
Showing posts from October, 2020

CCLXXIII Global Warming and Climate Change} With only 50,000 gigatonnes of "available carbon" on the planet, and losing 7 gigatonnes every year.

There can be no doubt, as to the planet's future, with-out mankind, and since mankind has already shown that we can maintain the necessary levels of carbon in the atmosphere for life on this planet as long as mankind can continue to be a viable species on the planet. This means we must remain a viable species not just for ourselves, but for life on the planet as a whole! This also means that while we have enough new carbon dioxide available in the atmosphere to replant almost all of the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, so that the new increase in cloud cover and rain, will help re-establish much of the planet's lost temperature-regulating ability. We will also be reducing the yields of most C3 plants back to what it was in the 1970s, this will not be a problem because we will have also, increased the land that can produce food, by much more than the loss of yields of standard C3 plants, that relies on how much carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere as one of the limiting fa...

CCLXXII Global Warming and Climate Change} Mathematics, one problem that I have always worried about was the timing!

 What were the chances that mankind would reach a state of ability to repair the planet within the last few thousand years of that need? That would depend on your point of view, a large percentage of the planet's population believe in a god, and they would say that this could be the proof, that God put us on this planet at this time, for this very reason. Me, not so much, instead the very fact that evolution takes many twists and turns along its path, and this planet has already seen many extinction events, we could just be seeing another one in a long line, but for the first time a species that has the ability to change the planet's direction have developed and while it took around a million years to do so, (depending on your definition of first man,) now mathematics at least makes the odds much better. 4.5 billion years -1.5 billion years until life was at least on a large percentage of the planet, equals 3 billion / 8 major extinction events equals 375 million years / by 1 m...

CCLXXI Global Warming and Climate change} When someone has invested much of their life and professional identity, into a point of view!

That it would be very hard to even look at a different way of thinking! Me I build homes, and take down old buildings, so that the beautiful, and distinctive old wood, can shine again. I love either building something or helping others to be able to build something different! My whole life was never tied up in Global Warming and how to fix it. I was just fascinated, by the causes of the ice-ages, ever since I heard about them as a little kid! Yes like every boy I loved dinosaurs, but everyone did, and a lot more effort was put into understanding all about them, just because of their size and the imagination of kids about the largest, fastest, meanest, whatever, to have lived on the Earth. Just look at how many people watch shark week every year. But the why, how, when, of such a massive change to this planet all caused by ice. And on a repetitive timeline, that suddenly was not being repeated, WHY! (as if suddenly, is an extra 2000-3000 years of an inter-glacier phase?) Science has mad...

CCLXX Global Warming and Climate Change} If the true purpose of repairing the planet's temperature extremes is for mankind's sake?

 Then replenishing the amount of ice on the planet becomes of utmost importance, if the true purpose is to extend the length of time that all carbon-based life can survive on the planet, then that has different parameters, but the survival of mankind is top of this list also! This is the major difference between the average person's point of view and my understanding of why life on this planet is now directly tied to mankind's survival! There have been so many people that have stated that if mankind was wiped out then the planet's ecosystem would slowly cure all of the damage that we had inflicted upon it! This is not just wrong, but if this were to happen, mankind's disappearance would cause, in as little as 100 years the Earth will enter into the next and last "Ice-age"! There would be a lowering of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of between 2 and 4 parts per million per year, by the normal sequestration of carbon that has been going on for the last 3 billi...

CCLXIX Global Warming and Climate Change} I would like to make a few things clear, using just the water available from all of the great rivers!

 Would in itself not be enough to replant and keep those plants alive if it is not done right! But by during large parcels, we will start to change the cloud production over certain areas but not others. This is where past histories of the planet will be of utmost importance, using a backward response to plant life and its loss is how to determine where we will get the most response with the least effort. In arid and semi-arid areas plant life dies in response to two needs, the first one is the amount of rainfall that normally would have fallen on these areas if the plant respiration was enough to increase both cloud cover and rainfall amounts, the second is the availability of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, if the level is high then the plants will not need as much water to survive and produce. Areas that became arid or semi-arid back when the carbon dioxide levels were only at 220 parts per million may rebound a lot better than we would think it should, with the much higher le...

CCLXVIII Global Warming and Climate Change} Let's go back to working the river deltas!

What are we trying to do with "mining the deltas?" The deltas were formed by the silts of many thousands of years of the river bringing the soils from far away In almost every case of the largest rivers on the planet, the water slows down as it comes to the sea or oceans that it empties into, this is not by luck that this happens but caused by the very silt that the rivers have been carrying, many times hundreds to thousands of miles. the river would have found the path of least resistance to the sea or ocean and if in the early years it ended on a cliff high above, the waters would have slowly eroded the surrounding land until it was level with the sea or ocean, then the waters would slow down, and that actions would have caused the heavy load of silt it has been carrying to precipitate out and slow the waters even more and backing up so that a delta would have started being formed, with no longer a single river entering into the sea or ocean but many smaller, fingers stream...

CCLXVII Global Warming and Climate Change} We are talking about millions of people, working on huge projects, and some will not be producing!

Anything that will directly pay for their keep. That is the beautiful thing about this "plan" The "towns" are not based on everyone making a living by either moving water, silt, farming, or producing products from these endeavors! Once a house is built, there is not a mortgage on the home, it is for those who built it to live in, we all work together as farmers did in the past to start each family off with the requirements for running a successful farm or fishery, or whatever else is needed. Trade between families and others will not be based on money changing hands, but on abilities and effort being used to equal out what everyone will need to move forward. After the basic needs are met those that are better at what they do will be compensated according to those abilities, you grow more fish, more crops, tradesmen whose work is better than others, all will produce money as the excess is sold to the outside world. A scientist whose work is needed but does not produc...

CCLXVI Global warming and Climate change} I have talked so much about moving water, and using all of the nutrients that is in that water to help fertilize the areas that will be using the water for new plant growth

Let's talk about the great rivers of this planet's deltas! Deltas, you mean that area of land at the mouth of the river? Yes exactly, do you know the phrase, not in my back yard, no matter how much good some large project may be for people, very few will want it, with-in sight of where they live and sometimes even work. Which means that even if we would love to use as much gravity as possible to move water downhill into the deserts and semi-arid areas of the planet, most people will not want us to take any of the waters running by them, away! The one place that no one can complain about, is just as the freshwater is about to enter an ocean or sea. We do not want any freshwater to do that, so we will need to build a dam with locks at this point. The locks will allow boat traffic to come and go, and the dam will be the site of collecting all of the waters but just as important all of the silt that the rivers bring with it, and all of the pollution also! Much of what mankind sees ...

CCLXV Global Warming and Climate Change} Last post I talk about what the media might write about when the "plan" is put into effect as if is was;

A done deal. Why would I do that? If the "plan is not put into effect in my lifetime, that would be a real shame, but not the end of life on this planet. If mankind reduces the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere back to around 280 parts per million, and either maintains that level or lets it go even lower, then yields on many C3 plants will begin to suffer from what yields that farmers are getting now. Hopefully, this would set off a chain reaction of why, in the scientific community, to try and piece together and with just a little research what mankind needs to do. The "plan" maybe someone will even come across "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" and will find a blueprint of what is needed. But by then mankind will have spent many billions of dollars, perhaps trillions of dollars, only to find that what they had hoped for was a pipe dream, and the continued suffering of mankind that had followed had to be laid at the feet of this generation. Since w...

CCLXIV Global Warming and Climate Change} So I have been talking about why the "Plan" will work so well, let's talk how it will look to people!

 That will depend on how the media, will portray what is being done all over the planet, to repair the temperature regulating ability of the planet, or will it focus on the lifestyle of those involved? Or will the media simply do a few stories and then go on to other things. This may require scientists, to begin the journey to understanding the true nature of the problem that sequestration of carbon over the last 3 billion years has caused to the availability of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and oceans. While the "plan" does not require scientists to agree with why we need to repair the planet in only this way, because they will agree that removing the "excess" carbon by such a large endeavor as the "plan" entails will do exactly what they say will decrease the planets extreme weather events! The fact that it will do much more than that, will not be of any concern, in their way of thinking. If it does decrease "excess" carbon dioxide in the a...

CCLXIII Global Warming and Climate Change} On my last post I counted either 8 or 9 wins depending on a overlap on glaciers replenishment, see 262!

          Every plan that I have seen put forth by anyone who is trying to slow Global Warming, is doing so by either reducing mankind's production of greenhouse gases, or by sequestrating that which is already in the atmosphere!                                                                                                                                                                    None of these attempt to reduce the sizes of the arid or semi-arid areas of the planet! These areas are a two-fold problem as relating to Climate Change,...

CCLXII Global Warming and Climate Change} Mankind is at a crossroads, in many more ways then how to treat Global Warming!

But the only one that I can try and treat, is also the most important one, for the continuation of "the vast majority of life on this planet". I will be the first to confess that in the years to come, someone else will begin to understand what has really been going on with the sequestration of carbon over the last 3 billion years of a carbon-based lifeform planet. The sooner that we begin to understand and convince others the better, and not just for the planet, but also for mankind, the lives we can save, and the quality of those lives, the money that can be made, yes made not wasted! And the new trust that governments can gain, by willing to begin working with all of the governments of the planet towards a common goal! This is an area that the vast percentage of governments of the planet are in short supply of, and by embracing both the science and economy of this plan they can quickly win back some trust. The only requirement that they will have to accept is that the ...

CCLXI Global Warming and Climate Change} Does the great rivers of the planet hold enough water to undo 3 millions years of desert formation?

Yes, because no matter how fast we can start to replant the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, the new amount of plant transpiration that will be adding moisture into the atmosphere will continue to increase the rainfall amounts around the planet, leading to more additional river flows. This is one of the main premises of increasing plant life in such areas, this is how the planet's water cycles work! There may even come a time that rainfall amount will outperform the need for more supplemental irrigation in certain places around the planet. This would be generations into the future, and hopefully, the knowledge that mankind has learned about the needs of the planet would hold us in good stead. Those of us alive now, will only be remembered for our foresight in putting in place, a course of action, that will have helped ensure the continuation of life on the only planet we can call home. I am concerned about how to set up an organization that would help those that would live a...

260 Global Warming and Climate Change} Explaining why there would be more usable land with the planet having minimal ice!

Antarctica, in the past, has had a full complement of life on it, even with the vast differences in the lengths of days and nights, much of Greenland, Iceland, and both Canada and Russia would become much more temperate of a climate! All of this would increase the total habitable areas of the planet, yet over time over 20%  of the people of the planet would have to be moved higher up as the sea levels would rise! The net effect of all of this change would increase land on the northern, and southern hemispheres while decreasing the net land areas around other parts of the planet. Mankind has the ability to decide what type of planet they would like, or a mixture of both. How would the planet's people, choose what type of planet would be best? That would be far into the future if the "plan" is put into action as I have outlined, in "Life cycle of a planet daniel kadavy" There would not be much of a temperature change over the planet and it would be relatively easy...

259 Global Warming and Climate Change} Someone said that I must be a climate denier, if what I say is true?

I have written over 500,000 words about how to repair this planet, in this last year! Not one way that I have put forth in repairing the planet, is at odds it what climate scientists say, will help bring down extreme weather events around the planet! Does the current scientific community understand what the underlining problem is, NO! But have they come to understand the symptoms, YES! This is why I have tried to enter into the discussion. So NO I AM NOT A CLIMATE DENIER, but yes we MUST repair the planet only one way and that is to undo what low carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over the last 2.5 million years has caused on this planet, and that is NOT done by merely adding carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere of the planet! There are parts of the "plan" that goes beyond what the planet has done, that is replacing ice back onto the planet, this is not for the planet's sake, but for mankind's. When the planet's carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere are...

258 Global Warming and Climate Change} Up until just a 100 years ago we did not really see this planet as our home!

Even now, when asked where you are from, normally the nearest town is where start, maybe if it is a small town you will say that, it is so far from a town that you would expect the person asking would know, then maybe the state or province, or if you are visiting a foreign country you might say what country you are from! Very few people would ever say something like, I am from New York, New York, United States of America, on the continent of North America, Earth, But if somehow mankind can overcome the speed of light problem, so that interstellar flight could become a feasible option. And we could meet other beings from other planet's then yes we could use that salutation, which then could have a real need for being that accurate! I myself will not hold my breath that mankind could ever overcome the speed of light dilemma, which could make space travel outside of our own solar system possible. But again, no one has ever explained how after the "Big Bang" everything was al...

257 Global Warming and Climate Change} Does the possiblity of life on every planet in the Universe depend on how large the planet is?

The way I see it, it must! If the planet is too small, even if life could start, it would not be able to advance to the point of what most people would see as intelligent life, if our planet would end up being normal for the development of that type of life! Of course, using our planet as a blueprint for all others may be the silliest thing to start from! But it is the only one that we know, the premise that perpetual motion and therefore, perpetual life is never possible without interference by a thinking and acting species has always been the limiting factor for life on this planet! What do I mean by that? Hunter, gatherer, could quickly strip an area of land of its food source and therefore would be the limiting factor, in the size of the population that could be sustained, but it also would cause a lot more problems during periods of drought, that is why many of the first populations of humans, were either nomadic or semi-nomadic, only in places that had an abundance of food source...

256 Global Warming and Climate Change} Last time we talked about, why we do not attempt to make the planet a better place?

And I was not in any way precise in what I was talking about, I tend to ramble, instead of staying on topic, again another reason why I would love some help in creating a book! The main reason that we do not try and make the planet a better place for all to live is profit and lack of vision! I mean we make beautiful parks in every city and then, lock them down at sunset, because we feel that they will attract the wrong crowd! So police them in a hundred different ways, make them places that everyone can do something late at night, or provide venues that help teach proper use of public spaces, but do not let only people that are angry at the world use them for there own tirades and tantrums against an often corrupt bureaucracy! But get them involved in change and rooting out those corrupt individuals. putting them in prison not giving them a slap on the wrist! This is the main reason that the whole planet, can't stand together is because of corruption on a massive scale in every are...

255 Global Warming and Climate Change} There are so many different way's for mankind to improve life on this planet, and no one choses to do so!

 Yes, that statement was not as accurate as it could have been, because we have done much, on the pollution side! But only when we caused the original problem to begin with. We have cleaned up much of the air, soil, and water pollution, But as for recycling the waste that mankind puts in the garbage dumps around the world, we have made barely a scratch on the surface. It has always been easier to throw away and buy new, then get down and dirty, recycling any and everything! When I say everything, I mean everything, from our body waste, to the clothes we wear, to our kid's toys, to our oil rigs, we should have recycled the tunnel drilling rigs that made the "CHUNNEL" or the Eurotunnel instead of burying them in the middle of the channel. But we always have an excuse, it would have cost too much or taken too long, or would have been less spectacular to take it apart and ride it out in small pieces! It is just a fact, that for many people on this planet that shiny and new is...

254 Global Warming and Climate Change} I have already explain that with-out mankind appearance on this planet, it would be in the last ice-age!

Let's revisit this so that we can understand why! When the planet entered into the series of ice ages around 2,500,000 years ago, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was only around 190 parts per million and dropping. With the planet sequestrating around 10 gigatonnes of carbon a year and natural recovery by volcanoes, undersea vents, and other heat-related events, 3 gigatonnes of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide were being released back into the atmosphere, for a net loss of around 7 gigatonnes of carbon a year, year in and year out. Yes, there were times in the last 2.5 million years that events happened such as supervolcanoes as in "Yellowstone" brought back more carbon dioxide then the planet was sequestering, but overall carbon is lost much faster than it is replaced. The best estimate is that the planet has sequestrated around 2,500,000 years x 7 gigatonnes per year = 17,500,000 gigatonnes of carbon almost all of it had been stored in the vast waters o...

253 Global warming and Climate Change} Do we absolutly need to start repairing the planet, (the only correct way,) right now?

I would like to say yes, that we are at a very important time in the evolution of the planet and it is now or never. That would not be completely accurate, however, all of the factors that mankind needs to start the never-ending need for mankind to step in, are currently present on the planet right now! There is just enough recently added carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to support the necessary new plant life! We have the knowledge needed to reroute the streams and rivers of the planet, from entering the oceans of the planet and redirecting those most important waters, for use in replanting, and we have the manpower available to accomplish this massive endeavor, which will, just like the computer revolution, create a new source of jobs and income, that will in its coattails, raise millions and millions of people into the planet's middle class! Meaning that this planet will not self-destroy itself, due to mankind unintended use of fossil fuels and production of concrete out of lime...

252 Global Warming and Climate Change} We have talked about how to truly repair the planet, not from mankind replacment of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere but from the slow relentless sequestration on carbon by life itself

 As been proven by thousands of experimentations, perpetual motion is not possible on any scale, from very small, handheld devices to large hydroelectric plants that need the energy from the sun to produce rainfall in the amounts necessary to replace the water that is used as the energy source! Even the Sun's energy is not constant or everlasting, it is expected to gradually increase by about 1% every 100,000,000 years, and then as the fuel source of the Sun (hydrogen) is finally exhausted it will go into using another fuel source that will doom all of the inner planets as they will be consumed by its increase in size and energy output, thankfully that will not happen for billions of years! So while the Sun is as close to a perpetual motion machine as we will ever see, it is not one, and by definition, it is not something that can reuse energy forever, so it really does not fall under the definition of, perpetual motion, as used by mankind! But as nothing can be a perpetual motion ...

251 Global Warming and Climate Change} I have stated why their is only one way to truly repair the planet and it does not include bandages!

We must learn from history, and not man's history, but the planet's history! We need to understand that it is not always about us! We seem to either see mankind, as this genuinely evil species on the planet, or as an insignificant, temporary blight on the planet and if we can not learn, then we will go the way of the dinosaurs or the dodo bird! Neither point of view is even remotely correct! We are no different than most species on this planet, we reproduce, we do all we can to survive in a hostile climate of both weather, other species from viruses to lions, and from each other! As the centuries pass, we strive to learn, improve, and find common ground. In the beginning, it was about every tribe against every other tribe and "everything else" on the planet. Fear was never far away! Walking on the wrong ground could pull you down into quicksand, drinking unknown water could poison you, not getting back to the safety of the cave by nightfall could be a death sentence, ...

250 Global Warming and Climate Change} Let's agree that man does have the ability to alter the planet for both good and bad where do we now go?

     This really is the point is it not, mankind's need of producing both income and housing, is what is used to drive a money-based economy! Well, that is exactly what my plan works on, for repairing our planet's lost temperature regulation ability, by the replanting of arid and semi-arid areas of the planet by using the water from all of the great rivers of the planet in doing so. This will give millions of people a place to live and produce food and other goods, for the benefit of all mankind, while improving the Gross Worldwide Income, instead of costing everyone on the planet money that can not easily be spared. This is the way that mankind can alter the planet for the much better, or mankind can try to remove the extra 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and attempt to get the extreme weather simply back to what it was 50 years ago, at great expense, for minimal improvement that most scientists say is too little too late! Or decide to do nothin...

249 Global Warming and Climate Change} Does becoming a specialist in your field, limit your vision on what is going on?

In the field of climate study, there are lots of study's that try to add to mankind's knowledge of what is causing the increasingly extreme weather that we have been seeing over the last few decades! Some of these study's look at the production of methane by cattle, termites, oil wells, decomposition of man-made waste, warming area of permafrost that as it melts releases its store of methane into the atmosphere, even the possibility of warmer oceans releasing vast amounts of methane that only stay in suspension because of its cooler temperature! This is because methane is considered a greenhouse gas that is around 23 times as potent as carbon dioxide in converting the sun's energy to heat, but also breaks down quicker in the atmosphere, so its effect is not as long term as carbon dioxide. Other studies, try to explain all of the ways that mankind has increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, this is not limited to the use of fossil fuels, but also includes the defores...