this way I did not have to interact with many people, inspectors would come in a few times every month and when something was being built by owner, they would require more. That never turned into a problem as everything that I did was just a little better than what was required. A few times I...

CCCVI Global Warming and Climate Change} How do we deal with mistruths, lies, and one-sided opinions, that is truly a hard question and also easy!

When dealing with an older individual, there is no way to consistently help people understand, this is especially true in regards to race relations and religion. But with the young the opposite is true, give the young a solid background in many of the religions of the planet, and they will surprise you on how quickly they can understand how in step, each basic tenet of all the significant ideas, are very much the same. Then explain how all of the races on the planet are really a mixture of early man that was then delineated into more defined characteristics based on how each population and their environment were interwoven with surrounding circumstances. Then the big one "SEX" it is amazing how few young people understand even at puberty what their body is going through, and why. This knowledge is only discovered over a length of time that can have profound and life-altering consequences, leading to many false ideas and beliefs! A uniformity of education over many of the basi...

CCCV Global Warming and Climate Change } Let's talk about knowingly allowing lies to be spread, be it on the internet, newsprint, or some other way.

       Right now, on the internet, many sites may either put a disclaimer on a tweet or a post, when facts are being played with, but those that already believe mistruths, are still able to see the comments, a disclaimer at the bottom will only strengthen their conviction that they are being lied to! While many other sites have administrators that will not allow comments that differ from their opinions. Many times my own submissions on these sites will not be allowed! There is such a fine line between "free speech" and spreading lies or misinformation for personal or professional gain! If you then throw religious beliefs into the mix, how do we go forth? I do not believe that China has the answer, with their way of stopping such disinformation from being spread, or knowledge to be withheld. In Germany, anything to do with Nazi idealism is forbidden, and yet, it is not unusual to see it in many places, and even hidden in high places of the government, so that does not...

CCCIV Global Warming and Climate Change } Debate teams and lawyers have much in common, they can argue either side of a subject!

Truth does not matter, and really can be such a bother, or simply something to overcome or sidestep! What matters is how much can be made, almost always in terms of money, but it can also be power, fame, or prestige! When we are taught that truth is no longer important to a subject, what is left? Many times we now use mass media as a weapon, remember the Olympic games in 1996 in Atlanta Georgia, and Richard Jewell. He found a backpack with a bomb in it, should have been made a hero but for the next 3 months was considered the prime suspect. Why would anyone let such an unsubstantiated claim get to the media, and then why would the "media" run with the story, a man's life was ruin because people took the easy way, this happens all of the time, black lives matter movement is all about people taking the easy solution in dealing with unknown situations knowing that any mistakes will be backed by higher-ups, as a sad regrettable outcome, but it really was not anyone's faul...

CCCIII Global Warming and Climate Change} Benjamin Franklin always detested rule by committee and yet knew of no better way!

He saw first-hand how a single person's decisions could and did play out as the Monarchies of Europe did in his time! But rule by committee, has not improved the situation much, yet what other options are out there? Many would say that, how much of business is done, as one owner and a cabinet of advisors can be a good fit! But not everything is always about making a profit, where would that leave the old, disabled, mentally challenged, even conflicts about other countries? There are reasons against monopolies, and what better example would such a government provide. But how can any large project such as the "plan" get approval if 200+ different country's need to agree? Perhaps the easiest part of the "plan" to be approved would be staging more ice on Antarctica, but also the hardest one to do for no cost! A great ad campaign, showing off all the good that will be done and how much income each country could receive, once the production of food and goods would...

CCCII Global Warming and Climate Change} I have been talking mainly about the sequestration of carbon!

As being the leading factor for the lack of abundant plant on the planet, but many things that plant life needs, have also been slowly being removed from what a full and abundant plant life on the planet requires. This is where looking at the distant past (much more distant than a few million years ago) can lead us in the right direction, on how macro and micronutrient needs have changed along with the availability of those nutrients. Working in conjunction with almost every type of scientist that deals with both the distant past and the present needs of life on the planet will be the only way forward. There has been much speculation about how the lack of "free iron" in many parts of the oceans of the planet, has restricted the oceans life from the uptake of carbon dioxide, which many believe would help in reducing some if not all of the man-made carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! However, there were several trials of seeding parts of the oceans with iron which were produced e...

CCCIpartII Global Warming and Climate Change} How much is 100,000,000 gigatonnes of limestone and other ways that carbon has been sequestrated?

That is believed to be over .999975 or to put it another way 99.9975% of all the carbon on the planet, now taken out of the carbon cycle that life uses to maintain all life on the planet! Plus each and every year if mankind would not be on this planet, another 7 gigatonnes of carbon would be sequestrated of the last remaining "available" carbon, that there are less than 50,000 gigatonnes left. This number even includes all of the fossil fuels believed to be left on the planet! Mankinds need to start seeing with their eyes, facts that are right in front of us. What many people see when they look at the Antarctic or a snow-covered mountain range, is a beautiful frigid landscape. When they look at a painted desert, with red rocks and 100's of year-old cactus, another beautiful but forbidding area! That is not what they are truly seeing, what they are seeing is carbon-based life at the margins of what life needs to do, so that more abundant life can continue elsewhere on the ...

CCC The title of this post is really Dan's f""k up, I have stated on quite a few occasions that the amount of Carbon Sequestration on the planet as;

Over 100,000,000,000 Gigatonness or 100 billion gigatonnes. Well, That number was wrong by 1000 times! There are over 100,000,000 or 100 million gigatonnes of carbon sequestrated away on the planet, much of it in the form of limestone. 9 zero, not 12 zeros I am deeply sorry for that mistake, there is no excuse for such a blunder. I hope that my mistake (and I hope that any others that I may have gotten wrong will only be in spelling or grammar, which I know that, there are many) will not keep you from reading more of my posts. All I can say is "That I Will Try Better" Sorry, Dan

CCXCIX or CCIC Global Warming and Climate Change} All carbon-based life, can only continue, if mankind pays attention to the planet's past!

We are not talking about the time frame that we can see in tree-rings, ice-core samples, or even ocean sediment coring, that in theory can go back 200,000,000 years! (that is believed to be how long plate tectonics take's to completely replace the seafloor?) That is not even close to going back far enough in time, we need to go all the way back to when life first started on this planet, scientist' best guess on that, is between 3 and 3.5 billion years ago. How do we do that, it is very hard to even find any rocks that have not been remade many times since that period, let alone ones that may have the planet's first life and atmosphere saved as fossils in that rock? Well, I have a shortcut, does it recreate what our planet and its atmosphere were like that long ago YES, NO, MAYBE. For myself, I believe it is a window into our planet's past, can I prove it "absolutely not"! Come on tell us what is it! It is the atmosphere of our twin sister planet "VENUS...

CCXCVIII Global Warming and Climate Change} How many people will it take to replant the deserts, and semi-arid areas of the planet?

That would depend on many factors, but the "plan" simply improves the lives of millions upon millions of people, by allowing them to become self-employed farmers, with no mortgages, with new skills, and a decent chance at making a much better life for themselves and their families, all on 20 acres of what was once a desert or semi-arid part of the planet. So take the total area of all the deserts and semi-arid areas of the planet that is warm enough to use for farming, divide that by 22 acres (around 2 acres of every 20 will either not be farmable or will be needed for roads, or "towns" best guesstimate) and that will tell you the approximate living capacity of those areas per family. There are 640 acres per square mile so around 30 families per square mile can prosper on such a farm site. so the Sharara Desert once converted into a giant oasis, over perhaps 100 years could support, 3,552,000 square miles times 30 families per square miles equals 106,560,000 familie...

CCXCVII Global Warming and Climate Change} Why do we believe that what has happened in the past, should have no bearing on the future?

Mankind is only on this planet because of almost everything that has happened in the past. Think of it this way, if your father and mother had never met, you would not be here, if any of your ancestors had never met or died before meeting you would not be here! Even if your parents had sex on a different day or time you would probably not be you, just another version of a sibling. A mother puts out normally only one different egg a month, but a father produces millions of different sperm at any one time, and it is believed that every sperm of which only one fertilizes the egg, is in some way different than every other sperm. The very fact that any one of us is alive on this planet at this time is most unlikely and yet here we all are! This does not even take into consideration that there has been life on this planet for around 3,000,000,000 years and mankind has only been around between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000 years, and none of our past civilizations are thought to be nearly this old....

CCXCVI Global Warming and Climate Change} The "Towns" that replenish the glaciers will not be quite the same as those that deal with replanting.

Their main focus, will be the capture of meltwater, this will also include the then distribution downstream of that water only as needed, this will stop much of the flooding that is caused by excess snowpack in wetter than normal winters. and as each winter starts up again that same waters would be sent back uphill onto glaciers where it would be redistributed helping to extend the glaciers for future use, and helping to maintain global cooling by reflecting some of the sun's rays back into space. But if these "town" stoped at that then they would have to charge for doing those things, so they would also need to produce goods and services to offset their management of water, this could include anywhere from running winter activities, such as downhill and cross-country skiing, producing seafood in the dams they will be constructing, and farming where there is suitable land for doing so! The areas in question will more likely be more populated than many of the arid and semi...

CCXCV Global Warming and Climate Change } The whole endeavor of the "plan" that ties everything together is a non-profit organization.

What that means is while everyone that owns their farms makes money on everything they produce and sell, the non-profit organization set's the price of all commodities based on a profit for all producers. Their greater bargaining power is much like being a "Walmart" not in how cheap they can buy things at, but at the better price they can sell their commodities at. This is much like Canada and its wheat production, they get a much better price for their wheat than American farmers because they keep separate all of the different types of wheat that Canadian wheat farmers produces, so bakeries will pay a premium for a much more uniform product in the goods that they produce. American farmers are very independent people and would never allow their co-op's (where most farmers sell their corn, wheat, and soybeans) to tell them what strains to plant to receive a better price at the market, but at the same time co-ops in America simply do not have the necessary infrastructur...

CCXCIV Global Warming and Climate Change} Mankind, is our capitalist side it is all about profit and power. Humanity is our empathy side, it is about helping each other and the planet

Mankind and Humanity, these two sides of the same coin, have been a struggle for as long as we been on the planet. Just about every species on the planet has these two sides of the same coin "struggle", so we come by this naturally. This struggle is not even only between a species, but can be "us against them" and normally is. Even trees, defend themselves against other trees, and also pests both insect and bacterial, and the climate and weather! There are always losers and winners, losing may not mean death, just not a seat at the best table. How do we balance this two-sided coin? Fair governments and laws are where we have tried to bring these two sides together, but just like different types of governments, those in each, enjoy the power too much! Laws have been created to favor certain parts of a sociality, and others have been created to disenfranchise other parts of a sociality. All in the name of fairness that ends up being anything but fair! The one that was...

288 Global Warming and Climate Change} Wolves in Yellowstone National Park, has affected the eco-system there more than expected!

When wolves were re-introduced in the area of Yellowstone, it seemed that no one had envisioned how much that action, would change the ecology of the area, and most are saying for the better! (better, in this case, seems to be that it is more diverse than before) Eco-systems are extremely hard to see all of the interactions that play a part in how life proceeds, and that is just in small systems, every time a niche is changed, filled, or lost it affects all others, but can we even say that there are niches? Having a "niche" is like saying that we can separate inter-dependant systems, can we do that?  Perhaps we can in some very isolated cases, such as marmots living on a rock-covered mountain top, far above treeline. I have never heard of wolves or some other predator, living in those areas because the rock field offers such excellent cover for marmots with no hiding places for the wolves to attack from. But these types of Eco-systems are few in nature. Seldom do you find bot...

CCXCI Global Warming and Climate Change} All of the scientific data shows that there is less than 50,000 gigatonnes of available carbon left!

    During the last 60 years, mankind has added between 1 and 2 parts per million of carbon dioxide into the Earth's atmosphere every year, the yearly average would seem to be around1.8 parts per million, but that does depend on where the measurements are being taken. If mankind was to suddenly be removed from the planet, then carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would start to drop by around that same 1 to 2 parts per year, because of carbon sequestration that has been going on since life started around 3.5 billion years ago. How much carbon has been sequestrated over this period of time has been calculated by scientists as between 60,000,000 and 100,000,000 gigatonnes of carbon! Remember one gigatonne is a billion tons. (however, if we were to use numbers from our sister planet Venus which is 19% smaller than the Earth the true amount of sequestrated carbon on the planet should be double the amount scientists has exterminated, at around 185,000,000 gigatonnes removed over the 3....

CCXC Starting up a new business, how is that done in a capitalistic venture} Money, money, and more money!

 Let's say that you have an excellent idea for a new product, and you have the expertise to even build that product. Better yet it will be used to save money for those who buy it, so it should be a no-brainer for people to buy it. Let's even say what it is, a trash can for bathrooms in stores that compresses the used paper towels, so that the restroom ends up neater and someone does not have to come in 3 times a day to change the bag, when it is 3/4 full it sends a signal to the office and since this compressed paper towel bag will be quite a bit heavier than a normal bag it has a built-in handcart to wheel it out to the recycle bin, even the bag itself is made of the same type of material as the paper towels so there is no plastic to remove before recycling. not only that but if you could get enough orders you could do the recycling in a small warehouse and simply compress the used paper towels by pressure and heat into more towels and the bags themselves. you would end up wit...

CCLXXXIX Global Warming and Climate Change} The giant heat pumps of the planet, DESERTS and they are growing!

Since the end of the last ice age around 13,000 years ago, almost every arid and semi-arid area of the planet has increased in size! Some were caused by poor agricultural practices by mankind but not most. Most were caused because "like begets like" once an area becomes dry, plant populations lessen, leading to less plant respiration, and therefore less cloud cover and its accompanying rainfall. But this also has a positive effect, the warmer air produced during the daylight hours as the sun's rays hit unprotected soils, raises up this hotter air, into the trade winds or other movements of air, and distributes this increased heat around the planet preventing the planet from cooling enough for it to enter into another ice-age. This in conjunction with mankind's new introduction of agricultural practices starting several thousand years ago reintroduces carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere quicker than in prior times. All of this adds up to a warmer climate, but the r...