Global Warming and Climate Change} Can we change the fundamental nature of man, though education?
Freedom of speech, Is a very important part of the American Constitution, but it can not mean freedom to lie when trying to get what you want! I would love somewhere on the internet that could only post-truth and facts and not opinions. Would I be able to post my paper, about the lifecycle of a planet! NO, there are way too many ideas that, while I am confident all of them, can and will be verified in time! As of now and sometime into the future, they are more than several new ideas that will need others to check and recheck there veracity! Some of what I have stated may take a generation or more to prove, I am speaking about the ability of the planet's ground cover and cloud cover, to regulate the temperature extremes of the planet! To my way of thinking that is the only explanation of why the planet did not overheat when carbon dioxide was above 50% of the atmosphere along with much more methane gas which is much more of a greenhouse gas then carbon dioxide is. Even taking into c...