
Showing posts from January, 2020

Global warming and Climate Change} what are the odds that we showed up at just the right time to save the planet from lack of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with-in 600 to 6000 years!

This puzzle that I have just set out, can not have a mathematical answer, unless you are willing to only look at length of time the planet has existed, and what percentage of that time mankind has been around, and with the necessary knowledge, and tools to make saving the planet happen! How could you factor in "The Meteor Hit Extinction Event" that wiped out the dinosaurs, and most terrestrial life,  that gave mammal's a chance to become much more important, then they ever could be, (many millions of years later on) allowing the fore runners of man to make an appearance. Not counting all of the other mass extinction event's that has happened in the last one billion years. (many people would count at least 7 such events) and did each one of these have to happen for mankind to show up at all? I may be wrong, but I rather doubt that even the most powerful computer ever made, could figure out those odds! Unless the DNA that started all animal life on this planet, could be...

Global Warming and Climate Change} There are so many reason's why, it is so hard to get enough involvement.

     First and foremost, it simply takes too much time, to feed, house, and clothes your own family! So few people would have any time to spare, working outside of the home needs, is not really an option. Only the young, and the retired, could do much, one set has no experience and the other has the wrong type of it. No matter how well-intentioned, a person is, signing up for something that you can not do, is asking too much. If it was only a matter of giving money, but where and how much and, we have all been here, will the money go to the right place and make a difference. Or will it go to some thief, or simply someone using most of the monies for private jets and only the minimal toward the cause? I hate to hear when the head of some charity, is making millions and flying around in private planes so that they can attend the next charity function. This makes the news all the time, with little or no change.       So you can understand, when peopl...

Global Warming and Climate Change } Let's talk about glacier repenishment, and it's need's!

Do we need to replenish every glacier on the planet that has shrunk in size? That would indeed be a major undertaking, and if we could accomplish that, that would be a great step in helping the planet reflect a larger amount of the sunlight, and also help keep cooler temperature planet wise, so that we would have an easier task with overall melting in the future. But in reality, we should start with glaciers that are used for water for populations downstream. So that if we can prevent those from shrinking, by replenishing them each winter, we could maintain them for future use. This task of replenishment is not something we could do, it is something that needs to be done! As we learn the how's and whys of each area's needs and their different requirements, We then come to the problem of how to make each "town" self-sufficient. They may not be able to follow the same guidelines as the "town's" in the arid and semi-arid areas because the terrain and climat...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Ok no rambing now, on topic, energy

Let talk about two types of energy, active, and passive. And of course active-passive. Making use of the lay of the land is almost always passive, in hot climates, using a natural shade from the sun, examples, trees, cliffs, other buildings, and being on the bottom of a hill. In cold climates, the tree's as windbreaks, or shade for summer months and then if they are deciduous the leaves will fall off to allow sunlight in winter. Then there is passive-active, where man-made shade is used, awning over windows that either is stationary is designed to keep out the summer's sun but as the winter's sun is lower on the horizon then the awning lets the sun in. Or these same awnings can be attached to the thermostat inside the home, and when it senses cold and the awning can detect sunlight on its surface then a motor will raise the awning to let that sunlight into the home, or the reverse if too hot. Then we have solar water heaters, and solar electric panels even home-sized wind t...

Global Warming and Climate Change} There is so much untap energy, available on this planet!

Mankind has just started down the path of creating a planet that uses so many different types of energy, for life. Much of that has been directed at getting more with less. With transportation, that starts with better fuel economy for personal vehicles, not just by building better engines, but also lighter yet stronger vehicles, with more aerodynamic designs, In housing, better insulation, more efficient appliances, using led lighting, setting the thermostat higher in the summer and lower in the winter, using the sun to bring it heat and trees for shade. Many of these are considered passive, but many are considered active, meaning a hands-on approach is needed. But everything costs money, and many are on a monthly cycle, not because it needs to be that way, but because we are taught that way. What we call big-ticket items, homes or apartment rent, car's, higher education, insurance, phone, t.v., these we learn should be paid overtime. Most of the rest, we pay as we go, food, clothi...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Why did I start this blog?

About 26 years ago, I moved back to Nebraska because my wife and I did not what to raise our children in a big metropolis. I grew up on a small farm by Lincoln, and had quite a large family living with-in a short drive, of Lincoln. I build homes, so I was always working outside. I really noticed how much milder the winter's were from when I was young, especially how shallow the frost lines were. compared to there depth's only 20 year's earlier. I remember one winter when I was young I would have to walk 1/2 mile every morning in the dark, to break ice on our pond so that the cattle could drink water, at least once that day. Not now, most winter's the ice on the lakes is to thin to even ice skate on safely. It was about this time that I really started reading up on the planet's history, I am not talking about mankind's history, but as far back as we can go in time. Was there a time line that showed what the planet was like? No, there was a lot of information, but...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Is the Sahara desert the most important place to start?

Because of it's placement and size, it seems to make, much of the weather changes to both Europe, the Middle East, and the North American continent, at least on the east coast. Plus with the Nile river system, so close, it would be an ideal place to start. Another plus, (if you call, being a refugee a plus) there are many refugee within a 1000 miles of the Nile river, many of there homelands would be the first to see changes from the work that could be accomplished with replanting the desert there. Even their ties to their native homelands, in both Africa, and the Middle East will reap benefits! So does this mean that the Sahara desert would be the place to start? Because of all the above stated reasons it would be a very good place to start, but not necessarily the most important place. Replanting the arid and semi-arid area's of the planet, only will start the process of planet wide temperature regulation improvement, when a significant percentage of the planet has been repla...

Global Warming and Climate change} Why is it so hard, to get people to see?

I was talking to a friend that had read my first 12-page paper, Life cycle of a planet dan kadavy, his take on it, was much the same as many people here in Nebraska. It was just another opinion, that showed that the people that are trying to say that the planet is warming up, simply do not know what they are talking about, so why listen to anything that they have to say! He went on to say that if they can not even get the root of the problem right, how do they know, what the right solutions should be! There is some truth in this, but a much greater truth is that we do need to act, much more than we are now, and in the right direction! But my friend's reaction does show that he simply was using my paper, not as a new concept, that should be given serious thought. But only in how it could be used to discredit the "other side"! This he said, she said, two-party system, is the root of why we can not get anything started. Everyone is always on one side or the other side of eve...

Global Warming and Climate Change} More indepth about a planet being able to use cloud cover for temperature regulation!

The planet Venus, is in many ways a twin of our planet, first, in size slightly smaller than ours. Next, the make-up of the planet itself, considered to be one of the few terrestrial planets. And the make-up of its atmosphere now was very close to what ours was when it was young! 96% carbon dioxide, and many times denser, than we have now! And seemingly just as volcanic now as ours was back then. Perhaps this is where most of the similarity, ends. For Venus, differences are of greater importance, for how it turned out. The two main reasons for not having our type of life, first, her days are around 117 of our day's long, making photosynthesis, a very hard go, for using it as it's the mainstay of life. And because the planet has such a slow rotation, it has almost no magnetic field, which on our planet protects life, from the sun's radiation and solar flares. Both are very, detrimental to our type of life. But one more thing that Venus has, that turns out to be very importan...

Global Warming and Climate Change} More questions I don't have the answer for.

Some places in India has done a lot towards getting rid of the corruption, by having every dollar raised, and every dollar awarded for whatever needs money, checked by not just a accounting firm, but by people on the ground with the power to go in and get facts! So that any money not accounted for will result in the people involved being arrested. This work's because  the people doing the checking have no connections to the area. and are constantly being moved around, so that connections can not be established, that would foster, the corruption. There would be many people, that could fulfill that type of work, without taking able bodied manpower away from the there roles in moving water and replanting the lands. I know that many people would say that they would hate to have to account for every dime, get over it. Do your work, get your pay, enjoy life! How would it all work, when no one is payed for there work, because they would all be self-employed. The more water you move, the m...

Global Warming and Climate Change} More question's with a need for answers.

Climate Change United Planet, Let's ask a few questions, that I do not have the answers to, but perhaps someone our there does? First off, I have absolutely no resume, in any scientific way, would I then be unqualified, to be associated with "Climate Change United Planet" or could we have many people from different field's, and some, like me no degree! How would we put forth people and who should vote on the candidates, I would think that individuals from all walks of life, and all part's of the world, but we run up against people being interested for the wrong reason's. If there is no type of vetting, but only someone that can con enough vote's. Or if only a select few can put forth names, then it may be that only money will talk! We have seen such massive scandals, from many sporting organizations, Political parties, any thing that can be perverted for power or money has been! And the type of organization, that I am talking about would draw these people ...

Global Warming and Climate Change} People miss using the internet, has become what was never to be!

When yellow journalism became acceptable in the late 1800's in America and Britain, we told everyone that truth does not matter, now over 100 year's later, we are trying to put the horse back into a barn that has been burnt down. Only now the horse is a super sonic sound bite that can travel the planet in milliseconds. And it's not about Elvis being seen on the moon (that for some reason, some people will believe) but it's about changing who become presidents, or that cigarette's, are not bad for you, or as simply as who said what, when there is now, no way to know if it is true! People, governments, corporations, everyone is allowed to lie, misled, confuse, or even change the subject, whatever it takes! And for people with money and or power, truth is something that has no place in business, only the bottom line matters. Perhaps this is why so many of us choose, drink or drug's, It can be a coping mechanism, when you have so little power over your own life. Or ...

Global Warming and climate change} Let's talk about, "Climate Change United Planet"

If a planet wide "Organization" would be brought into being, I would think that "Climate Change United Planet" a good name (please do not use CCUP as it's title. Use the whole name, this will be the most important organization for the whole planet! Give it some respect, it will be saving every species on the planet that uses carbon as it's building blocks for life. Now we know that people that seek out power, Have a terrible track record for honest dealing, And yet these are the people who will become, important individuals in this world. So how do we pick who becomes the delegate's for Climate Change United Planet, if the very people looking for this position are the most suspect! There seems to be no way to guarantee that. So I would suggest that a single term of 2,3,4 years with voting privileges and another 2 years, in only an advisory position. There will be no party designation, or affiliation. Since government's around the planet would not hav...

Global Warming and Climate Change} The problem is how to get the country to invite these people in!

The first thing to do is figure out the very best plan, on how to start in a step by step design. How many front's would work best. We are not talking about only a few places, but the complete plan for, water diversion, replanting, glacier replenishment, and we give each article of the plan, a number based on how much it is considered important to the overall plan, we give as much detail as possible, so that every one on the planet knows these details. Then we ask each government to invite the necessary party's both in people and equipment into there country and we explain how the "town" will need to be set up, at no cost to the country in question. After each area becomes established, and become first, self -sufficient, and then start to produce enough to sell to the local government at set prices. All start up cost, should be paided by country's that will not need help from these "town's" So that the country's that have invited these in, can no...

Global Warming and Climate Change} When someone complains of a problem, how do they describe it?

Most people, start with their symptoms, and it does not matter if they are talking about, problems with a car, their body, or their relationship with someone. My wife is absolutely sure that she can tell when the car is starting to have a issue, and many times she is right but she can not tell what is wrong, simply that it is making a new sound,and try to describe it to me. Me if it is simply a rattle, I will trace down the vibration and put in something to stop the rattle, But does that fix the problem of simply cover it up? If it was simply a bolt or screw that came loose over time, sure but what if the reason the bolt or screw came loose, was because the muffler was about to go, and the extra vibration cause something else to fail first. So I only treated the symptom, and not the root cause. This is what is going on with Global Warming and Climate Change, right now. We are attempting to treat the symptoms only, and not worry about the root cause of the planet. But we do need to trea...

Global Warming and Climate Change} There is so much information, co2 addition's be @ 0 by 2050 or else!

I can not stress this enough, yes 400 ppm of carbon dioxide has created extreme weather condition's for the planet, only for ONE REASON! The planet has lost much of it's temperature regulation ability because of all of the increasing sizes of DESERT and SEMI-ARID area's over the last 2.5 million years! And yes there is no way (except for mankind to disappear from the planet) for use to stop the level from rising for the foreseeable future, EXCEPT BY the replanting of the desert's and using the river of the world before they enter the ocean's and sea's! Plus we have an available work force, that I would think would love this opportunity, to work together for such an important endeavor, and not be looked down upon, for taking someones else work! I was reading a paper today, that says that business owners will have to forget about profits if we are going to reduce our carbon footprint, and survive as a species! I am sorry but this statement is wrong on so many fron...

Global Warming and Climate Change} What do people see as the hardest aspect of mankind, being the only answer?

This is a fundamental question for mankind, why are we here? A very large percentage find their answer, not on this planet as the answer, but in an afterlife! The world is simply a test, that must be endured, in such a way to prove that you deserve a better existence afterward. My own beliefs are of no importance, in any way. And yet many people will feel that it will have a very large bearing on my reason for my seeing what is happening on this planet. I completely disagree, Only what carbon-based life on this planet has been doing to the availability of that very carbon, is what I am trying to get enough people interested in! From a very early age, we are taught some very simple truths. First is that what you do, has consequences, as a baby we come to understand that smiling, brings about good responses, from those that interact with us. And crying normally helps us, to get what we need. Many ends up using both for there whole life, as their main way of interacting with others. As we...

Global Warming and Climate Change} How many years are we talking for replanting of the desert's?

As Patrick Jane would say, there is no such thing's as psychics! The best example's of how fast we could move water from the great river's of the planet a thousand miles would be the movement of water's out of the Colorado River, all the way to Los Angeles, California that had to cross several mountain ranges. Then over to Los Vegas, Nevada on to Arizona and Phoenix. So much water is removed form the Colorado river that it no longer even reaches the Rio Grange river between the US and Mexico, but simple vanishes into the desert landscape of Arizona. Many of these projects were done, over 6 year's. Hoover dam was built in 5 years using 200 engineer's and 7000 laborer's back in 1930's Let's talk about the Three Gorges Dam in China, took only 11 year's to build! We are talking about the largest dam in the world, and supplies 10 percent of all the electric needs of China. The work force that could be brought to bear on the moving of water and the rep...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Could the planet, support full plant life at 400ppm co2?

 Total surface area of land on the planet in square miles, 57,510,000 square miles, total area of 10 largest desert, 16,778,000 square miles, minus the two largest desert because they are not able to support plant life because they are the Antarctic desert at 5,500,000 square miles and the Arctic desert at 5,400,000 square miles. This leaves 5,900,000 square miles of deserts that could be replanted, not counting all of the semi-arid area's of the planet, that could have quite a bit of more plant life than they do at present. There is around 6,400,000 square miles of cropland, 12,900,000 square miles of pastureland. This leaves, 21,432,000 square of everything else, forests, mountains, town's and cities, and places to dry to use as pastures or to hard to get to. ( And everything in between, such as lakes, ponds, roads, etc. )  So lets concentrate on the 8 remaining, great deserts of the world. 5,900,000 square miles of almost no use of carbon. Compare this to the 40,732,000 squ...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Attention the Planet is Dying! And only mankind can save it!

Are we putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? Yes we are' and do we need to mitigate this? Again yes we do. But this is like, a doctor patient relationship, yes we can save the patient, but we need to give the patient a better quality of life, while we are treating the root problem! If the patient was suffering from appendicitis, first you would need to diagnose the aliment, then you would want to set up a time for the surgery. but in the mean time, get the patient comfortable, If necessary, give some pain medication, make sure that if they have a fever, a fever reducer would help. Antibiotics would help with the inflammation, and post-operative recuperation. Many other thing's might also become important, the patients age, have they had other surgery's, Did they do well after them, or was the healing process slow and made them a different person (OK I put that one in, to relate it to pass extinction events on the planet!) So here we are around 4.5 billion yea...

Global Warming and Climate Change} In what way's will the "town's" for glacier repenishment be different

As in most colder climate around the planet, The growing seasons will be shorter, but the availability of electricity, will be good because of flowing water, also there should not be any need for water clean-up. However, each site will bring it's own challenges, will there be any space for crops, or would there be a need for hot houses to supply fruit's and vegetables. Or will there be a connection between some desert "town" and them for the food that would be needed in amounts that they could not easily supply. Plus the glacier replenishment "town" could also be responsible for flood control down stream, meaning that their need for movement and large equipment may be greater than the replanting "town's". Engineering skills would be more important, for both the creation of dam's and turbines for producing power and pump's that could work year around in extreme conditions. Much of the rest of the communities would  have the same needs, p...

Global Warming and Climate Change} How many things have to happen in "town" construction

When setting up construction of "towns" for the replanting part of the solution, for the repair of global warming, there will be at least 2 different types. The first type, would be mobile, because it would be the one that will be bringing the water from the rivers, inland to where it would start being cleaned up, then on to the first areas of use. This  "town" would be the first permanent "town" and will need to be one of the largest. The infrastructure here would be much more than any other "town", the cleaning of the water ( removal of trash, heavy metal's, any fish or like life, testing for poison's or pathogens, etc. ) Schools both for the children, of the "town" but also for the adults for all of the necessary skills needed to learn how to work, converting deserts to fully operating farming communities. Moving the water from rivers to "town" than on, just like spokes on a bike to the following "town's...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Lots of the same people are reading my post's and blog!

However, they are not corresponding with me or leaving comments. Without a dialogue, that includes millions of people, I do not know how to move my idea's forward. Only with mass involvement, can we change the way that governments will start to engage with any issue! Look at the Arab Spring, how many regimes were made to change! What did come from this, while not always what the participants envisioned, there was a change? What I am talking about, is not any form of government overthrow, or power grab! but simply that enough people around the planet get together and if the governments of the planet can not get together on the need for replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, using the rivers of the planet! Instead of letting our polluted water do harm, to so much of the oceans. Then simply get out of the way, and not feel that we are doing any, government, harm by giving 50 million refugee's a place to live that no one else wants to live, work that very few would ...

Global Warming and Climate Change} My plan will start the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

My plan will start the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! Stop almost all of the pollution of the seas and ocean's by simply stopping the rivers that carry these pollution's into the them, bringing much needed water with billion's of tons of nutrient's suspended within it, to arid and semi-arid area's of the planet! Provide work, housing, ownership, pride and self worth, for perhaps 50 million plus refugee's, around the planet! Using this source of work force , will also prevent higher unemployment in nation that do take this population in. It will increase by a very substantial amount, the food production ability of the planet, while producing a more healthy way of life for much of the planet, with more grains, vegetables, and fish as a more common protein source. By shifting much of the fish production onto these newly created fish farms, Ocean over fishing should be reduced and allowed to come back to higher levels, that will bring the balance of ...

Global Warming and Climate Change} So if most of mankind is concerned!

With how dealing with climate change, will affect their way of life. Then they chose to do little or nothing, hoping that whatever is going to happen will not make much of an impact on them. Since I see the cause of the problem that the planet, and all of life on this planet will be seeing in the near future, as different then most of the rest of society. My solution will absolute repair, either scenario, But by using my repair we will be much farther along the road to recovery, for the planet. Then just maintaining the climate as prior to the 1900's. Plus there will be much less need, for everyone to make sacrifices , (for the good of mankind,) which by man's very nature will simply result in more political infighting. What I worry about is that someone will take my paper and use it to weaken the world resolve, to start the process of climate repair, saying that if someone who is not even a scientist, can puts forth just as plausible of cause, and can prove that the world need...

Global Warming And Climate Change} What other need does the planet have that mankind can help with?

In many way's mankind has been very hard on the planet! Much of this comes from our history, of the need to overcome any and all obstacles, to survive and improve our position in this life! You show me a rancher who has no problem, with having wolf's, coyotes, bears, feeding on their livestock. Or a farmer, who welcomes deer, rabbit's, or other farmer's livestock eating their crop's. These thing's are simply not acceptable to people, who need to keep the fruit's of there labor, to survive and prosper, in a world where everyone wants everything as cheap as they can, so they can have more for less! Then comes the after use of a product, be it waste food, the packing that "things" come in, or the need to always having the newest gadgets! But we always have an excuse on why we need to upgrade everything in our life. The car we drive is 2 years old and will start costing more to repair, and the hassle of working around a old car, when it's going to ...

Global Warming and Climate Change} What does this all mean?

If we can get enough people involved with this greening of the planet's, arid and semi-arid areas? We could start a whole new economy, based on the produce that these, around the world sites, would be producing. First of these would be to be, as self-sufficient as possible. Second would be to teach and prepare the next "town" down the line, following the path of the water that is being brought into these areas. And also of great importance would be dried and canned foods, and water purification systems, kept in waiting, for the next flood of refugees. For there seems to be no end to government's that are willing to throw away vast populations of their own people for, some misguided idea!  Each "town" as I like to refer to these "saving the planet sites" be it in a desert location or high up in the mountain's, for glaciers replenishment! Should either become a place for people to come to, so to see first hand the work involved that absolutely ne...

Global Warming and Climate Change} What different does it make?

What different, does it make on how we remove the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? Quite of bit really, if we take the carbon out of the life system of the planet forever, then we are simply adding to the amount of carbon sequestration that got the planet in trouble in the first place. The lost of carbon by being locked away, either in rocks, like limestone, or buried so deep in river deltas that it simply can not be recovered, unless the slow movement of the great plates of the planet bring it into contact, with the molten lava between some of the plates and shoots it back into the atmosphere as a gas containing carbon dioxide! The most important aspect, of replanting arid and semi-arid area's is, that it allows the planet to increase the temperature regulation abilities that has slowly been lost, due to having too many and too much, of these heat producing areas on the planet! Back when dinosaurs ruled the planet for around a 180 million years, there was many many times m...

Global Warming and Climate Change} I may have been a little flippant.

When I said, to treat glacier replenishment as if they were ski resorts. What i should have said, is we need to keep the amount of ice that is being staged on the planet, at the same levels, that the planet has seen for the last 10,000 years! And the best way to do that is by installing dam's around the planet so that water that comes off of these glaciers can be returned as snow, just like we do at ski resorts when nature has been a little light with the snowfall. But the amount's that I am talking about, all over the planet, At Greenland and Antarctica also, would need to surpass or at lest equal, the melting amount that has been happening! ( That my friend is a lot of snow!) In many places, it would not have to be in the form of snow, very cold water would work where the temperatures are cold enough or there is no grade to take into account.                                        ...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Why does the next few years matter so much?

Right now, the main stream media, is in three minds here in America. First one, like Fox news, have little to say about Global warming and Climate change. I think that they do not believe very much in these idea's, or perhaps that it is something that is not of great concern to main street America's therefore not a subject to get much into. The next set, is all doom and gloom, in that the problem has been going on so long now with minimum response, from the world, other then shouting, that nothing will happen until it is too late! The middle of the road media, does report quite a bit about these subject's but is at a loss on which direction to go. Do we give up meat to reduce methane output by livestock, do we all drive electric cars to reduce our carbon footprint? How best do we solve these problems, many scientist state that even if mankind would stop using fossil fuels today, tomorrow still looks bleak!                      ...

Global Warming and Climate Change} 45,890 Gt/c is all of the available carbon left for all life on the planet!

 That sound's like a lot, doesn't it. I mean 1 Gt/c is one billion ton's which translate into 45 trillion 890 billion ton's. I wonder how many football stadiums that would fill up? Plus volcano's put back around  3 Gt/c each year on average. So why am I such a "worry wart" we are even adding more every year by burning fossil fuel's and using limestone to create cement, for all of the massive project's that we are building, skyscrapers, roads, dams, drainage way's the list of concrete uses, go on and on! So what is my problem? Scientist's best guess, is the following, The planet sequesters around 10 Gt/c each year, there is only 4000 Gt/c of fossil fuel's left, meaning that if we could reduce our use of fossil fuel's all the way down to only 7Gt/c per year. That source will only last for 571 year's, after that we would have to begin supplementing the carbon lost of 7 Gt/c per year by some other means's just to maintain the pl...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Let's run some numbers by you.

Around 2.5 million years ago, the planet was just starting to run low on the life blood of the plant life, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! The levels were probably around 190 parts per million, or put it another way, .019% ! The good thing was that there was almost no ice on the planet, and very few arid or semi-arid area's on the planet. So around this time, the temperature was slowly lowing, both due to what later would became know as the "Milankovitch oscillations" and the very low amount of the greenhouse co2. And the planet enter into the first ice age for Almost 12 million years, and before that around 245 million years! The good part of all this was that at that time there was very very large reserves of carbon in the great oceans of the planet. However the only way that this carbon would become available to enter the atmosphere, was as a gas, when the ice on the planet had lowered the oceans by hundreds of feet around the whole planet. (There were other gases at...

Global Warming and Climate Change} True or false? Absolutely true! And somewhat misleading!

If you did not read my latest post, completely, but only the first line about, do we have enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? Then you might have thought, that I was a non believer in global warming! This idea that we can understand A person belief, in the first sentence, because there can only be two sides to issues. Or that both sides can be right and wrong at the same time! This is what is really happening in the case of Global Warming, and Climate Change!      Yes mankind, is changing the weather pattern's on the planet, by increasing the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere! But also no, in that plant life on the planet, has been declining for the last 2.5 million years, because of too little carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! Meaning that the planet's arid and semi-arid area's along with the build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (one man made, one planet made) has lead us to where we are now! For some people, the idea that only having 400 ppm of c...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Do we even have enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

This is a loaded question, it can only be answered by stating than if the planet had as much cloud cover as it did 2.5 million years ago, we would not find ourselves with any cause for concern about global warming! Saying that, there would also be very little arid or semi-arid places on the planet, so with a amount of carbon dioxide  going from 200 parts per million (ppm) to 400 ppm would not incur any warming at all! Why you ask, because as extra carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere its warming effect is mitigated by increased plant growth, followed by an increase of water vapor, followed by more cloud cover, reducing the sunlight hitting the planet!  This only works when the cloud cover and the increased carbon dioxide are in balance. If as now, there simply is not enough cloud cover, because there is not enough plant life! And their is not enough plant life because around 2.5 million years ago carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was too low for anywhere that was challenged by ...

Global Warming and Climate Changs} Summary of why?

It seems that, I think that I am explaining something, but people are not understanding everything that I am saying. They have ask me to break down the ideal of why we need to replant the deserts and semi-arid areas to stop global warming, not just take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.                                Let's start with the fact that, 1} we do not have a machine that we can simply turn on, and have it suck the carbon dioxide into a giant pile of carbon. And then bury it like the largest landfill in history! 2} Mankind's need for fossil fuel's to be used for everything from heating our homes, to cooking our food's to running our t.v. and lighting the whole planet (it seems) not even to mention our cars, tractors, and trains. These needs are not going away any time soon. The most important thing is 3} Removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, needs to be done so that the planet will regain...

Global Warming and Climate Change} And the mountain ranges of antarctica!

Glacier replenishment in the Antarctica, would be helped by the fact that there are many mountain ranges that would act as dam's to keep, whatever fresh water as snow and ice that we add to it. Yes the heights that we would have to overcome to get this water on the interior side of the mountain ranges. Would be worth a lot, for the length of time that the ice would remain could very well be counted in century's not decades! And their would be almost no limit on how much ice that tremendous continent could hold! The more I think about it, the more I like the idea about using old tanker, for converting wave action to pumping fresh water on a massive scale. Of course how feasible this would end up being, only time will tell, but I believe that if we could get this to work for pumping water! Think about how well it might work for creating electricity! Which would not need to be fresh water to turn a turbine. Wave action in the Antarctica, seems to be formidable, and consistence, bo...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Keeping with glacier replenishment.

Glacier replenishment, while it will not cover as much area, as the replanting of the desert's and semi-arid places. Once the snow producing piping is in place and activated, it seems that many thing can go wrong. Mainly because of the condition's that are inherent, in such climates. If I am understanding the problems associated with producing large amounts of snow, piping must be constantly moved, and adjusted for both temperature and on a glacier the movement of the ice itself. Perhaps if a tunnel could be constructed deep under ground (not under ice) and reach up through the very top of mountains then the movement of the glacier would not affect the piping at all. Of course while this would be harder in the beginning, the overall effort would pay dividends over time and should last for many years if installed correctly. The sizes of the pumps even for a small pipe would be many and powerful. perhaps wind and solar with time could answer this problem. Where ever ice would nee...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Glacier replenishment

I have spent quite a bit of paper on desert and semi-arid area's, because that is the best place to put the long term effort into. But I must strongly remind everyone, making sure that we keep staging the same amount or even greater amount of ice on the planet! Until we have enough ground cover and therefore cloud cover, to improve  the temperature regulation ability's, that those two item have been lacking in, for the last 2 to 3 million years. We need the cooling and sunlight reflecting powers of ice and snow to keep the planet from warming up too quickly. Plus many area's of the planet use, the water's staged as ice, for it's needs all year long. This work of ice and snow replenishment, in many places, once the necessary dam's are in place, would not be a year around job, as the desert and semi-arid area's would be. Unless this beginning of river's would also turn into collection points for preventing flooding downstream and therefore, another place t...

Global Warming and Climate Change}I have talked about how to set up the camps.

But perhaps the most important aspect of these camps, will be the need that every single person, or family, will own where they live and and share in all production of these "town's" based on how much time and effect, that everyone puts into it! Just as in the homestead act in America, you can claim the property free and clear after so many year's of working it, and the improvements that the whole town had made to the movement of water and the production of food and produce made possible by that water! The government's of the Country's that would be helped by these refugee's should have minimum say in how these town's are governed! If the Country, does not agree to these term's, there are many places on the planet that would love having the resources of their land's improved, with a minimum of cost's to that Country. If they cannot see the win win win all around, they simply will be saying that they do not need any help. But it would be nic...

Global Warming and Climate Change} How to set up the camps?

When I first started talking about using refugees that would be interested in being relocated to the desert and semi-arid areas of the planet to start from scratch whole new community the sole purpose would be to reroute the rivers of the planet into these areas so that replanting and development could begin in very large numbers. I was thinking that perhaps 5 million people would be available, and if the incentives could be right, then a large percentage of them would find this attractive. But when I started looking up the numbers of how many people are considered to be refugees, these numbers are staggering, more than 50 million people! Some counts can go as high as 71 million, around the planet. All of these people need to be housed, fed, and have access to water, doctors, and teachers, without themselves bringing much to the table. If there was some way of bypassing the politicians and bringing groups in that have been taught what needs to be done. First start to divert small amoun...

Global Warming and Climate Change} Question #6

We have covered reasons for desert formation, Low carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does play a significant role since the end of the last ice age! Question #6 then would follow, how can we reduce the sizes of all desert and semi-arid areas around the planet. To reduce the number of deserts and semi-arid areas, we need the three requirements of life to be available. 1 sunlight, no problem there, 2 Carbon dioxide in enough quantity so as to not take it away from the rest of the planet, plant life. 200 years ago there simply was not enough co2 in the atmosphere to attain the plant ground cover, necessary to start the cloud cover for planet temperature regulation. But with the extra carbon dioxide that mankind has been adding to the atmosphere, we now can start the Herculean task of, desert and semi-arid reduction. That brings us to the third requirement of life, water! Only by stopping most if not all of the freshwater that enters the oceans and seas of the planet, can we hope to reme...

Global warming and Climate Change} Formations of deserts?

Global Warming and Climate Change}Question #5. Are the formation of desert only caused by low carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? There are three main needs for a full range of plant life in any particular place. They are all important, just needed in different strength's and amounts, carbon dioxide, water, and the sun. Having too much of each, can be just as bad as too little. This is also true for Ocean plant life. However desert's on land can also be created by having too much of other thing's as well. For instants, salt in the soil can stop most terrestrial plant life, until enough rains have washed the salt either out of the soil or taken it deep enough down so that the plants root system can still nourish the plant without entering the salt zone, With the movement of the great plates of the planet, many times over the history of the planet. Part's of salty's sea's would become isolated from greater part's of the same seas, and slowly over time or quickly...