
Showing posts from July, 2020

215 Global Warming and Climate Change} To get the attention of scientist's, Perpetual Motion is the key!

Ask any scientist if perpetual motion is possible and they will tell you NO! Then the next question needs to be then why do we consider life on the planet as perpetual motion okay, in that "the carbon dioxide cycle" is a perfect recycling perpetual motion machine? They can have no answer to that, but they may say, true but what makes you think that it is running out at this point after, surviving for billions of years! NUMBERS make me think that, 60,000,000,000 gigatonnes to 100,000,000,000, gigatonnes of limestone stored away from the fast cycle of carbon and only 48,000 gigatonnes left and this includes all of the known fossil fuels reserves! Then take the loss of 10 gigatonnes of carbon each year by sequestration, plus the need for so much carbon just to maintain C-3 plant life. In terms of geological time, there is just a single blink left, and this concerns all carbon-based life on the planet including mankind! Scientists need to take a good long look at these numbers! M...

214 Global Warming and Climate Change} I saw a reporter's title, We have got Climate Change wrong!

On a website that is consistent with agreeing that climate change is truly happening. So I thought okay someone else out there has started questioning what has truly been at the heart of Climate Change and Global Warming. No such luck, "it is still mankind's fault but we need to understand that if mankind was suddenly gone from this planet, then everything would be okay with the planet, so we need to repair the damage that "WE" have caused in order to save mankind" but not the planet! WRONG!                                Evolution, what is evolution? Is it the slow process of change that allows an uphill type of improvement, for all species? No, it is not! It is caused by changing conditions in the environment that a species finds itself in, to better use what is now available. Many types of species have remained the same for hundreds of millions of years because their environment has basically remained the...

213 Global Warming and Climate Change} Romania, you have just entered into 2nd place with the most views!

     Only the United States, with over 2000 views has more! You have over 1000 views, and then Denmark with 700 views, Great, now if only you would like to comment or ask any questions, that would be very nice? Only by getting the word out about that crazy guy in some hick town in Nebraska, can we get a conversation going on how to begin making life on this planet even better than it is, with a much rosier picture for humanity's future! Yes, there are many pressing issues, COVID-19, race relations, income gaps, pollution, deforestation, etc., these are problems that face all of mankind! Yet my plan on how to repair this great planet, addresses many of these issues, not just  Global Warming and Climate Change! Again I have been told that I am asking for too much, being too aggressive, trying to re-engineer whole economic systems. But this is simply not true, when the U.S. government opened up much of the west with the homestead act, they too made the land the economic...

212 Global Warming and Climate Change} How to reach people has never been my strong suit!

On most topics that I hear being discussed, I say nothing because people, for the most part, are just saying what they have heard, from there media source of choice! There is never any in-depth discussion of there beliefs, as to why, it is simply a standard talking point that fit's their conception of there place in the world. If we do not learn how to think as children, it is very hard to start doing so as adults! If you have been raised to not trust certain aspects of the government, or believe everything someone in government says, it is very hard to change such a point of view. Most people will have made up their minds about a subject the second, that they find out who has said it. How can you talk to someone like that, if you tried it would simply degrade into either a shouting march or being ridiculed as a Communist, fascist, democrat or some other "IGNORANT" person who will believe anything people will tell you, only they know the truth because they listen to ...

211 Global Warming and Climate Change} What Now Continuing!

In about one month this blog site will be 1 year old, it took until February 1st to reach 1000 hits, then start of July to hit 5000 hits. I understand that with what should be a very controversial subject people are afraid to speak out. No one wants to jump on a bandwagon, and then look like a fool if it is proved wrong, or speak negatively on a subject in case it is proved true. In either scenario, someone could be made to look foolish, but I ask myself why people would feel that way, asking questions does not mean that you agree or disagree with what I am saying, when we were in school most people did not ask questions in class, and would even get mad when I did, as I always did. Did that mean that I was disagreeing with the teacher, not in my mind, sometimes I was trying for clarity, sometimes for more information, or simply asking why? No one expects me to be their teacher on this most important topic, and I would not try and do anything but explain what this planet is going throug...

210 Global Warming and Climate Change} What's Next!

The correct way forward is spelled out in black and white, by "Life cycle of a planet dan kadavy"! The main problem is that it is designed to create ten's of millions of middle-class jobs and families all around the globe, not 20 billionaire companies all around the globe! Money talks, this can be a great thing, it creates products super cheap for mankind but in doing so it creates low paying jobs for people that may not even afford many of the products they are making! Government contracts, regulating committees, plant hybrids that may not be the best tasting but can travel well, herbicides and insecticides developed so that less labor is needed instead of using nature to do much of the containment of unwanted weeds and insects. What needs to be done to repair the planet does not bring in the most income for the least cost. Cover crops such as alfalfa, are what the planet needs, Nut trees are what brings in the money. Just like glass, newspaper, cardboard, plastic, and e...

209 Global Warming and Climate Change} I cannot believe how many domesdayers are out there!

They are now saying on so many sites that it is simply too late to stop Global Warming and our children's lives will become miserable. To them I say get out of the way, you are making it, just that much harder to get any real repair possible, if it's too late why try anything. It makes people not take you seriously if you just become another sign-carrying crowd saying that the end of the World is Here, Repent! I have the why, and the way to repair what mankind did not cause!!!! The 12-page paper "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" ( is it really asking too much to get people to read 12 pages and start a discussion ) ONLY MANKIND has the ability to repair this lovely, beautiful, and our only home, PLANET! Let me say again mankind did NOT cause the sequestration of over 99.99% of the carbon that has ever been on this planet! But only a thinking and acting species can save this planet. The Herculean task that my solution requires, will in several generations make this...

208 Global Warming and Climate Change} When I think of science, I think of progress,

But now I have been trying to talk with several, both men and women, and the ones I have tried, make me think of more like protective of there status, or not my field, no one wants to comment on my paper. Have I waited too long to bring my paper out? 10 years ago I was sure that any day now some respected scientist was going to come out and say that there really is another reason why adding so little extra carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere was having such a detrimental effect on the planet's weather patterns! No one ever did, now there are two camps that are as divided as any political party in The U.S.A. would it have been easier if I had brought this "strange idea" out years ago prior to everyone making up their minds on which side there were on and letting extremism take over. We have all seen where extremism can lead too! PETA people trying to keep animals safe, has extremist who blown up construction sites. Moslems, who believe in a peaceful religious way of fo...

207 Global Warming and Climate Change} Do you really believe that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was?

Always around .025% since the start of life on this planet? Where did all of the limestone come from, how did animals 20 times the size of modern elephants get enough fast-growing food to eat? Why are we in a glaciation period when the sun keeps increasing how much energy reaches the planet, over 40% more than when the planet first formed! These questions can go on and on, there are so many known past ages on this planet that only an atmosphere with much more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would have made possible. If there had to be more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than there is now, that can only mean one thing, that the carbon dioxide is somehow being reduced from past times and if that is the case why would we think that "that reduction" will no longer be continuing! Let's go in another direction, Nitrogen is 78% of the atmosphere of this planet, and yet is one of the rarest of the elements, it is almost non-existent in the crust of the planet. There is over 10...

206 Global Warming and Climate Change} Life's connectivity, is truly impossible to fully understand!

The best that we can do at this point in time is to follow individual species and follow their interaction with their surrounding, Yesterday I talked about the re-introduction of wolfs into Yellowstone National Park and how so many unexpected changes have occurred. When we start the replanting of arid and semi-arid areas of the planet and making such radical changes to the environments there, scientific studies should be started from the very beginning of each stage of every type of work! This would be a windfall of knowledge, about how the actions of man can be followed to make a better planet for all living organisms. As these areas become fully functional there will be many areas for wildlife mainly because of parts of the terrain that will not lend itself to cultivation, but since the purpose of this replanting is ground cover, not just farming, water and seeding will still be done here as well. You do not go into a tropical rain forest and find bare ground anywhere! I like the sce...

205 Global Warming and Climate Change} Way to go Denmark, you have been the top readers lately!

I was talking about why all planet that does not have a species on it that can and will understand that life can not exist forever without help, will ultimately run out of something that is critical to life's survival and die. Many will freeze over, others will heat up so much that the water may all evaporate, or a million other possibilities! Each and every livable planet "out there" has an expiration date, it may be billions of years in the making as ours was or only a billion years as I expect Mars was. But with the number of possibilities of planets that can sustain life, we must expect there to be many that do. But how many will also have a species that can maintain that life before it is too late to do so? On our planet, it seems to be carbon in the form of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is our limiting factor, but is that the only limiting factor that our planet will even have or will there be others down the road that we just do not see? If I had to guess I woul...

204 Climate Change and Global Warming} Life cycle of a planet, anywhere and everywhere in the Universe!

I'm saying that only the planet's, that developed a species such as mankind that can change how the planet is developing, will have life on it after it reaches a certain stage or age! Will, it always be some form of carbon that will be the limiting factor, on whether or not, life can be continued. No, just in our own solar system, Mars could have had life such as the Earth does but its limiting factor was possibly its smaller size meaning its gravity could not keep its atmosphere, and it's at a greater distance from the sun. While Venus, has three problems associated with little or no life, first, it is closer to the sun, second, it has almost no magnetic field to protect developing life from the sun's rays, due to, three, and almost non-existent rotation. These are just observation I have made of what is occurring in our solar system, there could be hundred's of limiting factors that may allow life to start but, but does not allow enough time to continue, for the n...

5000 Climate Change and Global Warming} 5000 hits and counting took almost 11 months!

With the internet, that could mean in the millions, if people are passing it along and sharing, but I have no way of knowing. So do what you can to get people involved, this is in addition to 31 countries as of July 15, 2020. But not 1 hit from China, but I did receive 4 hits from Hong Kong, and several from Taiwan. So no reading today from me just wanted to say thank you. Daniel Kadavy Author of "Life cycle of a planet"

203 Global Warming and Climate Change} What are some of sciences fundamental laws?

Fundamental laws of nature, are laws that are so ingrained into upcoming scientists as to act as a starting point. Some good examples are "the speed of light at 186,000 miles per second", the "molecular weight of any element", the "weight of the atmosphere at sea level, 15 lbs per square inch", the "length of a day, a year, a century all based on how long it takes for the planet to spin on its axis and to make one revolution around the sun". Fundamental laws are meant to be "set in stone", but in reality, this is not the case in many instances. Almost every law has variables, the length of a day is very slowly changing as is the time it takes the planet to go around the sun. The weight of the atmosphere at sea level has been decreasing ever since there was an atmosphere. The fundamental law that scientists think that my paper is breaking, is that plant life on this planet, with-out mankind's interference, is never-ending or eternal....

I have talked about perpetual motion, and even with the sun's energy, why it can not exist on life!

Perpetual motion, When we try and make the "unmakeable" perpetual motion machine on Earth, there are normally two things that stop us, friction, and gravity. Okay you think, on a planetary scale neither would work against such a machine called "life", plus the energy necessary for such a machine called "life" is from the sun, which produces more energy then this machine would ever need. If we do not have to worry about friction, gravity, or an unending power source, what is the problem? Its materials! Every farmer knows that when crops are planted and then harvested, you are taking material out of the soils, that sooner or later are going to have to be replaced. Okay, you think, in nature, life is not removed to feed humanity, and then not replaced, because even if deer eats grass, everything is still there just in another form that is normally able to be recycled. So if mankind was not on the planet. won't life simply go on like it has forever? This i...

Why am I so adament about how much land one person or family can own?

In every society, there are lots of different types of people, some just want to do as little as they can to be able to get by, on the other extreme, there are people that want to do as little physical work as possible, and live a grand life, the only way that is possible, by using cheap labor to do there work! These are the people that feel that they are entitled to such a life. But in these "towns", while everyone will be welcome, not all will fit in! those that are happy at just working hard enough to get by will find that may not work at the beginning of a "town" being built, but later on with a more settled "town", then there chosen lifestyle may be more at home. 20 acres of land which will include fish farming in conjunction with vegetable farming, will produce a very busy and productive life, with the necessary income to enjoy that life. Production of whatever is being produced, by each "town" will generate income for each person involved ...

Now we have the first town just starting to become viable as a town!

Some of the water from the nearest river has reached the town's treatment plant, where it is first cleaned up so that it can be used for irrigation. then cleaned more so that it can be used for raising fish, then more for the fish hatcheries, then to the final level for human consumption and bathing. If the river water is being collected near the end of the river just before it enters the seas or oceans. It will be full of sediments and soils, they are extremely important in rebuilding the soils that will become the first farmland! This farmland will be used for alfalfa, this is an excellent cover crop, great fish food, and a perennial so does not have to be replanted every year. Plus, the equipment for planting, harvesting, and storage, is very simple and easy to do! Alfalfa has a high protein content, in comparison to many other such crops. As the amount of farmland is increased, other crops will become important, vegetables, wheat, and after enough land becomes fertile, then tre...

Do we just drop off a million people in the middle of a desert and tell them to build a farm?

Of course not, everything starts with collecting water, without water there can not be life! We start let's say 5 miles from the water source that we have permission to use, there are two sets of people, that have spent time learning how too do what needs to be done, The water movers will have on-site all of the equipment, and supplies necessary to bring water to the second set of people and 5 miles pass that new camp. Because of safety, there will be guards protecting both groups, and in the beginning, a lot of oversite and redundancy, because these two groups will have a lot of attention on them, and if they fail this could set back much of the project. Cameras would be everywhere, most you could see but many would be hidden. Perhaps the easiest places to start would be an area that already had at one time been used as a community until a drought made people leave? The first shelters would be pre-built, temporary but very sturdy, with everything needed for life already just waiti...

Global Warming and experimention?

Scientists love experiments that can be done in an enclosed system and compared with other closed systems. Any results that are received must be able to be reproduced and shown not to be a one-off. which tests for the speed of light, the strength of gravity at sea level, values for gases in the atmosphere, are all easily reproduced. Test for most things in nature is so inter-connected, that reproducing any eco-systems somewhere else is simply not doable! Potato farmers in the mountains of South America have learned that certain varieties of potatoes grow better than others with just the smallest changes in elevations, the direction of sunlight, type of soils, amount of water, even the direction and amount of wind. On one side of a mountain, there may be 30 varieties being grown, to take advantage of every condition that is normally seen. This may even take into account diseases and pests that may have played a role in past growing seasons. This type of knowledge can not be learned or p...

Global Warming and Climate Change} I am getting quite a few views, but very little responses!

I am wondering if people are downloading my papers and posts, why are they not contacting me. Are they afraid that to do so, will say something about there point of view may be changing and they do not want to go there yet? For it seems that I get around the same number of hits from the same countries every time I post in the first few minutes and then a few more hits within a 4-6 hour span, these will vary from several different countries and not always the same. I was wondering if this is a typical response to such an unusual point of view on such an important topic? If you are a scientist and hold the seemingly standard belief that a rise of 150 parts per million of additional carbon dioxide should cause as much of a problem on raising the temperature around the planet, without any other reason other than carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. But now a non-scientist is talking about ice ages, and increasing areas of desert's and semi-arid areas, and loss of plant ground cover, cau...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Why are some of my posts read much more often than others?

Granted I am getting close to having 200 posts in addition to my main paper, and that is a lot of reading, however, how do people decide which post to read and which ones are not as important, are we letting others tell us which ones to read, are we just a flock following others, or are we up to making our own decisions. Perhaps those, that people are following simply have there own agenda? Where has that gotten mankind on global warming and climate change? Being split into two camps, neither camp is completely right or completely wrong. Isn't that the way it almost always is, Take the two camps on the issue of abortion, one camp says that a women right to her own body, is not hers, but she has to bow down to people who do not believe she should have a choice. The other camp says that only the women should say if she does or does not decide to keep the baby, with no one else giving any advice. There can never be any absolutes on any issue, life is way too complicated for that, No o...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Has anyone out there though more about doing a study? Based on-

How much carbon in the different form's that sea life can use, can the Planet's Ocean's hold with-in its great depth? We know that in the planet's atmosphere there is really no amount, that would be too great that the atmosphere would simply increase in both size and volume (of course most animal life begins to have problems above certain levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.) Do the ocean's of the planet have an unlimited amount that it can hold or would it simply start to diffuse out into the atmosphere much like a bottle of pop does when the lid is off. Or perhaps the rates in the atmosphere would need to be somewhat higher than what the ocean rates are to prevent too much movement between the two environments! Right now in time by percent of the volume in the atmosphere, there is .04 percent of carbon dioxide. In the Oceans By weight, there is only. 000755 of a percent of carbon. meaning that even though there is 49 times more carbon dissolved in the ocean...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Is it the scientist, governments, politcian's, or common person?

That we have to reach about the only way to repair the planet! In my opinion, change does seem to slowly come about, by mass peaceful protests. I was talking to several mid-twenties-year-olds, who stated that, global warming and climate change, is only a political agenda, and said that they had read papers to prove it, so what, now the whole planet is trying to foster on us a single political agenda? I am amazed at how out of touch certain groups of people are! America is not the whole planet, far from it! How did we get to the point where we cannot learn anything new and make some of the most important decisions based on sound bites from talking heads? The only things that many people are interested in, is how to make the most money with the least amount of work, and how to play as much as possible. When I was young, coming from a state in the middle of the country, meant that you learned at an early age how to work, especially if you came from a farming background, not so much anymor...

What will be the political opposition, for such a plan as I have out-lined on these posts?

No matter what someone designs for repairing this planet, There will be major dissent on that or those designs, many of these reason's will not be based on any scientific rationale, but instead, political reason, which maybe is based on how the most profit can be made for the most people. For this massive of an undertaking, many will consider it ripe for making millions of dollars off of supplying the goods, equipment, and building supplies, that they will see as necessary for the project to go forth. This is where the non-profits can make a tremendous difference, By coordinating, with foundations and other non-profits for the equipment, building supplies, and everything else that will be needed, in time this will become a profit-making venture. and also self-sustaining. So many politicians will be the first to say that this type of venture can only be run by big business, thereby becoming a trillion-dollar capital investment, with stock owners and big investors and when the lands ...