Global warming and Climate Change} what are the odds that we showed up at just the right time to save the planet from lack of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with-in 600 to 6000 years!
This puzzle that I have just set out, can not have a mathematical answer, unless you are willing to only look at length of time the planet has existed, and what percentage of that time mankind has been around, and with the necessary knowledge, and tools to make saving the planet happen! How could you factor in "The Meteor Hit Extinction Event" that wiped out the dinosaurs, and most terrestrial life, that gave mammal's a chance to become much more important, then they ever could be, (many millions of years later on) allowing the fore runners of man to make an appearance. Not counting all of the other mass extinction event's that has happened in the last one billion years. (many people would count at least 7 such events) and did each one of these have to happen for mankind to show up at all? I may be wrong, but I rather doubt that even the most powerful computer ever made, could figure out those odds! Unless the DNA that started all animal life on this planet, could be...