CCCVIII Global Warming and Climate Change} Talking about how to convince people that 3 billion years of carbon sequestration is what matters!
It took mankind quite a long time to come to the conclusion that if we do not want to deal with more and more extreme weather, rising sea levels, and everything that comes with Climate Change, then something has to be done about "it"! Yes, there are many people who still think that what the planet is going through, is nothing but, normal climate variations, but if this was only that, then we would already be 2,500 years into yet another ice age! I am fairly certain that most people would agree, that is not the case. This alone is convincing proof that mankind can and does affect the planet's atmosphere! Long before mankind started using fossil fuels, The simple act of mankind changing from a nomadic way of life and following a changing place for food sources, to an agricultural and much more consistent and sustainable food supply. This act caused a quicker carbon turn-around cycle, instead of tree growth that could lock carbon away from the ...